Freak || Percy Jackson x OC (Show Version) [ON HOLD] - XIX - Page 6 (2024)


"Whatever. Let's go get that damn train."


Annabeth and Sen walked out of the ticket room.

"Well?" Percy said. He and Grover shot out of their seats.

Sen scratched her cheek. "We don't have enough money."


"We're about fifty short," Annabeth said.

Percy blinked. "We'd have that fifty bucks if you hadn't spent it on-"

"Hey," Grover said.

"Grover, let me f*cking argue with her-"

"No!" Percy turned and saw Grover at the flyer bulletin board on the side of the small ticket shack. "Look!" He pointed and the three demigods approached him, looking at the sign he was pointing at.




Naturally, the picture was of a little pink poodle.

"Okay," Percy said. "Poor dog, but-"

Sen gasped and pointed. "Look!"

REWARD: $200

"Two hundred?!" Percy shrieked, his voice doing the horrible squeaky thing.

"That's enough to get us on the train, andstill have some to feed ourselves," Annabeth nodded. "Grover, can you track the dog?"

"I can try," Grover said, grabbing the flyer and sniffing it.

Percy blinked. "Dude?"

"He's sniffing for any lingering scent of the dog," Annabeth said. "Like, on the owner's hands or something."

"Cool!" Sen gleamed. Grover suddenly took off, making everyone else follow him.

Surprisingly, it didn't take very long to find Gladiola. He didn't seem to be in a pickle or anything. The dog was laying under a massive oak tree, snoring louder than Gabe Ugliano. Grover approached it and said something gently, and the dog got up.

Sen squealed and approached it. The damn dog was as pink as her dress. "Hello, Gladiola!" She turned to everyone, smiling so wide, Percy thought her jaw would break. "Say hi to Gladiola."

Annabeth waved. "Hi, Gladiola."

Grover pet the dog. "Hey, Gladiola. We need your he-"

"Percy." Sen stared right at him.

He frowned and crossed his arms. "I'm not saying hello to a pink poodle."

"Percy," Annabeth said, "I said hello to the poodle. Sen said hello to the poodle. You are the only one that acted like a dipsh*t about saying hello to the poodle."

"It's weird!"

Sen glared at him.

Percy said hello to the poodle.

Grover started murmuring to the dog, which barked back, and Grover grinned. "Gladiola heard about the reward."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "How does Gladiola know about the reward?"

"He read the sign."

"Of course. Silly me."

Grover explained that the poodle had run away from a rich local family, who'd posted a $200 reward for his return (which everyone saw on the sign). Gladiola didn't really want to go back to his family, but he was willing to if it meant helping Grover and Sen.

"Grover and Sen?" Annabeth asked.

"He doesn't have anything against you," Grover said. Sen stood up, holding the poodle and peppering kisses all over him. "He just likes me and Sen the most. And he doesn't like Percy."


Sen blinked. "Maybe you should've said hello to the poodle faster."

"We need to hurry," Annabeth said, cutting Percy off before he could say something foul to Gladiola. "The westbound train leaves in forty-five minutes, and we need to get that money."

"Great," Percy said. "We return the pink poodle, then spend two days cramped in a four-by-four with only each other. Super."

"Hey, it's not different than when we went camping," Sen told him.

"Do you not remember when we went camping and that crazy guy said he was gonna kill us and stuff?"

"This is literally the same," Sen said. "Crazy monsters say they're gonna kill us."

"Except this time, we don't have s'mores."

Sen squinted. "You are sucha Debbie-Downer."

"It's a gift."


i was rly sad the show didnt include gladiola, so i took it upon myself to include gladiola.

now, on to something more serious, for those of you that didnt read my post; i have to put this book on hold

for anyone that doesnt know, my dad recently had a stroke, and is currently disabled, which means he cant work. we have to budget, and disney+ isnt in that budget, so i cant watch the show and continue writing this. i'll try to get back to it when we get disney+ again, but i have no idea when that will happen, or IF that will happen. ik it sucks and i wish it didnt happen but this is all my dad's fault really. like you couldnt have stroked out AFTER i wrote this???

but i digress.

so yeah. this is the last chapter for quite some time. i hope you enjoyed it and the references i made to the original book. since this one is on hold for a while, you can read some of my other books, and more specifically, the original version of this book. my other books wont be affected by this crisis, luckily, just by my stress/depression levels and how that affects my motivation.

thank you all for being supportive, hilarious, amazing readers. love yall :) <3

Freak || Percy Jackson x OC (Show Version) [ON HOLD] - XIX - Page 6 (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.