New Romantics - Chapter 1 - eaudecosmos - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)

Chapter Text

Jupiter Academy was buzzing with excitement that can be felt throughout the hallways. The final bell on Friday had just rung and it was officially time for Spring Break.

No school, no meetings, no practice, no homework.

Nothing but friends, fun and maybe some partying.

Jason waited patiently in the hallway for his boyfriend to get out of class. He was greeted by classmates and acquaintances, mostly wishing him a great spring break. He couldn’t wait.

He had finally been able to convince his parents to let him go camping for the week at the family’s cabin with just him and his friends. It took a lot of pleading, bribing and a PowerPoint presentation and a pamphlet, but he had gotten his parent’s blessing. The fact that they were going to Las Vegas for that same week also worked in his favor.

Jason brightened up when he saw a mop of dark hair that he loved. “Hi, my love.” He kissed the top of Nico’s head. He took his hand in his and started walking down the hall. “How was your day?”

“It was fine.” Nico responded, sighing slightly. “It went by way too slow.” He turns to give Jason a quick peck on the cheek. “Is it bad I already have my bags packed for next week?”

“Not at all!” Jason laughed. “You? Prepared? That’s sexy.”

“You’re stupid.” Nico teased with no malice. They made it to the quad, which sat in the center of the school. Green grass and a white marble fountain were in the middle, with several trees circling the outdoors. There were several tables and benches filled with students happily chatting away in groups. The quad was a popular area for students to hang out after school or in between classes.

Jason and Nico found their group of friends sitting at their usual spot near the center.

“Where all the popular kids sit!” Nico remembered Jason saying on his first day while giving him a tour. Even though it was a joke, it was actually true. All the higher ranked students sat there, like Jason and Reyna as well as Nico himself.

“Nico!” Calypso called out, waving her hand. “What are you doing tonight?”

She sat next to Piper and Hazel who were talking away and looking at each other's phone.

Calypso was a new edition to the group. Nico had met her through the Art and Poetry club after she moved from Kane High School sometime after his birthday party. She was in the same grade as Nico and was in a lot of the same classes. She had skyrocketed to the top 5 of the Junior class shortly after transferring. She had also gotten really close to him and Nico figured she was harmless enough. Calypso was a really nice girl and fit right into their little group. Everyone liked her, some more than others.

“I’m not doing anything, Calypso!” Leo spoke up, completely cutting off Frank who was in the middle of talking to him. Exhibit A.

“Me and Jason have a date tonight.” Nico half smiled, purposely ignoring Leo’s outburst. “Why?”

“Well, we’re doing some last minute shopping for spring break and I wanted to see if you wanted to come!” Calypso smiled, but waved her hand. “But it’s okay!” She turned to Leo. “Do you want to come, Leo?”

Before he had a chance to answer, Frank beat him to it. “He promised to help me fix my grandpa’s car.”

Calypso’s eyes softened and didn’t notice the glare that Leo threw Frank. “Oh, that is the nicest thing, Leo! You’re so sweet!”

Nico rolled his eyes at Leo’s heart eyes and Calypso’s obliviousness. “What else do you need?”

“Hmm.” Hazel pondered. “A new swimsuit, maybe some shorts and sandals-“

“So basically everything you need for the cabin.” Jason laughed. “You know we have a washer and dryer, right?”

“I’m not doing chores on my vacation.” Hazel scoffed, earning a glare from her brother.

“Be nice, Hazel.” Nico wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist. “You should be grateful you’re even allowed to come. This was supposed to be an upperclassmen trip.”

Hazel’s face quickly changed. “Wait, no, Jason, like obviously I’m really appreciative-“

“It’s fine, Hazel.” Jason interrupted her, giving a reassuring smile. “The more the merrier, and I know how important you are to Nico, so I don’t mind having everyone over.”

“It’s going be the best spring break ever!”


“Wait, what?”

Percy and Annabeth blinked at Grover, who had a huge grin on his face.

Half-Blood High was officially out for their spring break. The three seniors were all hanging out at Percy’s house afterschool. Juniper and Will were with their families and Rachel had been out all week for a “pre-spring break” vacation in Japan with her parents.

“Do you remember my Uncle Ferdinand?” Grover asked.

Percy and Annabeth nodded unsurely. “Yeah, the one who travels a lot, right?”

“Yes! That Uncle Ferdinand.” Grover snapped his fingers. “Well, he had rented a cabin in the woods-“


“Shut up, not like that. It’s one of the nice cabins by the river. The ones that the rich people use!”

“You mean…” Percy pursed his lips. “sh*t I can’t remember the name. But yeah I think I know which ones you're talking about.”

“Labyrinth Hills!” Annabeth got it.

“Yeah those!”

“Dude, those are f*cking nice!”

“So what about your uncle?”

“Oh right, so he was supposed to stay there, because he wanted, like, a spiritual retreat or something, but got a last minute business call to England and has to leave tomorrow. It’s too late to cancel the reservation, so he told me I can use the cabin with my friends! He says it’s an early graduation present!”

“NO f*ckING WAY!” Percy screamed.



“No f*cking way,” Percy said quieter but the excitement didn’t sway. “A whole week at the cabin by the river?”

“Yeah! And the lake is a few minutes away if we want to go swimming. It even has an indoor pool! Uncle Ferdinand sent me the link and it’s really nice!”

“And he said it was okay?” Annabeth couldn’t believe it. “Just like that.”

Grover nodded. “Yeah, my uncle is really cool like that. He sees me as his son, because he never got married or had kids. He’s also kind of ‘extentric’ as my dad likes to say.”

“He’s the best is what I say!” Percy grabbed his phone. “We have to tell Ni-“ He cut himself off.

“sh*t,” Percy sighed. “Neeks is gonna be with Golden Boy Grace.”

That’s right. Nico wouldn’t be with them for spring break this year. He had planned ahead of time that he and Jason were going to one of Jason’s family’s vacation homes for the week.

“Did he even say where?” Annabeth was texting on her phone, more than likely texting her dad for permission which he’ll approve because, hello, it’s Annabeth Chase.

“I think the beach house or something.” Percy answered, vaguely trying to remember the details that Nico told him. But it had been very distracting because Nico had come over 2 weeks ago for Estelle’s 2nd birthday party. Which had been a pool party. Where Nico was shirtless and swimming in said pool. Laughing, playing and happily cooing at a young toddler.

No, no, no, Percy, that ship has sailed. He told himself. He was trying his best to get over his best friend. Even after Nico’s birthday party, his crush had gone down significantly. But that didn’t mean that Percy didn’t still find him attractive.

Him and Jason weren’t on the best terms either. Only casual greetings, but didn’t go any further. Percy understood why and didn’t blame him. But he was Nico’s best friend and he wanted whatever made Nico happy. Even if it was some 6 foot something blonde bimbo with a stick up his-

“Earth to Jackson?” Grover waved his hand in front of Percy’s face. “Come in, Jackson!”

“You got him thinking about Nico.” Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Percy, when are you going to move on? It’s been over a month since his birthday and like 5 since the lake house. You’re just hurting yourself at this point.”

“You don’t think I know that?” Percy snapped but immediately regretted his tone. “Sorry, I know. I’m trying really hard. I really am. Maybe this is what I need.” He looked gratefully at his friends. “I’ve been trying to get over Nico, but it’s been hard because he’s my best friend and we talk everyday. Maybe spring break is what I need. Just a week with no Nico. He’ll be off with Jason and his Jupiter friends and it’ll be just us at the cabin and we won’t talk as much. Maybe I need to put this distance between us.” Plus I don’t have to deal with that f*ckwad, Leo.

He grabbed their hands and squeezed them. “I know I haven’t said this often, but I really am glad to have you guys as friends. I know I’ve been an idiot when it comes to Nico, but I really do appreciate you two.”

Grover smiles at him. “You sap!”

Annabeth wraps her arm around Percy’s shoulder. “I know I’ve also been really hard on you about it and I’m sorry.”

“It’s gonna be great! This is gonna be a spring break to remember!”


“Are we there yet?”

Nico turned around from the passenger seat to Leo in the back seat. “Valdez, I swear to God if you ask that one more time, I am going to-“

“I was talking to Jason, you-“

“15 more minutes, Leo.” Jason put a hand on Nico’s thigh. “We’ll be there soon.”

Leo sticks his tongue out at Nico and thanks Jason before putting his headphones back on. Calypso was sitting on the other side behind Jason, sleeping soundly with her own headphones on.

Jason’s cabin was about an hour drive from town, not including a pit stop because Leo just “had” to pee. The four of them were currently in Jason’s Jeep while the other 4 -Frank, Hazel, Piper and Reyna- were in Frank’s Bronco.

Calypso had wanted to ride with Nico, so naturally Leo volunteered to ride with them. They had woken at the “ass crack of dawn” in order to beat the spring break traffic.

The river and lake were popular for high schoolers and New Rome University students alike to unwind and party, so Jason being Jason planned ahead. But even heading there, they had seen other cars packed with teens and young adults, but not as much as Nico had seen in years past. The lake that Mr. Jackson had his lake house was smaller one, mostly domesticated by lake houses and a park.

But this lake was much larger, more beachy area and definitely leaned more into the younger demographic. The river also attracted paddle boarding and tubing, which Nico was secretly looking forward to the most. Just laying on a tube, drinking, going down a river and doing nothing? That sounded like paradise.

“So,” Jason glanced over at his boyfriend. “Did you want to unpack, get settled in and then head out to the river to go tubing?”

“This is why I love you,” Nico kissed the tip of fingers before putting them on Jason’s forehead. “You and your beautiful brain always knows what I’m thinking.”

Jason laughed, the apples of cheeks turning pink. Even after dating for almost 7 months, the small things that Nico did to show his affection made Jason into a blubbering mess like when they first started going out. “I just know you that well, my heart.” He kisses the back of Nico’s hand.

Nico hummed in contentment as he looked out the window, the pine trees passing by stretching for miles. He thought about texting his Half-Blood friends about the view, but figured it was best not to. He had last texted them on Friday, sending them some stupid TikTok about Avatar the Last Airbender, which they all responded to, but that's as far as the conversation had gone. Rachel was in Japan with her family, Will was traveling to New York with his mom and the others had mentioned that they weren’t sure what they were doing yet for spring break. Nico figured they were going to do what they usually did, which was hang out at the park or each other's house. Maybe go to the Jackson lake house or to the waterpark at the next town over.

Nico’s thoughts shifted to Percy, which made him sigh softly. Percy had also been dry about texting him back, only answering with a thumbs up on anything he sends him. It wasn’t like him, but Nico thought he was busy with school. Afterall, finals were coming up, as well as graduation. It made his stomach turn. Percy would be graduating this year. And so would Jason.

Of course, they had talked about their plans after Jason’s graduation. He was going to New Rome University, like everyone else was, and living at the dorms, which according to Jason was required for freshmen, despite him living in town. Makes the school more money, Nico guessed. Jason would go into International Business and has already been recruited to play for the NRU football team, which Nico was really proud of. He wasn’t starting, but it was still a big accomplishment, nonetheless.

Nico would still be at Jupiter, until he himself graduated, then go to New Rome with Jason and his friends. Maybe somewhere down the line, eventually move in together, then…

Nico shook those thoughts away, feeling a little flustered. It was way too soon to think about stuff like that. He was only 17. He turned to look at Jason who was mouthing along to “New Romantics” by Taylor Swift (because of course Jason’s roadtrip playlist consists of Taylor Swift) tapping to beat on the steering wheel, grinning widely.

Jason noticed Nico’s eyes on him and blew him a kiss and a wink.

“You’re so corny.” Nico rolled his eyes but blew one back, much like they used to before a football game.

“Are we there yet?”



Leo and Nico, along with Calypso who was blinking awake from the yelling, looked out the windows, seeing the wooden houses and cabins. They passed a large sign saying:

“Welcome to Labyrinth Hills Lodging!”

“Woah!” Calypso says excitedly. “This is so cool!”

“It’s going to be this last house on the cul-de-sac.” Jason said, pointing it out.

The cabins were bigger than what Nico had originally thought. The Grace one was where Jason had said, only one other cabin on the other side. There was plenty of space in between them.

Jason parked in the driveway, Frank parking his car right next to his.

The teens got out of the car, stretching from the road trip.

“I gotta hand it to you, Jason,” Reyna put her green headphones around her neck. “Your parents sure know how to camp in style.”

Jason just laughed, helping Calypso and Nico grab their suitcases from the trunk.

“I got it, tesoro.” Nico said as he tried to grab his black suitcase and backpack from his boyfriend. Jason shook his head.

“No, I got it, babe.”

“Well then.” Nico grabbed Jason’s silver suitcase and purple Nike “Jupiter Academy” football backpack that read “Grace, 54”. “Looks like I’m taking in your stuff.”

“My love, really, you-”

“OH MY GOD JUST TAKE YOUR sh*t INSIDE.” Leo threw his hands up, also dropping his purple Nike “Jupiter Academy” soccer duffle bag. “You guys have no idea what it’s like being in a car with them for an hour!”

Leo clasped his hands together and pouted his lips. “ ‘Oh, amore, I love you so much!’ ‘No, my love, I love you so much more!’ ‘That’s impossible, tesoro, I love you so so so so much more!’” Leo fake gagged. “I was getting car sick.”

Nico shot him an ugly glare. “You had your headphones on, dipsh*t.”

“Well, I couldn’t hear anything over the sound of your kissy kissy, blah blah blah, pendejo.” Leo spat out.

Jason raised his hands. “Hey, hey, hey.” He stood between them, who were making faces at each other.

“Come on, guys, don’t start the break with bad vibes.” Calypso spoke up, looping Nico’s arm with hers. “Let’s get settled and cool off! We’re probably cranky cause it's early.”

Oh sweet, Calypso. If only it were that simple.

Nico and Leo, to put it simply, do not like each other.

Since that fateful “Betty” incident, Leo and Nico were on okay terms. Jason has been Leo’s best friend since 1st grade, when a 6-year-old Jason told the class that Leo, in fact, did not have an accident, but that Jason spilled apple juice on him. Since then, the two had been inseparable. They played football together and when Jason was named captain, he did not hesitate to make his best friend his co-captain. Leo was the tight end to his quarterback.

When Jason had come to Leo during the summer with a sexuality crisis, because he had seen the most beautiful person he’d ever seen in his life working at a juice bar and he had made a complete fool of himself, Leo laughed in his face, because of course he did, but was supportive nonetheless. Jason was a sweet guy who always wore his heart on his sleeve and saw the best in others. He had a heart of gold, so Leo was very surprised when he met Nico.

I mean, don’t get Leo wrong, Nico was attractive. Like incredibly attractive. He can see where Jason was coming from. But…that was about it. Nico was quiet and kept to himself, except for a glare or sarcastic comment. He wore black clothing with skulls, nails sometimes painted black as well, he had long wavy black hair that looked unkempt, and was always wearing an aviator jacket if he wasn’t wearing a hoodie that was originally Jason’s. He was definitely not someone Leo had pictured that would’ve stolen Jason’s heart. But he was a good friend and was friendly to Nico.

Then, the truth came out that Halloween game. Percy Jackson. Again, it caught Leo off guard that Nico was even best friends with Percy Jackson, the Golden Boy of Half-Blood. Even more so that they had sex. And Nico had hid it from Jason.

Leo held onto Jason as he sobbed into his arms about how much he loved Nico and how hurt he was after the lakehouse. He had never seen him like that before. Seeing him completely and utterly heartbroken, Leo was filled with rage, but kept his cool. Then the incident at Nico’s party. He had kept his promise to Percy and hadn’t said anything. His nose was healed. Leo had practically begged Reyna to take him home after that. On the ride back, Leo couldn’t fake it anymore. How can someone like Nico do this to someone as kind and trusting as Jason? Who the f*ck did he think he is? Leo couldn’t look at him the same.

Leo and Jason were like Percy and Nico. They had grown up together and been through alot, but never once did Leo get drunk enough to ask Jason to have sex with him. The thought never once crossed either of their minds. So, that’s where Leo’s resentment stemmed from. Friendship and trust aside, sleeping together was a whole different deal and set of issues.

And Nico knew. Leo never outright told him why he didn’t like him. But Nico wasn’t an idiot. He understands why, but Percy, his own best friend, was willing to set it aside to be civil with Jason and respect their relationship. Leo didn’t even have the decency to fake it. And that's why Nico couldn’t stand him. If he wasn’t willing to hide it, Nico wasn’t either.

The two gave each other one last glare before Nico went inside with Jason trailing behind him. He shot Leo a look that said Quit your sh*t before I do it for you before closing the door.

“Dude, can you just fake it,” Frank grabbed Leo’s shoulder. “You’re gonna ruin spring break with your stupid thing with Nico.”

Leo’s jaw dropped. “It wasn’t even me! It was him! He started it! He’s a f*cking little-”

“Watch it.” Hazel cut him off with a glare, not too unlike Nico’s. “Be nice to my brother. Or I’ll kick your ass.” She huffed before going inside. Piper and Reyna gave him similar looks.

“I don’t get everyone’s deal with Nico,” Leo grabbed his other bag. “I thought you were on my side. You saw what Jackson did to me!”

Frank sighed and quickly looked around to make sure they were alone. “Look, I know. But have you thought there was a reason? It’s been almost 2 months since then and you’re still hung up on it. Percy hasn’t bugged you since, and Hazel has mentioned that they still hang out. And it’s platonic. Maybe Nico and Percy are right, you probably misinterpreted what you saw.”

Leo groaned. “I know what I saw. Why are you so quick to defend Nico?”

“Well, he’s actually pretty cool if you ever bother to get to know him.” Frank told him as they both walked to the cabin. “Seriously, have you even given him a chance since then?”

Leo pursed his lips. “I just get a weird feeling about him.”

Frank grabbed Leo by both shoulders. “I mean this as your friend, Leo. Get the f*ck over it. Jason and Nico are happy and it doesn’t seem to bother Jason as much as it bothers you.”

That’s where Frank was wrong, but Leo didn’t say anything besides mumbling a “Yeah, fine.”

Leo knew Jason really well. Probably more than he knew himself. He sees the light in eyes fade when Nico talks about what he and Percy did when they hung out or if something reminds him of their childhood. How his smile slightly drops when he notices that Nico is texting Percy or on FaceTime call with him. And God forbid when he sees them together, Leo can physically hear Jason’s eye twitch or his heart stop when Nico laughs at whatever Percy says. The others might know Nico and be his friend, but Leo knew Jason, and he didn’t plan to be.

Jason was too nice of a guy to do anything, so like he did for him when they were kids, Leo wanted to protect him.

“What is Leo’s problem with me?” Nico asked as he unpacked his suitcase and put his clothes in the wooden drawers in his and Jason’s shared room for the week. “I swear he always wants to pick a fight with me anytime he’s not straight up ignoring me.”

Jason sighed from his unpacking and hugged Nico from behind. “Leo is…”

“Annoying, an asshole?”

“Protective,” Jason half smiled. “And Loyal.”

“So like a f*cking dog?”

Jason rested his chin on Nico’s shoulder. “No. Well, sort of. But no. Leo is my best friend, you know that. Since we were 6. He’s just…wary of our relationship.”

Nico took a deep breath before turning over to hug Jason closer. He breathed in his favorite scent of Jason, clean laundry and cologne and it calmed his nerves. “I get it, I guess.” He lays his head on his boyfriend's chest, hearing his soft heart beat. “I just thought we were past it, I mean, like, you’ve been so great and understanding about it. And I am really appreciative of your support with my friendship with Percy. But Leo’s is just a little sh*t about it.”

“I’ll talk to him.” Jason kissed the top of Nico’s head, inhaling the vanilla and pomegranate scent. “You smell good.”

“Thanks, I took a shower.” Nico automatically answered, a small smile appearing on his face.

“Good,” Jason laughed, sitting back down on the bed. He blushed slightly. “So, you know we’re gonna be basically living together this week right?”

Nico bit his lip as he sat next to him. “Yeah.”

Neither one of them had ever gone on a trip with a significant other before, much less shared a bed with them. For a whole week.

“I get to wake up and fall asleep next to you for the next 6 nights.” Jason smiled. “Aren’t I lucky?”

“It can be a trial run,” Nico laughed as he brought his face closer to Jason’s, their noses touching. “You know they say that the ultimate relationship test is to go on a trip together.”

“Well, lucky for you, Mr. Di Angelo, I am an overachiever.” Jason kissed Nico gently. “I think we have about 15 minutes before anyone starts wanting to leave, if you want to…” He grabbed Nico’s waist and guided to lay down on his back. Jason hovered over him.

Nico smiled mischievously, wrapping his arms behind Jason’s head to smash their lips together. Jason quickly took off his shirt and cupped Nico’s face.


Jason grinded his hips down against Nico’s, the pressure making Nico put a hand over his mouth to stop from moaning out loud. He didn’t need to scar anyone.

“You got hard really fast,” Nico breathed out a laugh.

“Can’t help it,” Jason whispered in his ear. “Us being alone together in our room on our own bed made me horny.”

God. Nico’s eyes rolled back as Jason was quick to unbuckle their pants. Nico kicked his pants and briefs off and shirt too. The only thing he was wearing was the “54” golden necklace with Jason’s class ring. “We have to be quick, okay, amore?”

“Yeah,” Jason took off his underwear, his voice slightly cracking at feeling Nico’s dick against his. “But don’t worry, we have the whole week to take our time.” Jason quickly grabbed the lube and condom from his backpack on the side of the bed.

“Wow, you came prepared.” Nico laughed, which changed to a moan feeling Jason’s lubed fingers inside him. “Amore, we don’t have enough time. I should be good from yesterday, I just need you right now.”

“f*ck,” Jason groaned lowly as he slipped on the condom. He and Nico kissed deeply as he pushed his dick inside him.

Nico’s head was spinning by the quickness of it all, and a rush of excitement knowing that they were on a time crunch and anyone could walk in. Luckily the door was locked so there was no chance of that happening.

Jason started thrusting faster, almost making his lip bleed by how hard he was holding back his moans at how tight Nico was. He’d never get used to feeling of him no matter how many times they do this.

Jason spread Nico’s legs further apart, going deeper to find that spot-

Nico’s eyes bulged out and Jason knew he found it. He started going in and out faster and harder, making sure he was hitting it every time. If they were alone, Jason knew that Nico would have been screaming and crying loudly.

They both would’ve been praising each other, affirming their love for each other, but with their friends downstairs and not knowing how soundproof the room was, the two had a silent agreement to be as quiet as possible.

Jason had Nico nearly bent in half, f*cking him into the mattress. Fortunately, there were no springs in it, so there was no squeaking bed sound. Jason made a mental note of that, so he knew how hard to go with his boyfriend.

Nico had to bite down onto a pillow, tears pooling. Jason knew that he was close. “It's okay, baby, I know you’re close. Cum for me, yeah?”

Nico utterly despises the fact that he cries when he’s about to finish, but Jason finds it endearing.

Jason kissed the top of his boyfriend’s head as he started going even faster, chasing his own org*sm. Nico grabs onto the mattress, trying to hold it together. “f*ck, Jason. I’m gonna-”

Nico let out a broken cry as he came between them. Seeing Nico cum drove Jason over the edge, cumming into the condom.

They both stayed like that for a moment to catch their breath.

“Yeah, I think I’m gonna enjoy this trip.”



Jason and Nico walked down the stairs from the second floor, having changed into swimming trucks, Jason wearing his baseball team t-shirt and Nico in a black tank top. Since it was Jason’s house, he and Nico were in the master bedroom. Leo and Frank would share the bedroom downstairs by the kitchen while the girls had claimed the only other bigger room down the hall from them.

The girls were currently talking amongst themselves on the kitchen island.

”Okay, so I say we should go to the lake today,” Hazel said between munching on her McDonald’s hash brown that she got on the way over. “And then the river tomorrow.”

”No, we’re going to the river today and the lake tomorrow,” Nico interrupted, taking her hash brown out of her hand and taking a big bite.

Hazel gasped. “You ate like half of my hash brown!”

Nico shrugged. “I’m still hungry.”

”Well, my parents really hooked us up for the week.” Jason said opening up the pantry with all sorts of snacks and groceries. “Everything should be stocked, but there’s always that mom and pop corner store up the road if we need anything else.”

”God bless Mr. And Mrs. Grace,” Piper whistled, looking in the fridge. It was packed with sodas, waters, and more food. “I knew I made the right choice becoming friends with you.”

“Yeah sure.” Jason rolled his eyes. “Where’s Leo and Frank?”

“Probably still unpacking and changing.” Hazel shrugged as she joined Piper to look at the fridge to grab a bottle of water. “We gotta stay hydrated, y’all!”

“I kind of want to see the sunrise!” Calypso grabbed Nico’s arm. “Let’s go check it out, Nicky!”

Nico let himself be dragged out, his friends following behind. They went to the large porch in the front of the cabin. There was a small table and a couple rocking chairs that they sat at.

The sun was rising up, the sun peeking between the pine trees and the mountains. It was beautiful, Nico couldn’t help but hold his breath. The sky was highlighted in deep pinks, purples and oranges. There were even a few birds flying and singing sweetly.

Jason took in the nature as well as his friend’s and Nico’s happy and content faces. He knew this was going to be a perfect spring break.

The quiet was interrupted by the sound of a car driving down the dirt road. Jason’s cabin and the one next to them were the only ones on this street.

“Those must be the neighbors.” Jason said. “It’s usually an older man who rents it out, but he’s nice and keeps to himself.”

As the car came closer, Jason didn’t recognize it.

“Wait, is that?” Hazel squinted her eyes on the approaching vehicle.

“Oh my God.” Nico laughed as he stood up from the porch chair. It was Percy’s old navy blue Nissan X-Terra that Nico could recognize from a mile away. “No f*cking way.”

“Are you f*cking kidding me?” Percy mumbled under his breath as he shifted the car into park in front of the cabin.

The one next to them had a lifted white Jeep Wrangler with black matte rims in the driveway. With a f*cking purple “Jupiter Academy” licence plate frame that made Percy groan out loud, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

There's only one motherf*cker who owns that car. Percy sighed.

Well, this week is gonna suck. Jason inwardly groaned.

“What’s wrong?” Annabeth in the passenger seat scrunched her face, her eyes following Percy’s gaze. “Oh sh*t, it’s Nico.”

Nico was laughing as he approached the car, Annabeth rolling down the window. “Look what the f*cking cat dragged in! What are you guys doing here?”

“Grover’s uncle lent us his cabin for the week.” Annabeth answered what she hoped was lightheartedly. She loves Nico. She really, really does. He’s like her little brother. She would take a bullet for him, but right now, he was the last person she wanted to see. Annabeth had just convinced Percy the whole hour drive that he was getting over him this week and they could all have a good time.

But, of course, that changed once they spotted the jet black haired object of Percy’s affection in the cabin right next to theirs.

Nico laughed, Percy’s heart cracked and Annabeth was panicking. “Hey, we’re going to the river to go tubing if you guys want to tag along. I’m sure-“

“Oh, Nico, did you brush your teeth this morning?” Grover piped up from the back. “Your breath f*cking reeks dude.”

Nico quickly covered his mouth and flipped off Grover. “Yes I did, asshole.”

“Well, we’re actually really tired from the trip, Neeks,” Juniper added. “We were just going to chill at the cabin today!”

Grover, Juniper and Annabeth all shared a quick look through the driver’s mirror. Keep Nico away from Percy.

“Oh,” Nico’s shoulder slightly sagged, but peered over at Percy. who was very interested in the roof of his car. “I’ll let you guys go, then. We’re staying right next door if you need anything.”

They all mumbled thanks as Nico walked back to his cabin.

“What the hell was that?!” Percy whisper-shouted when Annabeth rolled up her window. “Why are you guys being rude?”

“Percy, Nico is the last person that needs to be around you right now,” Juniper said softly. “As your friends, it sucks seeing you heartbroken every time you see him with Jason.”

“Yeah,” Grover added. “This is our senior year. Our spring break and you’re going to enjoy it, alright? No more moping around over Nico. Just enjoy being here with your friends, got it? That’s an order.”

“Remember, you need the distance, you said so yourself,” Annabeth nodded along. “We just have to be a little more creative now that he’s here.”

Percy sighed as they got out of his car to grab their bags. “Just…don’t be mean to him. You know how he gets.”

“We know.” Annabeth grabbed her maroon suitcase. Her and Percy walked inside the cabin. “Hopefully we can tell him that you need space, he’ll-“

“You CANNOT tell him I still have feelings for him.” Percy dropped his bag to grab her shoulders. “He’s gonna be even more weird about it and Jason is going to kill me. They already think that I moved on and it’ll get all complicated. Let’s just…” He took a deep breath. “Plan around them? Like we can go to the lake while they’re at the river, stuff like that?”

“What about if they invite us over?” Annabeth crossed her arms. “You know Nico is going to.”

Sweet, caring, stupid Nico would most definitely invite his friends over. Either for a drink or just to hangout.

“I brought weed.”

“Jesus, Grover!” Annabeth put a hand over heart. “Warn a person before creeping up behind them and you drop a bomb that you have drugs?”

“Technically, it’s a plant,” Grover laughed at having scared Annabeth. He held up a small bag with green earthy substance inside. “Just tell Nico we brought this and you know the Jupiter prisses will stay clear, especially Jason.”

“Man, f*ck you, you know I can’t smoke that,” Percy laughed along with Grover, pushing his playfully. “I still have swim!”

“Well, I only play football and that season is long gone, so I am free to smoke again.”

“So what, we tell Nico we have weed and he’ll stay away?” Juniper raised an eyebrow. “That’s your big plan?”

“Well, it’s planning around him and the weed.” Grover wagged his finger. “It’s a good cover. Percy will be over him by then and no one’s feelings get hurt.”

Although they made it sound so easy, Percy didn’t feel that it was. But anything was worth a shot now. He thinks back to Nico’s disappointed face when Juniper declined his offer to join them to the river. But there were plenty of times that Nico has disappointed him these past few months. Like moving to another school, not telling him he was dating Jason, everything else from that summer and now. Obviously, Nico didn’t worry about hurting Percy’s feelings, so why should he? It fueled him with anger.

“f*ck it,” Percy surprised his friends. “Let’s do whatever we have to do to keep Nico away. I have to put myself first now.”

f*ck being mature and talking it out. Percy was tired of playing the nice guy. He needed to get over Nico once and for all.


“You okay, babe?” Jason looked over at his boyfriend who sat quiet in the passenger seat. They were on their way to the river, but Nico hadn’t said a word after he had gone over to greet his friends.

Jason was also completely thrown off by the arrival of the Half-Bloods next door. He was sure that Nico told them where they were staying for spring break, but he never thought they would’ve followed them here. No, Jason, Nico said that it was a gift from Grover’s uncle. There was no way this was done on purpose.

“Yeah, just tired, I guess,” Nico responded.

“Well, we’re gonna have so much fun!” Calypso said excitedly. “I brought some wine coolers if you guys want some when we get to the river!”

“That sounds like a great idea, Cal!” Leo said.

“I just like Calypso.” “She prefers Calypso.” Nico and Calypso said at the same time.

Leo awkwardly laughed. “Ah, got it. My bad.”

Jason cleared his throat as he pulled into the makeshift parking lot of the river, which was more of an empty plot of land with dead grass and tire marks. “Okay, so I was thinking that we should all tie to tubes together so we don’t lose each other. The waters get a little rough sometimes and we don’t need anyone flipping over.”

“Yeah that sounds great!” Calypso unbuckled her seatbelt. “I don’t want to stay too far away from Nicky!”

Nico rolled his eyes playfully as they all got out of the car. He helped Jason take out the uninflated tubes and pump.

Frank’s Bronco parked right next to theirs. The groups of friends were readying themselves, putting on sunscreen and inflated their tubes.

“Yo, I’m going nowhere with Calypso.” Leo whispered to Frank, who was looking through the glovebox for his sunglasses. “She won’t leave Nico’s side!”

”Well, she is more his friend than ours.” Frank mumbled as he shuffled through the papers and car manual. “He’s the one who invited her, so, like, duh, she’s going to want to stick to him.”

“I guess.” Leo sighed, leaning against the car door. “She’s just so hot, like how is she friends with Nico?”

“Hot people attract each other,” Frank finally spotted his Ray-Bans and inwardly cheered. He stood back up and closed the door to see Leo staring at him questionably as he put them on. “What?”

“Did you just call Nico hot?” Leo gasped, eyes wide.

f*ck. “I-I, well, I-I mean Nico’s not ugly?”

Leo couldn’t believe his best friend. “Oh my God, you think he’s hot. Is that why you’re not on my side anymore? What the f*ck, dude! You’re with Hazel!”

”I never said anything wrong!” Frank couldn’t fight the blush creeping up. “I’m confident in my masculinity and relationship to recognize when I find a member of the same gender attractive. There’s nothing wrong with that!” He took a breath, trying to compose himself. “That aside, Hazel told me that Calypso just really likes Nico, she’s even come over to their house a few times.”

”So what do they do, what does Calypso like?” Leo slapped Frank’s arm. “Something I can work with.”

”Why don’t you just try to get to know her?” Frank whispered as they made their way back to their friends.

Leo gave his very best puppy dog eyes at him.

”Gross, don’t ever do that again,” Frank rubbed his face. “I think she likes Glee?”

”Glee?” Leo breathed out with a laugh. “Like that singing show?”

”Yeah, apparently her and Nico hate watch it together or something?” Frank continued, trying to remember. “Hazel also mentioned that she likes Harry Potter, too.”

”Glee and Harry Potter?” Leo blinked in disbelief. “That’s what she and Nico bond over?”

”Just talk to her and stop being so judgmental.” Frank rolled his eyes.

“Frank! Can you help hold this tube still, the pump keeps slipping!” Hazel called out to her boyfriend as they caught up with the group.

Leo nearly tripped over his own feet when he saw Calypso had unbuttoned her white oversized swim cover to show off her bright shamrock green bikini top. She had undone her braid, her long soft light brown hair was in small waves down her back.

“So do we just go in the river like this?” Calypso turns to Nico who was helping Jason apply sunscreen on his back.

“Nah, just in your swimsuit.”

Leo thanked every divine power that he was able to watch Calypso Atlas wear a swimsuit. “Oh hey, do you-“

”Nico, can you apply sunscreen on me when you’re done with Jason, please?” She asks sweetly.

Leo also asks those same divine powers why they hate him.


“Wow, that was so much fun!” Reyna wiped her face with her towel in one hand and her tube in the other. They had spent the last 2 hours just floating down the river, packed with other Spring Breakers, blasting their music through the speakers and drinking a wine cooler that Calypso had brought.

“I can just stay there forever,” Hazel sighed. “Not a care in the goddamn world.”

”Until we got to the rapids.” Nico chuckled. “Those waters were not friendly.”

Piper laughed out loud. “Oh my God, when Leo flipped over, I could not breathe, like how do you flip on the calm waters?”

“I’m telling you, on the side I was on, those were not calm waters!” Leo defended himself, although the real reason was he had accidentally tripped on a rock.

“Well, we’re lucky that we made it.” Jason shivered. He was not the biggest fan of water, especially when he couldn't control it.

Nico kissed his cheek. “You are such a trooper and I appreciate it.”

“I don’t know about the rest of you,” Calypso sighed. “But I sure am hungry!”

”How do burgers sound?” Jason asked, being met with cheers from his friends.

The friends were soon on the road, only a 10 minute drive back to the cabin.

When they arrived, Nico couldn’t help but notice Percy’s car was still in the driveway and his feelings came back. He had felt totally blown off by his friends. He thought it was somewhat of a miracle or happy coincidence that they would all be spending spring break together at the same place. He thought maybe they would all want to do one big thing together. Most of his friends did get along for the most part, but they haven’t all really hung out together since his birthday party.

But he felt some sort of tension when he went up to them. Maybe it was the trip and it was early? Nico wasn’t sure. “Hey, do you mind if I go ask them if maybe they want to join us for lunch?” He asked Jason, using his head to gesture towards the cabin next door.

Jason hesitates for a moment. Do I really want Half-Bloods over? He looks at Nico’s sweet expectant face and can’t help but fold. “Yeah, that’s fine, love. I’ll go with you”

Nico smiles at him and they both jog over next door. Jason rings the doorbell. Not even a minute later, he’s met with Annabeth opening the door, looking surprised to see them.

”Oh hey, guys.” Annabeth says politely. “What’s up?”

“We’re having burgers over at ours, if you all want to join?” Nico asks, a nervous smile on his face.

Annabeth wants to say yes desperately, missing Nico and his presence, especially when he looks as sad as he does now. “I would really love to, Neeks, but we just ordered pizza.”

Nico couldn’t hide his disappointment. “Oh, okay, that’s fine. Um, what are you guys doing later on? Maybe I can come by? I really miss you guys.”

Annabeth’s heart shatters. Maybe she’s just not cut out for this. Nico, she could admit it, was her weak spot. Her sweet, youngest and dearest best friend. She didn’t want to push him away like this, it wasn’t fair to him. But it also wasn’t fair to Percy, who was thankfully taking a nap. She knew that for a while, she had favored Nico’s well-being over Percy’s, and even her own sometimes. Annabeth had adopted the older sister role since Bianca died. She knew she could never replace Bianca and she did miss her deeply everyday. Every time she looks into Nico’s face, she can still see traces of Bianca in it, and she had the urge to protect it.

Annabeth had held Nico when his mom was admitted into hospice care, or helped him by packing Bianca’s locker from her middle school for him because he couldn’t find himself to do it. She had always put him first, because of what he had gone through. But, he was growing up. Right before her eyes. She was proud of him when he made the decision to go to a better school to better his education, made friends with good, smart kids and was dating Jason Grace of all people. She was proud of how far Nico had come. But now she can see, she had been neglecting Percy in the process.

When Nico had his fight with Jason after everything went down at the lake house, she had gone to comfort him when Hazel had told her that he wouldn’t leave his room. She was there for him. But she had forgotten about how Percy might have felt about it. Annabeth felt like the worst best friend on the planet.

“I’m so sorry, Percy.” Annabeth choked out as she tried to keep herself together. “I should’ve been there for you, too.”

Percy just sat quietly on his bed as Annabeth took a deep breath, their Super Mario Kart game on pause on his TV.

“I was just so worried about Nico, because it was his first heartbreak, it didn't occur to me that it was yours, too.” She sniffled. “I don’t think I can ever forgive myself for it and I understand if you don’t either.”

”I forgave you, Annie.” Percy gave her a weak smile. “I forgave you a long time ago. I get it. Nico has this, I don’t know how else to explain it, but he has this hold on us, that makes us want to go to the ends of the world for him.”

“I would fall down a cliff for that kid.” Annabeth laughs sadly as she wipes the tears that she couldn’t hold in.

“Hey, I’d fall down with you.” Percy pats her shoulder sympathetically. “I accept your apology if that means you’ll stop crying. It’s kind of weird to see you this emotionally unstable.”

”Shut up,” Annabeth shoved Percy, although her biting back a smile told him she wasn’t that mad. “You know I’m still human.”

”I’m just teasing, Annie.” Percy wrapped his arms around her shoulders for a squeeze. “You know I love you, nerd.”

”I love you, too, dork.”

That was about a month ago, after Nico’s birthday. Since then, Annabeth has been closer to Percy and was trying to help him move on in her own Annabeth way.

“I’m sorry, Neeks, maybe not tonight.” Annabeth shifted her weight in her feet. “Grover brought some…” She glances at Jason, then back at Nico. “Oregano.” She felt like an idiot and mentally face-palmed.

“To put on the pizza?” Jason’s eyes shifted.

Nico snorts. “Not that kind of oregano, cara.

“Then what?”

“Pot!” Annabeth says a little too loud. She took a short breath. “Pot, Jason. We’re going to smoke pot tonight.”

”Pot?” Jason was still confused. “Like are you cooking dinner later?”

”Weed, amore.” Nico starts to laugh.

Jason pales. “Wait, like, marijuana?”

”Yes, Jason.” Annabeth fought the urge to pinch her nose. “We’re going to be doing marijuana in this house tonight.”

”That’s fine, can I-“

”Nico, you absolutely cannot be serious!” Jason blinked at his boyfriend. “There is no way you are going to be smoking that kind of stuff and then coming into my house smelling like it! My parents would kill me if you did!”

Oh my God, is this actually going to work? Annabeth pursed her lips.

Nico’s smile falls. Jason was right. That would be really disrespectful to the Grace family, especially with how strict they are with Jason. “I’m sorry, Tesoro, I wasn’t really thinking.” He looks back to Annabeth, who was successfully keeping her cool. “That’s cool, I guess, we still have the rest of the week. I’ll see you guys around then.”

Annabeth didn’t have to fake her solemn face. “I’m sorry, Nico. Maybe another day?”

Nico simply nodded before waving her off and walking back with Jason to the cabin.

Even though the plan was working, Annabeth felt like it was going to backfire somehow.

New Romantics - Chapter 1 - eaudecosmos - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.