R.O.B.S. - Announcements June 2019 (2024)

Why did we do it?
What was our purpose in taking on such an open ended “History Project”; for which we evolved a script of questions and got answers from over 150 subjects for two decades?
We couldn’t answer the question in 1994 when people would ask “What are you going to do with the interviews?” All we could say was that for educational purposes we had to document our record now or lose the chance to preserve so many poignant accounts, funny stories and touching tales told by exemplary educators. We knew these dedicated public servants might shortly, for reasons yet unknown, be leaving Brentwood for good.
So, we decided to let time sort out the details. We began scheduling appointments. W
e asked questions and listened saving for generations the essence of what it meant to have been an educator or employed, in this large public school system during the second half of the 20th century. Brentwood remains an exemplar to all others; a diverse microcosm of America reflecting 124 districts on Long Island while simultaneously resembling thousands across the U.S. We’ve accomplished something here to be proud of. Whether we were interviewed or not, ours is a claim of service that few professionals in the State of New York or elsewhere have positioned themselves to share in the way we have.
INITIALLY the practice of sitting with a subject for an hour and giving them a hundred percent focused attention seemed somewhat daunting to a number of friends and colleagues. So much so in fact that many declined our repeated invitations to speak with us as they left careers or retired from full employment. Despite all assurances that we were not about investigative journalism or invading privacy, they deferred. Now, twenty years after we began, some are saying they may be ready. “Better late than never” we say. However, to all among you who were willing to share not only your classroom experiences and personal stories, but precious memories from your lives along with your fondest hopes for the future, we say “Thanks”. Thanks for allowing us to continue the process by paying it forward as we share these interviews with the Brentwood community and countless professionals and researchers near and far. Through an acceptance of ROBS offer of collaboration with Archivist Dr. Geri Solomon and The Long Island Studies Institute at Hofstra University our History Project lives on in academia as well as in the collection of the Brentwood Public Library, thanks to Director, Thomas A. Tarantowicz.
You can enjoy unlimited visits to www.robsny.org where you can watch and listen to segments from featured Interviews in the ROBS History Project Section on our Announcements Page each month. Return here to listen and learn again and again.

Grace Fishenfeld
H.S. Art Teacher
Interviewed 8/26/2009

Her name is Grace Fishenfeld and she’s taught Art in Brentwood High School for twenty years in both Sonderling and Ross Buildings; eighteen years of which she laughingly admits, she enjoyed. Her first two years she was almost a basket case if not for her Art Department. They were very supportive. So were a few people in the Home Economics Department that were there for her; like Phyllis Beyer, who taught her how to put a role book together, how to put student names in twenty week segments, and gave her the tools she needed to begin teaching in Brentwood.
Her mother was an anglophile, her sister’s name was Edith, her cousin’s name Joyce, they had a Lester in the family, a Spenser and she became Grace. They had to be American English type names because her mother was trying to be Middle or Upper Middle Class and she thought that kind of naming would put them in a different financial and ethnic category. Her name was also “Graceala” her nick name, that became “Graceale” by her grandma and grandpa who lived downstairs.
When the time came after twenty years, she wasn’t really ready to retire. It didn’t seem long enough to her, but it was long enough for her husband Bernie, who had already retired ahead of her from the New York City school system. He had a position with the Board of Education as Acting Director of Music. When he saw her hit the 20th year of teaching he knew she was eligible for retirement so he said, “That’s it!” We’ll live in Florida, become Florida citizens, and we’ll get an apartment in Great Neck on Long Island, near Keith, and spend five months in Great Neck and seven months in Boca Raton”. Keith lives in Great Neck with his wife Cheryl, and family. Cheryl runs the family and allows Keith the time to play music while he designs jewelry in his shop in Great Neck, NY. Daughter Randi who lives in South Florida is a full time musician and former Attorney at Law. Grace and Bernie are lucky enough to have two grand children. Jessica, the first born is a wonderful child. She’s a gift. She was always adorable and three years after her birth came Andrew who is Superman; he is kind and good and loves his sister. He really is amazing. He’s a good boy. He’s the most gentle, caring, ethical young boy, while Jessica is also caring and good to her brother and to her father and mother, but she has a great talent. She just got a scholarship to the Opera and Theatre Program at New York University. Jessica is seventeen and a half and Andrew is fourteen. Jessica has learned a great deal and she has had good boy friends who have introduced her to good literature and cultural things. Grace said “It’s good to have good friends”.
One of her friends is joining her at the theatre program at NYU. So she’ll have a buddy. She’ll probably be living in The City. Husband, Bernie, went to NYU. When he matriculated he commuted from Blake Ave. in Brooklyn, to New York University School of Education. Jessica is going to live in the dorm, and get very fancy treatment from the family while she will be allowed to stay in Manhattan. Their son Keith, as the first born, grew up with music. Practicing was part of all their lives. There was no such thing as coming home from school and watching television. They could watch television for about an hour in their room but then they had to practice their instruments. Keith played trumpet and learned with some very good teachers. Randi played violin and studied with Bernie. When she went to USDAN Summer Camp for the Arts and auditioned for the orchestra, she came home at nine years old and told them she was second to the worst violinist in the whole camp and needed a GOOD teacher. They got her a good teacher and Bernie was fired Bernie was a trumpet player and so they got her a really good teacher by the name of Sylvan Schulman who taught at the Julliard Prep School. Randi became a good violinist which later interfered with her Law profession. Whenever she didn’t like what she was doing she took her fiddle out and played. She was hired wherever she performed. That is what she is doing to this day. Her Law Degree was put in her car, got rained on and became crummy looking. She earned it anyway and practiced Law for three and a half years.
Music and Art remained with both her children. Keith was an art education major at New Paltz. Bernie and Grace wanted him to become a Dentist, she said in all seriousness and then she laughed. “We were very successful with our children”, she said. “Our training really led them…..“that’s why I needed Bobby Frankel. Bobby Frankel used to help me when I became frustrated with the way my great educational plans for my children went off the rails. He would welcome me into his office and give me tissues right away, and so I can tell you the gifts that we offered the children were unofficial, but they became the official way of life for each of them – music for Randi and art for Keith.” Keith didn’t believe Grace loved teaching. . Describing his experience with student teaching in Kingston, New York, tells how he walked into the classroom, introduced himself and said “”Hi, my name is Keith.” He didn’t say, “I’m your new teacher Mr. Fishenfeld,” he said “Hi, my name is Keith, your new art teacher.” The kids listened to him and one boy said, “Hi Keith, and opened the door and disappeared saying, “Bye Keith”. Well he learned too late that you can be more formal and be an adult with children. You can earn their respect and still be friendly. He never got to that stage. He did not like teaching. He saved his money and opened a jewelry shop in Great Neck, Long Island. At New Paltz, he took a Masters Program in Gold and Silver Smithing. He did very well with several competitions. He entered the Diamonds Are Forever Competition with the de Beer’s competition and was a finalist in London for his engagement ring design. Keith has had a good following for all the years he’s been in business. Plus, on Thursday nights he takes his trumpet and invites musicians to his shop where they play inside and in the street. His wife Cheryl supports his playing, freeing him to express his creative bent without burdening him with other obligations. She respects and knows he’s developed a reputation as the Jazz Talented Jeweler. When I asked Grace about her earliest memories as a child she told us the story of a white kitchen table. It was the family kitchen. The table was the centerpiece of family activity. Grace loved talking about it. It was a white porcelain table that had little blue diamonds all around it. After dinner her mother would clear the table and Grace, her sister and her father would take pencils and draw on the white table top. Her father loved to draw scenes of American Indians. And so they would draw scenes of American Indians until they filled the whole table. Then her mother would take Bon Ami, a scouring powder, and would ask “Are you finished?” and she would clean off the entire table to restore the white surface.

Her mother’s maiden name was Lepofski and Grace’s maiden name was Goldberg. Her father’s original name had been Zenzelski before it was changed to Goldberg on the boat coming over from Russia. The agent asked her grandfather his name. He answered “Chaim Zenzelski.” “Is that with a D or a Z”? the agent asked. His response was “I don’t know”, having no idea what those letters were. The agent said “okay, from now on your name will be Goldberg”.
There were 13 children and they were all Goldbergs. To this day no one in the family uses Zenzelski. Her grandfather had come from Russia and learned immediately to speak and write English. He moved to upstate New York where he got a real estate brokers stamp, Hyman Goldberg Real Estate. He bought a farm and opened a place called the Swan Lake Inn, which became the Swan Lake Hotel where he proudly walked around with a white linen suit, white patent leather shoes, a white panama hat, and a gold watch in his pocket while his wife cooked in the kitchen and the 13 children did the plumbing, painting, drove the carriage to the railroad station. They picked up guests and provided all the labor for paying guests.
All this while her grandma was a “scholf”, a slave, while her husband was “the king”. He treated his children as workers. He lost his fortune digging a swimming pool for guests at the Swan Lake Hotel. He had money and engineering problems but failed to find water to fill the gorgeous pool. He became a visitor after his wife, Genesha, died. He would visit each child and each child would give him a meal and two dollars and he went back to his rented single room in Manhattan. Grandpa Chaim (Hyman) fell from a very high place. Grace’s mother had two very loving parents who lived downstairs from her parents. Her maternal grandmother came to this country six years after her grandfather arrived. Grace’s grandmother, Rifka, taught herself to make clothes. It took her six years to save enough to come to the US, because Grace’s grandfather had been unsuccessful in finding a job or a way to support Rifka and their six year old son, Sammy. That six year old became Grace’s uncle Sam. Grandma Rifka came over with money she’d earned from making and selling clothes to people. She came by way of steerage carrying a little bag of Kosher food. Rifka refused to eat any food from the ship. Uncle Sam who was only six years old then, was very hungry and managed to get some food from a compassionate seaman. Grace’s grandmother told Uncle Sam she couldn’t eat it and he replied, “Mama, Mama, don’t worry, if it’s good it’s Kosher” and that was the way he lived the rest of his life. He was pragmatic. He knew in order to survive, he had to adapt. Grace’s Uncle Sam eventually went to Medical School. He also found a good neighborhood, East New York, Brooklyn, where he was delivering meat while working for a butcher. He found Flatbush on his bike. He spied Erasmus High School through the schoolyard. He said “that’s a good school, I want to go to that school.” So he lied about where he lived, and no one questioned him. He rode his bike from another neighborhood and pushed himself to succeed which he did. He graduated from Flatbush Erasmus Hall High School and went on to College. He married as he neared the end of Medical School and dropped out to open a Pharmacy in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, where he successfully raised a wonderful family,
Grace had a sister Edith, who is six and a half years older than she. She learned an awful lot watching her sister interact with her mother. She learned to be more private than her sister who was completely dominated by the good wishes of her mother, Jean, who gave Edith piano lessons and elocution lessons. Grace learned a lot from her. She could go downstairs where her grandmother and grandfather lived and enjoy their stories. She learned to say, “Thank you Mom”, and then do what she wanted to do. Her mother, Jean, had only one brother, Sam. Her father, Joseph, came from a large Goldberg family with twelve brothers and sisters. Uncle Sam Lipofsky became Americanized right away. He played golf. His daughters wore orders and rode horseback in Prospect Park, his son Marvin, became a doctor and completed what Sam hadn’t been able to.
Grace had many teachers that profoundly influenced her. She also had the Biltmore Movie Theatre, where her mother took her about three times a week to see all those glamorous cinemas. Grace’s first language was English but with an English accent. She spoke Yiddish, American English and English with a British accent because that’s what the actresses spoke in all those movies Grace saw. She thought that was the correct or preferred way to articulate the spoken word. Later, she learned to speak American when she played in the school yard.
Grace must have been a gifted little artist because she clearly remembers being chosen by the Principal of her school to select the art work that was hung in the corridors. She must have been advanced for her age because she and her sister and her father had been drawing together for the better part of her life.
Grace remembers having had many teachers who had a profound influence on her. One was Ella Jackson. She was her High School Art Teacher and the person who told Grace and her friends that they had to go into Manhattan at least two days each month to walk around and observe how people acted and dressed. The teacher included going to the Museum of Modern Art. She wanted her students to be in the world of knowledge and to raise their perspectives from the mundane to a more worldly view. She also took examples of Grace’s work and mailed it to The National Academy in Washington DC. She taught Grace about wood cut work prints, and framed her work and sent it out to enter competitions. She was chosen to be accepted into some very fine competitions when she was very young and still in high school. Because of Ella Jackson, Grace became a serious artist. Grace was also a singer and was taking voice lessons. Her mother dragged her to all those programs. One was the Horn and Hardart’s Children’s Hour. Their catch phrase was “Less Work for Mother”. It was there she sang and got nauseous on the train and hated it, but her mother loved it because she was then an entertainer. Grace’s mom always meant well but it really clashed with Grace’s feelings. Grace always loved doing art work because she didn’t have to perform in public.
Her favorite classes in school were her Art classes, English Literature and History. She was terrible in Math. She counted on her fingers
Her grandmother, Rifka, would allow the children to hang their stockings up at Christmas time. Not by the fireplace, though they had a fake fireplace The stockings were hung in the kitchen where the dishtowels were hung to dry. Grandma crept up the steps and put money (Hanukah gelt) in their Christmas stockings.
Given the opportunity now to live in both Great Neck and Florida we asked if Grace preferred any one of the four seasons she had lived with all her life. She expressed her love for not one but all of them. She also confessed to loving the aroma of baked apples with cinnamon which filled the entire house especially when guests were expected. She loved to bake apples with cinnamon. It made everything smell so lovely!
We asked Grace to name all the schools she had attended during her life. She attended PS 72 across the street from a Reformed Dutch Church. There were wonderful teachers who made them do a Victory Garden during the second World War in a little patch of land near New Lots Avenue in Brooklyn. It was one of the oldest Elementary Schools in Brooklyn. When that building was torn down Grace was in Fourth Grade. Grace transferred to PS 182 on Wyonna Street. It took her a while to really love that school because PS 72 was quite a remarkable place. They told students all about the early Dutch settlers in New Lots and across the street from PS 72 was the old Schenk (Dutch) preserved cottage. There were cobblestones in the street and thoughts of the early settlers in New York were with her when she went to that school. The streets still had cobblestones in her neighborhood but she moved to a more modern building PS 182, where she stayed until 6th Grade and she went to Junior High School 149 on Sutter Avenue in Brooklyn where Danny Kay graduated. She wanted to major in Art so she traveled to Prospect Heights High School across the street from Brooklyn Museum and took classes at the Botanical Garden. It was within walking distance. She had a marvelous all girls high school experience and that was okay because she had a boyfriend Bernie from the age of sixteen, to whom she is still married.
She was born in Jewish Hospital in 1932 in what she believed was Crown Heights. She had really good high school teachers that carried her all the way through College to Brentwood High School. She wanted to do for other kids what was done for her. Her teachers prepared her to know where to apply for scholarships.
Grace’s father, Joseph, was a house painter – he was sick so her mother went to work as a sewing machine operator in the neighborhood. Neither parent had time to tell her what applications to fill out. Her teachers did that. Her teachers told her something about the School Art League which was an association of Businessmen from Brooklyn who supported talented art students. She won a four year scholarship to Parsons School of Design where she went when she graduated from high school. She stayed for a year but never liked the way they were training the students so she left. She lost her scholarship and the administration made her bring her parents up to their office because she was giving up such a marvelous advantage. Now she says she was a foolish child. She thought her High School training was more advanced than what she got at Parsons. Her high school had already had live nude models in her classes at Prospect Heights. She felt they were slowing her down so she left her scholarship.

However, when she did so her mother said, “Now you have to get a job. You can’t stay home and do nothing.” So, she got a job in a comic book factory and she found out that it was better to go to school. It was tough to be in the kind of environment where people were really sweating it out. It was hard work. Within a year she found out about State Tech, which was a two year Community College and she applied. They were marvelous. They looked at her portfolio from High School and whatever she learned at Parsons and they took her without requiring an exam. She completed her Associates Degree there and she immediately got a job in an advertising agency. The first eight weeks was working in what they called a “bull pen”, where she did paste-ups for the Art Directors layouts. She then became an Art Director. The ad agency advertised books and Grace did layouts for Harper’s Mysteries. She was in charge of that account and did it for two years. She then married and helped Bernie pay tuition to college until she became pregnant with her first child, Keith.
After eight years, she returned to Nassau Community College and then went to Molloy College for Catholic Women where they were marvelous to her. They took all of Grace’s credits while she completed her undergraduate studies. She then applied for a teaching position at Brentwood.
Grace arrived in Brentwood on the third day of school in the Fall of 1972. She had heard there was an opening for an Art teacher from Frank Lerche who was a friend of her son’s high school Art Teacher. He was Dr. Lerche, Art Department Chair. Grace was told that the young man who was hired had walked out on the very first day saying he had a better offer of a job up state and didn’t like what he had seen so far in Brentwood. An interview was arranged for Grace with Principal Stan Yankowski, Frank Lerche and Manny Vega, Director of District Art. As they were trying to determine if she would be able to handle classes of mixed racial and ethnic student composition, she told them she wasn’t concerned with any of that. All she wanted to do was concentrate on what she was expected to be teaching. Grace was concerned with tomorrow, not about their color. She wanted to know how to get their attention and keep them focused. They didn’t yet know and couldn’t have known that Grace had previously taught for twelve years in a Mid-Island Y in Wantagh and East New York, while she was still a student and still in school helping support herself and the family. She had already been working with a diverse population of students with whom she was quite comfortable. Yet, she still took almost two years to figure out how to work with the young people she met in Brentwood. They were quite different from those people she had met at the other schools in which she had prior experience teaching.
The person who saved her and turned her into a “tuned in” teacher in Brentwood was Tex (Margaret) Vlasits. She gave Grace a fundamental grasp of how to become a successful teacher in Brentwood. “This is a battlefield”, Tex told her, and “at all times you have to be prepared before they walk in the room or they will kill you” (speaking educationally or metaphorically). She asked Grace, “How old are you? Forty? And where did you teach before? And she began at the beginning with Tex’s structure, lesson plans and boxing her materials. “Tex Vlasits was a real down to earth teacher”. Grace taught drawing and painting, three dimensional design, and advertising because she had been in the field of advertising. She team taught with her Chairman, Frank Lerche, who she said was a charming man and enjoyed the kids as much as she did. Although she was taught how to teach at Molloy, she had to restructure her purpose when she arrived in Brentwood or she would not have lasted. The nuns were sisters of the Dominican Order. St Dominic had been an educator and an intellectual. They proposed that grades be eliminated and learning occur for its own sake becoming its own reward. Grace believed that wouldn’t work in Brentwood so she changed her plan or she knew she’d fail. Failure was not an option. She did what she learned she had to do – she became her own Master Teacher and gave students what she had planned to give them. She gave them what she had been given—the chance to experience the values of an affluent life without the riches. Grace became what the greatest and best teachers she had had in school were for her. She became for her own students a teacher of how they could enjoy intellectually and creatively the finer things of life, the pleasure and the beauty and the simplicity of a life well lived. It was Ella Jackson in High School who had done it for Grace. Now Grace would do it for her students. They could find careers and financial reward by means of their own intelligence and creativity.
She vehemently opposes the privatizing of charter schools favoring the role of public schools in a free society and fears what will happen as the trend diminishing the role of public schools continues. Grace retired in 1992, twenty years after she had begun teaching in Brentwood. She really wasn’t ready to retire and began finding fault with mundane elements of her routine until she realized she was feeling pressured by her husband Bernie to retire to Florida. When she confronted him about it he said, “Okay, then I’ll miss you in Florida”. It was then she realized she didn’t want to be on L.I. alone, with Bernie by himself in the Sunshine State, so she committed to handing in her papers and retiring to Florida. It was then that she found and read an article in a Florida newspaper about a group of artists called Women in the Visual Arts and connected with them immediately and worked in the community. They were not only artists, they also provided scholarships to high school boys and girls and college graduate women working to complete their Masters Degrees. She became the Chairperson of The Graduate Education Committee where they selected talented women in need of funds to complete their graduate degree. She belongs to the Boca Museum Artists Guild where they have a regular cooperative art gallery where they compete to exhibit each month. She belongs to the National Organization of Women Artists and the Coral Springs Artists Guild, the Florida Water Color Society plus the Palm Beach Water Color Society. She works all the time. One of her students Flor deLisa Espaniole said to her, “I know you were waiting for me to graduate but your career is waiting. It’s your turn now Mrs. Fish.”
Grace expressed her gratitude to Brentwood and the Union for all her benefits. 1972 was the last year under TIER 1 for all benefits. She made it in under the wire. She misses so many of the good people she met in Brentwood. Tex is gone. So many are gone but she’s still in touch with her students. She has a few that she writes to, and hears from, as well as those who have gone on to achieve wonderful things. When she left she felt complete; done. She described her former colleagues as “hard working, achieving people, good comrades, good friends who were supportive”. She saw Brentwood’s students as “special, they have a lot of things splitting their lives, they have economic pressures. They live a little far away from New York City, so they couldn’t do her higher horizons program that was given to her to get into New York City and look around. She didn’t know what they’d find now. She was directed to St Patrick’s Cathedral, to look at the beauty, look at this, look at that. They can’t run to the New York City Museum of Art. It’s hard. It’s expensive. She found that once her students got into college they stuck to it like the weeds that grew through cracks in the pavement. They hung in there. Her students who went to college, graduated, went to art school, found great careers. They were not spoiled children.
Her advice to new teachers was, “Have patience, be willing to learn, be open to criticism. You don’t know everything when you begin a job. Listen to your colleagues. Feel the tempo of your students but always....have patience.” There were so many students that she loved, who were so courageous, who found careers. She wished she could tell us about them, wonderful stories of boys and girls who for the most part were quite alone in their discoveries. In other words, their academic achievements were not particularly understood by their parents who were new to the country and struggling. She recalled, that it wasn’t a stupid question that was asked of her when she interviewed for her job in Brentwood. They wanted to know, “How did she feel about the ethnicity of the students here”? Grace said, “It did mean something. You had to understand that there are a lot of people learning many new things here and you are only one of them. We are there to help them.”

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R.O.B.S. - Announcements June 2019 (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.