(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09  · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (1)

Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’sOctober 9, 2016

We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20, NRSV). Welcome those near you to worship, and know that Jesus is in your midst.

Introduction to the Day: It’s a miracle! Multiple miracles! The waters of holy baptism have healed us. The body and blood of Jesus in Holy Communion have made us clean. We have died with Christ and been raised with him. From all this we have returned to offer thanks. From this place we are sent on our way rejoicing to share the good news.A library book is given to the church office by Jan Kuehl in memory of John Kuehl’s birthday.

Flowers at the altar are in celebration of 63 years of marriage of Charles and Marjorie Shantz, who were married on October 10, 1953.

Child for Baptism: (11:00) Finnegan Ryan Spiering, son of Ryan & Sadie Spiering, Wauwatosa, was born July 27, 2015. Sponsors are Melissa and Aaron Spiering.

Adult Mission Trip to New Orleans: We welcome back the adults who traveled to St. Bernard Parish in New Orleans this past week. They spent a week working on a home damaged during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.Communion: All baptized Christians who celebrate the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine are invited to the Lord’s Table at the 7:30 service. If you are seated in the chapel and wish to come forward for communion please leave the chapel and join the center aisle line at any time during distribution. Gluten-free wafers are available if you ask your communion server. Those who desire juice instead of regular wine, please tell this to the communion assistant. Due to the weight of the communion trays, you may be asked to take your glass of wine from the tray as it is presented to you.Healing Services: The 8:30 and 11:00 services today will have an emphasis on healing, as the Gospel is based on the story of the ten lepers who are healed. If you are interested in coming forward during the time of healing, you will receive special healing prayers for yourself or for someone you would like to have prayed for. Here each person may come to receive a word of blessing and prayer. Here each one may also receive a physical gesture of healing: the laying on of hands, which may be accompanied by anointing with oil. In its ministry of healing, the church offers and celebrates gifts such as these: God’s presence with strength and comfort in time of suffering, God’s promise of wholeness and peace, and God’s love embodied in the community of faith.

Bulletin Layout Planning___1__ Welcome Panel -Stock___1__ Panel 2 - Staff


______ Bulletin Panels___1__ ESUP ___1__ Rally Day___1_____1__

___1__ Children’s Panel??


God has promised to be our God and to let us be his people. May we focus confi-dently on the blessing of such a loving relationship as we worship God today.

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (2)

Maybe now is the time to begin Simply Giving:St. Matthew’s Stewardship Committee partners with Thrivent Financial for electronic transfer of contributions from parishioners’ checking or savings accounts directly to St. Matthew’s bank account. There is an enrollment form in your Stewardship Packet. For more information, contact Holly in the church office, 414-774-0441 or [emailprotected].

Gifts of Stock are WelcomeGifts of stock are always welcome at St. Matthew’s. Our brokerage account is with Robert W. Baird here in the Milwaukee area. The contact person is Curt Brewer, 262-523-5644. He can arrange to have your gift transferred directly from your account to St. Matthew’s brokerage account. Consult with your tax advisor to see if this has significant advantages for you. As always, feel free to contact Holly in the church office with questions.

St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran ChurchBulletin Announcements - October 9, 2016

Church Nursery News!Please welcome Moriah Mucha, our new Nursery Attendant! Moriah started in October and will be in the Nursery most Sunday mornings. Moriah has experience working with children in a variety of settings. She and her family, parents Lynn and Mike and sister Abby, are members of St. Matthew’s.

Thank you to those who contributed to the Cross lunch meal on September 28. Approximately 250 people were served. Thank you for taking time from your schedule to remember those in our community who are “food-insecure.” The fresh fruit has been very well-appreciated. We really need everyone’s help to make this meal a success; we will be distributing meal cards for Cross at October 23’s worship services. Please consider helping for the October meal.

St. Matthew’s Foundation is a non-profit organization which invests and disburses funds for the benefit of initiatives se-lected by St. Matthews church, specifically scholarships and partnerships/benevolences. Donations to the Foundation are often made in honor of or in memory of a family member or friend. Another way to cre-ate a lasting influence on St. Matthews is by designating the Foundation as a beneficiary in your estate/life insurance plan-ning. For example, a family with two children could indicate each child as a beneficiary at 49% and the Foundation at 2%. Please consider this the next time you need to select beneficiaries for a policy or fund. Following is the informa-tion needed to do this:St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lu-theran Church Foundation, Inc.Entity ID #: 6S17449

Our church is having a Reformation 500 Bookstore beginning Sept. 25!Augsburg Reformation Library: A Book Fair for ChristiansThe 500th anniversary of the Reformation is fast approaching! Do you want to learn more about Martin Luther, his writings, and their impact on Christianity? Do you want to reflect on the ongoing impact of the Reformation today? Stop by our Reformation 500 Bookstore to shop for engaging books on the Reformation for readers of all ages and interests! Save up to 50% plus receive free shipping on all bookstore titles.Our bookstore is sponsored by Augsburg Fortress, the publishing ministry of the ELCA. The books will include bestselling biographies like Luther the Reformer as well as an atlas of the European Reformations, a graphic novel for young readers, and primary sources from The Annotated Luther series.

October KFC and DOC - Our Children’s Ministry GroupsKids for Christ (KFC) is for children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. We gather for fellowship time, which consists of having lunch (pizza), playing games (ex. Capture the Flag), and a short devotion with songs. Friends in 1st-3rd grades are welcome to join us. Please call the office to RVSP, 414-774-0441. Bring $4 for lunch.KFC: Sunday, October 16th, 12:15-2:00 p.m.

Disciples of Christ (DOC) is for children in 4th & 5th grades. We gather for fellowship time, which consists of having lunch (pizza), playing games (ex. Capture the Flag), and a short devotion with songs. Friends in 4th & 5th grades are welcome to join us. Please call the office to RVSP, 414-774-0441. Bring $4 for lunch.DOC: Sunday, October 9th, 12:15-2:00 p.m.

Yoga Class is offered each Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Kelly Kirtley offers this class free of charge. All are welcome, even if yoga is new to you.

Thank you to those who contributed to the Cross lunch meal this past Wednesday. Approximately 250 people were served. What a great variety of salads, fruits, and desserts we had. Thank you for taking time from your schedule to remember those in our community who are “food-insecure.” And a shout-out to Tom Geib for his leadership of this ministry and his ongoing dedication to Cross’s monthly meal as well as the Repairers of the Breach bag lunches that are packed twice a month here.

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (3)

A Note about Sunday Bulletin Distribution: In order to make good use of resources, fewer copies of the bulletin announcements section of your Sunday bulletin have been printed. These Bulletin Announcements Inserts are available at the Welcome Center, from an usher, or downstairs across from the church office. OR receive a sneak-peak email of these announcements and other panels on Friday morning of each week! Please sign up on the bottom of the Events Sign-Up panel in today’s bulletin and you will begin receiving the announcements as well as other notices on Fridays.

Week of Oct. 10-15Monday: 9:30, LaLeche League Mtg.10:15, Staff Meeting11:00, Program Staff Meeting 1:00, Fallen Angels 1:00, Caregivers Support Group 7:00, American Heritage Dancers 7:00, Church Council MeetingTuesday: 9:30, EmBELLishments12:30, Deborah Circle Meeting 7:00, Mt. Meru Coffee Project 7:00, Animate Practices 7:00, Righteous Ringers 7:00, Yoga Class 7:15, Lutheran A Cappella ChoirWednesday:10:00, Bible Study with Pr. Matt 6:00, Godsbells 6:00, New Generation Choir 7:00, 7th & 8th gr. Conf. Big Group 7:00, New Creation Choir 7:00, 9th grade Confirmation 7:00, Animate PracticesThursday: 8:30, JOMM using kitchen 9:30, A CaBella Ringers 4:00, Praise Kids 6:15, Bells Angels 7:00, Animate Practices 7:30, Senior Choir RehearsalFriday: 9:30, St. Matt’s MamasSaturday: 7:30-9:00, Men’s Breakfast

Shoe Recycling is Back!Reduce - Reuse - RecycleThe call for old shoes you’ve been waiting for is finally here! The city of Milwaukee has implemented a shoe recycling program, which allows for more types of shoes to be recycled. Bring any type of shoe, except high heels, to the blue collection barrel located in front of the church office. The shoes should be tied together or bound with a rubber band (available at the collection barrel). Thank you in advance for your participation in this worthwhile project. Any questions? Want to learn more? Contact Jen Kramer at [emailprotected]

Adult Learning on Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m.Meets in the Upper RoomChildcare Available in the NurseryOctober 9 & 16 “The Changing Face of American Religion -- and What that Means for You”America’s religious scene is in a state of flux. The United States is still among the most religious -- and Christian -- countries in the world. But things are a-changin’. For the first time in history, Protestants make up less than half of the country. More religious groups are popping up in suburban and rural America. And youngsters are rejecting the religious institutions of their parents -- while often hanging onto some spiritual values. We will detail these changes and discuss what to make of them. Presented by Dan Bice.

Bonus feature: On Oct. 9, Sophie, 21, and Raney Bice, 19, will also provide two Millennial perspectives on church, faith and their experiences at St. Matthew’s. Sophie is a senior studying genetics at Lawrence University, and Raney is a sophom*ore studying math and religious studies at Macalester College.

Healing Service Schedule: All are welcome at monthly healing services Healing services are offered monthly at St. Matthew’s at a variety of times to give all the opportunity to come forward for healing prayer for themselves or others. You can share your concern with the pastor/leader at the altar, and then he/she along with the healing ministries will lay on hands and give a special prayer for your concern. Your concern can be general if you don’t wish to share specifically. Sunday, October 9 at the 8:30 & 11:00 servicesSunday, November 20 After the 11:00 service

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (4)

7th & 8th Grade Confirmation meets weekly - Here is the upcoming schedule for 7th and 8th graders. Contact Pastor Chris if you have questions or concerns.

Oct. 12 Big Group (Apostles’ Cr - 1)Oct. 19 Big Group (Apostles’ Cr - 2)Oct. 26 Service Night (Neighborhood Food Drive)Oct. 28/29 Retreat (Apostles’ Cr - 3)

9th Grade Confirmation continues through November 2Confirmation for 9th graders began September 14 and continues each Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:15 through November 2nd. In these eight short sessions, we will explore, through various activities and discussions, what it means to live out your faith. Thanks to the small group leaders who have stepped forward to help with 9th grade Confirmation.The 9th graders will be confirmed at a special worship service on Sunday, November 6th at 1:30 in the afternoon.

Garden Crew Yard Clean-Up is Saturday, October 22 beginning at 9:30 a.m. and most likely ending at 11:30 a.m. Contact Bob Zwaska if you plan to attend, [emailprotected]. Thank you!

Mt. Meru Coffee is now available in K-cups (regular only). Thank you, St. Matthew’s for your continuing support of our partnership with our brothers and sisters in Tanzania. Please stop at the coffee table on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Together we are making a difference. Questions may be directed to Bruce Johnson at 414-366-5053.

Animate Practices Small Group Study

This past week our subject was

PRAYER We explored the Lord’s Prayer

We considered some questions…

What role does prayer play in your life? What role would you like it to play? What do you think prayer is for?

“Prayer is putting oneself in the hands

of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice

in the depths of our hearts.” Mother Teresa

Coming up next:

Food: Eating with Jesus Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday

7:00-­‐8:30 P.M. Join us!

All are welcome!

It’s City Tin Time! and new this year: The Fox Valley Restaurant Tin! Sale will run from 10/7 to 10/21. Each Tin is $30. Available tins are: Milwaukee Restaurant; Milwaukee Bar and Lounge; Milwaukee Performing Arts, Madison Restaurant, Madison Bar & Lounge, Fox River Valley Restaurant. Delivery in mid-November. Checks payable to St. Matt’s. Order from a Mission trip student or in the church office.

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (5)


Mt. Meru Coffee - Mmmmm...Bruce Johnson, our Mt. Meru Coffee Ambassador offers delicious Mt. Meru coffee for sale each 2nd & 4th Sunday. This product which is purchased at a fair price from the local farmers who live in the area of Tanzania where we have a partnership relationship. Stop by and see! K-cups for single cup coffee brewing (like Keurigs) are also available. And remember that your purchasing dollars do even more good in 2016, as there are four matching gifts pledges in effect, making each $10 purchase worth an additional $4 in scholarship money to the students in Tanzania that St. Matthew’s is sponsoring.. Mmmm. it tastes good, and feels good, too!

LWR Fair Trade Chocolate available at St. Matthew’s: “Divine Chocolate” - Chocolate made with Fair Trade certified Cocoa beans grown by a farmer owned cooperative in Ghana, is available for purchase the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at the Mt. Meru Coffee/LWR Chocolate Project table, in several delicious flavors. Not only do these farmers receive Fair Trade premiums for their cocoa beans, they are part-owners of the Divine Chocolate brand processing

Ongoing Collection for Guest House: We have updated the list of ongoing needs for the Guest House. Please consider picking up one or two of these items when you’re shopping and drop them off in the box outside the church office. Thanks for your support of this important ministry.

Spray deodorant ShampooBody Wash Foot PowderCologne or aftershaveLaundry Bags Men’s watchesMen’s wallets

Bread for the World Sunday: October 16thOn Sunday, October 16th, we join with congregations across the world in commemorating “Bread for the World Sunday.” We will lift up in our worship, prayers, and through an “Offering of Letters,” those who hunger in our community and across the globe, and renew our focus to helping bring an end to that hunger. As we put our faith in God, who listens to cries for help (as we will see in Luke’s gospel that day), we must renew the call to pray and act on behalf of those suffering injustice and need, and to call newly elected leaders to govern with wisdom, to encourage healing, and create economic climates in which all have an opportunity to prosper. Please take a few minutes and write a letter to your legislative leaders in the Commons on October 16th.

2017 Youth Mission Trip Info Meeting on October 9th The information meeting for the 2017 Youth Mission Trip is set for Sunday, October 9th at 12:15. The trip will take place next June and is open to all high school youth. Plan on attending this meeting to learn all the details!

Eat at Pizzeria Piccola on October 16th! Help support Youth Mission TripStart your week off right by taking a break from cooking on Sunday night and eating at Pizzeria Piccola on Sunday, October 16th from 4:00 – 9:00 p.m. Just phone in your order or, better yet, drop in and have dinner with other St. Matthew’s members. A portion of all proceeds on that day will be donated to next summer’s Youth Mission Trip. Join us for good food, a good time, and a good cause – it’s a win-win event!

Women’s Ministry Fall BreakfastSaturday, October 22 - 8:00-9:30A light breakfast and presentation by Dr. Katrina Ubell, St. Matthew’s member & owner of “Healthy Weight in Healthy Care.” We will enjoy reconnecting with one another, a light breakfast and an informative talk on exploring the thoughts and feelings leading to a healthier way to live! Sign Up at the Welcome Center, with the Church Office or contact Sue Swing; [emailprotected].

New Member Classes in October offered to those interested in joining St. Matthew’sGod has given us the gift of Christian community. It provides for two of our most basic needs. The church can be a place to belong and a place to become. If you have had an opportunity to worship with us and would like to learn more about St. Matthew’s please consider attending our membership classes beginning October 23. Classes will be held on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45. Dates of classes are October 23, October 30 and November 6. New Members will be received on Sunday, November 13th.Childcare is available in the Nursery on all class dates. If you have any questions, please contact [emailprotected], the pastors or the church office. A mailing will be sent to those known to be interested in joining St. Matthew’s.

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (6)

Mt. Meru Coffee - Mmmmm.....Bruce Johnson, our Mt. Meru Cof-fee Ambassador, offers delicious Mt. Meru Coffee for sale each 2nd & 4th Sunday. This product is purchased at a fair price from the local farmers who live in the area of Tanzania where we have a partnership relationship. Stop by and see! K-cups for single cup coffee brewing (like Keurigs) are also available. And remember that your purchasing dollars do even more good in 2016, as there are four matching gifts pledges in effect, making each $10 purchase worth an additional $4 to scholarships for Tanzania children St. Matthew’s is sponsoring. Mmmm, it tastes good, and feels good, too!

A note about your valuable items: A reminder to our mem-bers and guests that each week as you come to church, any valu-able items should be kept with you and not left in coat pockets or in an unlocked space.

Chocolate and Coffee for Sale Sept. 25: LWR Fair Trade Chocolate available at St. Matthew’s: “Divine Chocolate” - Chocolate made with Fair Trade certified Cocoa beans grown by a farmer owned cooperative in Ghana, is available for purchase the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at the Mt. Meru Coffee/LWR Chocolate Project table, in several delicious flavors. Not only do these farmers receive Fair Trade premiums for their cocoa beans, they are part-owners of the Divine Chocolate brand processing co. Bars come in two sizes. This opportunity is brought to us by Rosie Haas, our LWR Divine Chocolate ambassador. Large Bars are $3.50 each and small bars are $1.50 each. Mt. Meru Coffee - Mmmmm...Also, Bruce Johnson, our Mt. Meru Coffee Ambassador offers delicious Mt. Meru coffee for sale each 2nd & 4th Sunday. This product which is purchased at a fair price from the local farmers who live in the area of Tanzania where we have a partnership relationship. Stop by and see! K-cups for single cup coffee brewing (like Keurigs) are also available. And remember that your purchasing dollars do even more good in 2016, as there are four matching gifts pledges in effect, making each $10 purchase worth an additional $4 to scholarships for Tanzania children St. Matthew’s is sponsoring. Mmmm, it tastes good, and feels good, too!

Mark Baden to speak to Saints Group on October 26Our October SAINTS program is privileged to have one of these wonderfully trained persons as our presenter. Mark Baden of WISN-12 will share insights about our Wisconsin weather circ*mstances. He joined WISN as chief meteorologist in 1997. His numerous weather awards include a local and regional Emmy for flood coverage in 2008 and a Wisconsin Broadcaster’s Associations award in 2009.

Date: Wednesday, October 26Time: 11:30 AM (following Pastor Matt’s class)Where: Fellowship Hall

Lunch will follow the presentation. There is no charge but a free will offering will help defray our expenses. Please sign up at the Welcome Center nearest the library to give us an idea of how many to prepare for. I hope you are able to join us. I know it will give you something to talk about.

Jane Sandstrom, Older Adult Ministry CoordinatorPhone: 262-790-1652

Email: [emailprotected]

The Monday Morning Prayer Time has ended for the time being. If this opportunity arises again, we will pass along the information to you again.

Men’s Breakfast is Saturday, Oct. 15 from 7:30-9:00 a.m. Come to hear Pastor Chris share experiences from his sabbatical, and enjoy a full breakfast with other St. Matthew’s men. We conclude at 9 a.m. Hope to see lots of guys there. Friends welcome.

Chocolate and Coffee for Sale Every Other Sunday - 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month: LWR Fair Trade Chocolate available at St. Matthew’s: “Divine Chocolate” - Chocolate made with Fair Trade certified Cocoa beans grown by a farmer owned cooperative in Ghana, is available for purchase the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at the Mt. Meru Coffee/LWR Chocolate Project table, in several delicious flavors. Not only do these farmers receive Fair Trade premiums for their cocoa beans, they are part-owners of the Divine Chocolate brand processing co. Bars come in two sizes. This opportunity is brought to us by Rosie Haas, our LWR Divine Chocolate ambassador. Large Bars are $3.50 each and small bars are $1.50 each.Delicious Fair Trade Mt. Meru Coffee: Bruce Johnson, our Mt. Meru Coffee Ambassador offers delicious Mt. Meru coffee for sale each 2nd & 4th Sunday. This product which is purchased at a fair price from the local farmers who live in the area of Tanzania where we have a partnership relationship. Remember that your purchase has even more power this year due to several ‘matching gift’ pledges. Stop by and see all the flavors that are now available. K-cups for single cup coffee brewing (like Keurigs) are also available. Do you enjoy St. Matthew’s Coffee Hour coffee? It’s Mt. Meru, of course!

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (7)

Flower Book Sign-Ups Needed - Your Sign-Ups are needed for the altar flower/library book/DVD sign-up notebook! Want to honor a loved one or show someone you care? Designate altar flowers for them, or a library book. Sign up in the Binder at the Information Center. For a donation of $30.00, you may designate altar flowers, or for $15.00 a library book or a DVD for an occasion of your choosing, and this occasion will be listed in the Sunday bulletin. The Library Committee will select the book and a bookplate will be placed in the front of the book. The church office staff orders the flowers from A New Leaf Floral each week. It is best if you pay for your donations on the designated Sunday or before. Place a check in the offering plate and mark its purpose of payment, or drop off your payment in the office during the week. Thanks.

Pick Up Your bowls, pan and food containers: Thank you for donating delicious food for Cross Lutheran Church’s meals or other food events. Now please pick up your dishes or pans from outside the Conference Room in the office hallway.

PROJECT RETURN“Celebrate the Return” Dinner Saturday, Oct. 15th 6-9 p.m. at Marquette Alumni Memorial Union $25 subsidized tickets ($50 regular price tickets)Join members of St. Matthew’s in celebrating Project Return, a ministry born from Cross Lutheran that continues to help those who have been released from prison reintegrate into daily life on the outside. With silent auctions, a delicious dinner, local music and poetry, and a keynote address from The Rev. Richard Shaw, St. Matthew C.M.E. Church in Milwaukee, you can learn more about this important ministry and its work with many of our partners in ministry and advocacy. Please contact the church office if you are interested in attending this meal, or sponsoring a dinner ticket for a Project Return client to attend the banquet.

Clothing Drive underway during October Thoughout October, St. Matthew’s will again be hosting a clothing/shoe drive to either recycle or reuse gently worn clothing, textiles, and shoes through BetterEarth. Please bring your donated items in tie-able plastic bags and place in the giant box near the parking lot entrance. Thanks for your support of bettering our earth and reducing your house clutter.

Social Issues Book Study: “Evicted”Postponed - New Date is Sunday, October 16, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.Join Pastor Matt for the next in our series of social issues book conversations. We’ll focus on Evicted, a sociological look at the world of housing and rent, homelessness and poor living conditions faced by many in impoverished and segregated areas. This book features research and examples from Milwaukee. Please join us for conversation about this aspect of life in our community, and how it reaches beyond our regular definitions of poverty and otherness.

Are you interested in tutoring at Cross Lutheran Church? We have had several people who tutored young people at Cross last school year. There is interest in renewing that program. If you enjoy tutoring and would like to be involved with our partners in this way, please sign up on the sign-up panel in today’s bulletin to signify your interest.

Come to the MICAH Public Meeting: Tuesday, October 27thOur partners and co-workers in the gospel, member congregations, synagogues, mosques of MICAH, Milwaukee Inner-City Congregations Allied for Hope, will host their public meeting, Thursday, October 27th. Further information is forthcoming. There will be updates from MICAH Leaders, including our friend and partner, The Rev. Marilyn Miller, President, Education, Transportation, Restoring Communities (Prison Reform), and Economics Task Forces, and expected greetings

from elected officials and those seeking election on November 8th. If you are interested in participating in this night of prayer and action, contact one of St. Matthew’s MICAH core team members, Pr. Matt, or the church office.

St. Matthew’s Lutheran 2016 Special Funds ReportResults as of 9/11/2016

Dollars needed to complete mortgage $411,310Hunger baskets, year-to-date, for Hunger $8,8652016 Benevolence through August $263,000 including Kingdom Account Distributions

Social Ministry

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (8)

Upcoming Dates at St. Matthew’sSunday, January 24: El Salvador Services, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.Sunday, January 31: Annual Congrega-tional Meeting, 9:45 a.m.

The calendar is always available on our website at

www.stmattslu*theran.orgQuestions? Contact office@stmattslu*theran.


“Milwaukee: City of Neighborhoods” with John Gurda, local historianA special program at Luther Manor on Monday, October 10 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. sponsored by Luther Manor and Rotary Club of WauwatosaJoin local historian John Gurda for a lively illustrated look at the patterns that have made Milwaukee pre-eminently a city of neighborhoods. A book sale and signing will follow the program.Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for hors d’oeurvres, desserts and socializing. Wine and beer will be available for purchase.Program begins at 6:30 p.m.John will entertain us on how geography matters in Milwaukee. From the very beginning, rivers and railroads divided the city into distinct “sides” - north, south, east and west - with dramatically different characters. Within those districts dozens of smaller communities developed - places like Bay View, Layton Park, Pigsville, Washington Heights, Rufus King, Riverwest and North Point. The result is a mosaic of small-scale hometowns that make the city both intelligible and approachable. The common thread in all of Gurda’s work is an understanding of history as “why things are the way they are.” Call Luther Manor at 414-464-3880 to register.

Deborah Circle will meet on Tuesday, October 11 at 12:30 p.m. The discussion topic will be hymns.

Seeking in home day care part time for our son (born in early August) beginning in late October. Please contact me at 608-201-4802 or [emailprotected] if you are interested or have any recommendations. Thank you!

Like to travel? Another church in our synod offers this opportunity:A few openings are still available on the November 17-20 Norway Lutheran Church bus tour to *Martin Luther and the Reformation* exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Additional stops include the Chanhassen dinner theater, Mall of America and the American Swedish Institute (all of which will be decorated for the holidays). Worship Sunday will be held on Luther Seminary’s campus at Old Muskego, the first Norwegian Lutheran church in America. Please reserve your spot by October 3. Information/reservation: email/call Pastor Kristie Jaramillo, [emailprotected], or Donna Hanson 262-534-3862.

Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee - FAITH CONNECTIONS - A remarkable evening of anecdotes, inspiration and celebration, will be held on Thursday, October 27 at the Johnson Controls Stadium Club at Miller Park. Dessert Reception begins at 6 p.m., program at 7 p.m. and casual conversation and more desserts at 8 p.m. Two community leaders and one organization with strong ties to professional baseball will be honored with values in Action Awards for their contributions to society. A faith leader who gets the most online “votes” will go down Bernie Brewer’s slide. Raffle prizes will include bats autographed by speakers and use of Bud Selig’s suite for a game in 2017. This soirée is a benefit supporting the critical work of the Interfaith Conference to foster understanding, counter hate, address social issues and create a better community for everyone. Register online at Interfaith Conference’s website: interfaithconference.org

Offering of Letters through Bread for the World - for Sunday, October 16:Beginning Today, stop by the table in the Library Commons and pick up materials as we college an Offering of Letters and spend time reading and writing this week to your Congressperson and Senators.Next Sunday, October 16th, our church joins thousands of other churches across the country in celebrating Bread for the World Sunday. In our worship, we will lift up our prayers for those who struggle with hunger—and rededicate ourselves to efforts that help end hunger.Our prayers and our actions are especially urgent at this time. Severe drought and civil strife have caused acute malnutrition in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria, and other parts of the world. Poverty and violence have pushed many in Latin America to leave their homes and risk everything to escape. Through our involvement in Bread for the World, we are advocating for humanitarian assistance and long-term solutions to hunger.Stop by the table in the Library Commons and pick up materials. The theme of this year’s offering of letters focuses on addressing hunger for women and children, both nationally and globally. We have writing paper, envelopes, and labels for you to use! Bring them back to church on the 16th, and we’ll mail them out for you! Thanks for using your voice for advocacy toward ending hunger for the sake of all.

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (9)

Have you filled a red bag lately? Food and grocery donations have been down lately, most likely due to people’s busy schedules. If you check the commons display, grab a red bag, and fill it with suggested grocery items for our partner food pantries. Bring it back to church next Sunday. Thank you for your generous donations that are very much needed by many families in Milwaukee.

Pop Top Collection: After a hiatus from collecting soda pop can pull tabs, we will resume the collection at this time. These pop tabs are given to the Ronald McDonald House toward the good work they do in housing out-of-town families of patients at Children’s Hospital. The collection spot will be at the entrance of the Education wing, near the other recycling and Reformation pick-up area.

Interfaith Earth Network Series Premier: Renewal in the Wilderness - a Faith and Ecology Conversation,Tuesday, September 20th at 7 p.m. at the Urban Ecology Center, Riverside Park, 1500 East Park Place, Milwaukee.... Connecting with God in the Natural World (inspired by the book of the same title by John Lionberger). For complete information on the monthly gathering, go to this website: www.InterfaithEarthNetwork.org. Please come prepared to spend half an hour outside, no matter the season.

2017 Partnership Trips Planned for January and July

Visit Tanzania in JanuarySt. Matthew’s is planning a partnership trip to Tanzania this January to celebrate the January 15th installation of Pastor Elias Kitoi as Bishop of the Meru Diocese. The tentative dates of the trip are January 11th – 24th, with visits to our partnership community and cultural experiences planned. Estimated cost is $3500, depending on airfare. A brief information meeting will take place on Sunday, October 2nd at noon. (You will still be able to participate in God’s Work Our Hands activities). Names of those attending the installation event need to be submitted to the Meru Diocese by October 31st, so we will need a commitment by that date.If you have any questions or are interested in begin part of the St. Matthew’s delegation, please talk to Pastor Chris or Gretchen Haugse.

Visit El Salvador in JulyBecause of the Tanzania trip in January, our annual visit to El Salvador will be moved from January to July in 2017. We hope that this change in timing will allow those who are not able to take vacation time in January to be part of this meaningful partnership experience. Watch for more details and an information meeting early in the year. If you have any questions, please talk to Gretchen Haugse or Pastor Chris.

Anti-Racism Training—October 20-22nd at Mt. Zion, WauwatosaThis summer’s unrest in the Sherman Park neighborhood, one of Milwaukee’s stronger neighborhoods, as well as the shooting of Jay Anderson in Wauwatosa are hard, painful reminders of the reality of systemic racism in our own lives and in our direct spheres of influence. Now is a great time to commit to learning and exploring more about systemic racism and our part in perpetuating the centuries of racism in America. Our Synod’s Anti-Racism team is hosting a 2.5 day workshop, Thursday evening Oct. 20th, Friday October 21st, and Saturday, October 22nd at Mt. Zion in Wauwatosa.The focus of this training is for congregational leaders who engage in cross-cultural and cross-class partnerships. If you are part of our partnerships with Reformation and Cross, we encourage you to consider participating in this event. It is of utmost importance to begin the process of unlearning what Jim Wallis of Sojourners calls “America’s Original Sin” so that we might be blessed with the richness of our shared life in the beloved community. The cost of $150 includes 5 meals, materials, and will be subsidized by St. Matthew’s so you only pay $75. Scholarships are available. Please contact the Church Office to Register by October 7th.

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (10)

Flower/Book Sign-Ups NeededYour Sign-Ups are needed for the altar flower/library book/CD sign-up notebook! Want to honor a loved one or show someone you care? Designate altar flowers for them, or a library book. Sign up in the Binder at the Information Center. For a donation of $30.00, you may designate altar flowers, or for $15.00 a library book or a compact disc for an occasion of your choosing, and this occasion will be listed in the Sunday bulletin. The Library Committee will select the book and a bookplate will be placed in the front of the book. The church office staff orders the flowers from A New Leaf Floral each week. It is best if you pay for your donations on the designated Sunday or before. Place a check in the offering plate and mark its purpose of payment, or drop off your payment in the office during the week. Thanks.

A note about your valuable items: A reminder to our members and guests that each week as you come to church, any valuable items should be kept with you and not left in coat pockets or in an unlocked space.

Have you considered advertising in our newsletter? St. Matthew’s newsletter, The VOICE of St. Matthew’s, is printed 16 times per year at no charge to our congregation, thanks to the advertisers who pay for ads printed in each issue. JS Paluch, a church printing company based in Franklin Park, Illinois, has been providing us with this service for the past five years. We are thankful to the advertisers who make this possible. Would you like to learn more about the possibility of including your business in our newsletter? Contact Sonja Mohr in the church office, who will put you in touch with Paula, our advertising rep at JS Paluch.

The MICAH Education Task Force is holding a listening session about EDUCATION in Milwaukee. This facilitated listening session will be held in small groups. The event will take place at Greater Galilee Baptist Church on Saturday, October 15th from 10:00AM to 1:00PM. A light lunch is included. Childcare is provided for children 3 yrs and up. Your voice is important.

Reformation Blessing Sunday is set for Sunday, October 23 at 10 a.m. at their ministry site, 3806 W. Lisbon Ave., Milwaukee. The folks at Reformation hope that many of the partners will be able to attend the celebration!

The St. Matthew’s Meal Outreach Ministry

Just One More: NEW INFORMATION!! Volunteers assemble packaged meals to be picked up by area churches and programs each weekday morning at 9:00 a.m. Food packing takes place at their new location: 6442 River Parkway, Wauwatosa. The JOMM office phone is 414-292-5112; speak with Ray Lueck. OR go online to the JOMM website: jomministry.org and click on “volunteer” - you can sign up right there!Guest House: Many thanks to Conor & Lisa Williams and daughters Grace and Elena, for a fantastic dinner service at the Guest House on September 11. Three or four volunteers are welcome each month to prepare and serve dinner for 85 men at the Guest House, a homeless shelter. Meet at the church at 5:00 p.m. to carpool and finish by 7:00 p.m. Seeking volunteers for December 11. Please contact Carl Johnson ([emailprotected]) or 414-771-1023.Repairers of the Breach: We supply 100 bag lunches for the homeless twice a month. We pack the lunches at church on the 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. Volunteers are needed to provide beverages, fruit, chips and sweets and/or pack the lunches. Contact Tom Geib (414-321-3391).Serenity Inn: Thanks to Kelly Kirtley and John Swenson for volunteering on September 11. Volunteers prepare and serve 6-8 residents the second Sunday of each month. Volunteers carpool meeting at church at 5:15 returning at 7:15. Currently looking for volunteers for December 11. If you can help, please contact the coordinator, Cherie Swenson, at 262-309-3690 or by email [emailprotected] Lutheran Lunch Program We serve 300-400 people on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Cross Lutheran Church, 1821 N. 16th Street. We carpool from St. Matthew’s at 10:45 a.m. and serve beginning at about 11:30 and returning to St. Matt’s at about 1:00. Next Meal: Wednesday, October 25, 2016. Pick up a card in worship on the Sunday prior to the meal to donate food.

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (11)

Did you know? We are offering printed directories for those who would like them. While our online directory is used frequently by our members, some members are not online, or may prefer a printed copy. These are available in the church office.

Simply Giving: St. Matthew’s Stewardship Committee partners with Thrivent Financial for electronic transfer of contributions from parishioners’ checking or savings accounts directly to St. Matthew’s bank account. For more information or to request enrollment documents, contact Holly in the church office, 414-774-0441 or [emailprotected]

Healing Service Schedule: All are welcome at monthly healing services Healing services are offered monthly at St. Matthew’s at a variety of times to give all the opportunity to come forward for healing prayer for themselves or others. You can share your concern with the pastor/leader at the altar, and then he/she along with the healing ministries will lay on hands and give a special prayer for your concern. Your concern can be general if you don’t wish to share specifically. Sunday, October 9 8:30 & 11:00 servicesSunday, November 20 After the 11:00 service

APPLE PIES - Saturday, November 19 - St Matt’s popular apple pie sale is returning in November! To raise money for the women’s ministry, we’ll make and sell delicious homemade apple pies. Pies will sell for $12 per pie - pre-orders start in early November. Volunteers of all skill levels are needed to assemble the pies. Please join us on Saturday, November 19th to help slice, chop, measure and package over 100 pies. Sign-up will start in early November. Contact Heather Deaton at 414.704.0247 or [emailprotected] for more information.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study continues each week at 10 a.m.Bible Study with Pastor Matt will continue our journey through the Old Testament in the book of the prophet Amos. Anyone is welcome to join in our study as we walk verse by verse through the bible. In this time of political discussions and values at the forefront of our minds, Amos and the prophets are a great place to focus our own study of scripture. Join us as well for coffee, community, and yummy snacks!

A note about your valuable items: A reminder to our members and guests that each week as you come to church, any valuable items should be kept with you and not left in coat pockets or in an unlocked space.

The Women of the ELCA Cluster Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 19 at St. Matthew’s. Registration begins at 8 a.m. followed by a breakfast at 8:30. Pastor Ann Williams will lead the Bible Study. The Program will be a mission emphasis, “Learn for Life - Kenya” by Bonnie Lee, a group offering scholarships to Kenyan students for job training providing hope and integrity. Cost will be $12 or $3 without breakfast. Watch for a sign-up sheet coming soon.

“Taking the Hassle Out of Downsizing and Moving One Step at a Time” a free presentation by Realtor Bruce Nemovitz and Sue Wiske and Melinda Stuart of Smart Moves, at Luther Manor’s Linden Room on Thursday, October 20 at 10 a.m. Please RSVP to 414-434-1767.

“Having important Life Planning Conversations with Seniors You Love” is a free presentation at Luther Manor’s Linden Room on Wedneday, October 26 at 4 p.m. Social worker Kathi Brueggemann will help you understand what to say, what not to say and how to prepare for these difficult conversations. Please RSVP to 414-434-1767.

St. Matt’s First Fridays Book Club reveals Reading List for 2016-17 year The St. Matthew’s book group, which usually meets on the first Friday of each month, has shared their reading list. It is available at church or on our website.The next meeting is Friday’ November 4 at St. Matthew’s, usually meeting in the Upper Room.November 4: Orphan #8: A Novel by Kim van

Alkemade (416 pages)

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (12)

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (13)

St. Matthew’s Weekly Sign-Up PanelOctober 9, 2016

If you are interested in any of the following activities/events, please check the appropriate box and place this sheet in the offering plate, or turn it in to the church office. This is your opportunity to be involved in some of St. Matthew’s ministries.

My 1st-3rd grader would like to attend Kids for Christ, Sunday, October 16, 12:15-2:00 p.m. Number attending _____

I would like more information on the Caregivers Support Group.

I’m interested in joining St. Matthew’s. Please inform me of the upcoming membership classes.

I would like information on placing an ad in the Voice newsletter. The best way to contact me is ____________________________

I am interested in tutoring at Cross Lutheran Church. Please contact me with further information.

I’m interested in attending the MICAH Public Meeting on Thursday, October 27.

I can help the Garden Crew with Yard Clean-Up on Saturday morning, October 22 beginning at 9:30 a.m.

I plan to attend the Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, October 15 at 7:30 a.m. Number attending ____

Name___________________________________ Phone Number___________________

Email Address _________________________________________________________

For more information on any of these opportunities, please call or email the church office, 414-774-0441 or [emailprotected].

Please add my email address to the list of people receiving the Friday “Bulletin Update,” a preview of the announcements in the upcoming Sunday’s bulletin.

I would like more information about serving at Serenity Inn occasionally. It is scheduled each second Sunday evening. (Serenity volunteers serve only dates you choose)

I’d like to help with the “Just One More” meal ministry on Friday mornings. The food distributing takes place at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Wisconsin Ave. in Milwaukee.

I have a question about ___________________

Please add my email address to the list of people receiving the Friday “Bulletin Update,” a preview of the announcements in the upcoming Sunday’s bulletin.

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09 · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (14)

Ministers ThePeopleofSt.Matthew’sEv.LutheranChurchLeadPastor TheRev.ChristopherJ.P.MankeAssociatePastor TheRev.MatthewSchlake-KruseAssociatePastor TheRev.AnnWilliamsMusicMinister/Organist/NewGeneration&AdultHandbellChoirs JohnR.ParadowskiDirectorofOlderAdultMinistries JaneSandstromDirectorofYouthMinistries&Children’sEducationCoordinator GretchenHaugseVolunteerMinistries/SmallGroups/AdultEducation SueSwingChildren’sMinistryCoordinator DonnaGardnerMankePastors’Assistant/SundaySchoolSupport EmilyWanezekTechnologyCoordinator BrianSmithSeniorChoirDirector DavidMohrYouthHandbellChoirs JeffreyReevesNewCreationChoir JeffreyReevesandJohnParadowski;HeideHughes,accompanistPraiseKids!Directors(Jr.K-2grades) JeffReevesandAmyDankwardtFinancialAdministrator JenniferKramerOfficeAssistant JillDueCommunicationsSecretary SonjaMohrJanitor JohnSwensonJanitor RobertGardnerPastorEmeritus TheRev.GaryErickson

Vision Statement: Guided byGod’s Spirit andGrace, we are a community ofdisciplesgrowinginfaith,hopeandloveinourLordandSaviorJesusChrist.(What we want to become)

Mission Statement: Called to fulfill the Great Commission, St. Matthew’swelcomesalltofaithinJesusChrist,nurturesourfaithjourney,equipsustoserveothers,andsendsusintotheworldtomakeadifferenceinJesus’name.(What we are going to do)

Values: Wewant to be people who grow in our Spiritual fruitfulness, which isshown through the Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,Goodness,Faithfulness,Gentleness,Self-control.(Who we want to be)

(PDF) Bulletin Layout Planning Welcome to Worship at St. …...2016/10/09  · Welcome to Worship at St. Matthew’s October 9, 2016 We’re glad you’re here today! Jesus said, “For - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)


What is the structure of the opening prayer? ›

The Collect begins by addressing God (YOU). It continues by acknowledging something God has done or a characteristic of God (WHO). Then, there is a petition – we ask God to DO something. Finally, we recognize that our prayer is always through Christ and with the help of the Holy Spirit (THROUGH).

What is an example of an opening prayer for worship? ›

Opening Prayer for Worship and Church

Dear Jesus, you are the author and perfecter of our Faith. You save us and sustain us. Help us to trust in your and to worship whether we have a lot of a little. May our praise bring you glory and remind us of your promises.

How to open a worship service with Scripture? ›

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Scriptures such as Psalm 100 are great passages to read out loud to help call our people to turn from worldly distractions and worship God. A few others I recommend include Psalm 105:1-3, Colossians 1:15-20, 1 Peter 1:3-5, and Psalm 134:1-2.

What is the structure of the worship service? ›

The structure of the worship service is centered around gathering, the service of the Word, the service of the Table and dismissal.

What are the 7 steps of prayer? ›

  • GRATITUDE. Begin by thanking God in a personal dialogue for whatever you are most grateful for today.
  • AWARENESS. Revisit the times this past day when you were and were not the best version of yourself. ...
  • PEACE. ...
  • FREEDOM. ...
  • OTHERS. ...

What is an opening prayer called? ›

[ in-vuh-key-shuhn ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA.

What do you say when opening worship? ›

Hello, [church name] family and visitors. We're so glad you're here today to worship the Lord together. For those who don't know me, my name is [name] and I'm [position at the church].

How to worship that pleases God? ›

God is pleased when our worship is thoughtful.

God is not pleased with thoughtless singing of hymns, perfunctory praying of clichés, or careless exclamations of “Praise the Lord,” because we can't think of anything else to say at that moment. If worship is mindless, it is meaningless. You must engage your mind.

How do I worship God in Spirit? ›

Here are some things to do throughout the day to spend your time more intentionally with God.
  1. Start Your Day With Him. ...
  2. Pray Intentionally. ...
  3. Write Down Things You Are Thankful For. ...
  4. Notice Your Complaints and Turn Them Into Praise. ...
  5. Enjoy God's Creation. ...
  6. Love Others. ...
  7. Love Yourself.

What are the 7 elements of worship? ›

47-9. The Bible teaches that the following are proper elements of worship service: reading of Holy Scripture, singing of psalms and hymns, the offering of prayer, the preaching of the Word, the presentation of offerings, confessing the faith and observing the Sacraments; and on special occasions taking oaths.

What is the correct pattern of worship? ›

This pattern has a simple structure that can be expressed as follows: 1) God's people are called together to worship him; 2) we come before God on the basis of a sacrifice; 3) we hear the Word of God proclaimed; 4) we respond with our prayers and praises; 5) we partake of the covenant meal; and 6) we go forth with the ...

What are the 3 elements of worship? ›

Read, pray, sing: 3 elements of family worship
  • Read. Begin your time of family worship with Scripture reading. ...
  • Pray. If prayer is not a daily part of your routine, it may feel uncomfortable and overwhelming to pray out loud with your family. ...
  • Sing. Music may be a regular part of your rhythm of life.
Mar 21, 2020

How to make an opening prayer? ›

Opening Prayer For Guidance

As we come before you today to discuss important matters, we ask for your guidance and wisdom. You are the source of all knowledge and understanding; therefore, we seek your direction in our decision-making process. Help us to listen attentively to one another, with open hearts and minds.

What is the basic prayer structure? ›

The General structure for a prayer can be broken down into the following patter: You, Who, Do, Through You begin by addressing God by a name or title that is fitting for the type of prayer. The second part addresses who God is through His mighty works.

How do you lead an opening prayer? ›

Here are a few ideas for things to include in the opening prayer:
  1. Ask God to fill you all with His Spirit and guide the time according to His will.
  2. Thank God in advance for always being ready to answer, even if it's not the answer we expect or want.
  3. Thank God that He knows best, and ask for His will to be done.

What are the 5 parts of prayer in order? ›

The Prayer Hand is an easy way to remember five essential aspects of prayer: confession, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise. Use this helpful diagram in your personal prayer life or when teaching about prayer to others.

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.