Seoul baby - SilvinLewisDragneel - Stray Kids (Band) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

They say I'm too young to love you

They say I'm too dumb to see

They judge me like a picture book

By the colors, like they forgot to read

Brooklyn baby - Lana del Rey.

The party was in full swing when Hyunjin glanced at the man. Or rather, the man glanced at him.

It wasn't unusual to see older men in a gay bar trying to pick up young men and Hyunjin would admit that he was intrigued by what the man had to give.

He was handsome, he had to admit. Delicate round cheeks and almond eyes that didn't look away from him, under glasses. Hyunjin smiled at him and walked over to the bar to stand next to him as if nothing was happening. He smiled at him as he leaned against the bar, sticking his butt out.

“Can I buy you a drink?” the man asked. Hyunjin smiled at him and winked.

"Please," he replied.

The man ordered the drink and Hyunjin could watch him. He seemed to be coming from work since he had a dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. The shirt was so tight that he could see the muscles underneath. He had such a thin waist that Hyunjin suddenly wanted to wrap his legs around it. His drink was placed in front of him and the man raised his drink.

“Jisung,” he introduced himself. Hyunjin took his drink and smiled at him.


“Nice to meet you.”

He could notice that Jisung's cheeks blushed and Hyunjin found it adorable that an older man was nervous about striking up a conversation with him. That wasn't normal. Usually, the older men were the first to offer to f*ck Hyunjin.

“What is your job?” Hyunjin asked.

“I'm a teacher, and well... also a rapper” Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. This man didn't look like rapping at all. He imagined the rappers dressed differently, this man was a first-class teacher.

"I love musicians," he said. Because it wasn't a lie.

Jisung's eyes sparkled.

“Oh really?” Hyunjin smiled at him.

“I am also an artist. I draw and paint.”

“Wow! That has always seemed like a beautiful job to me. I love to go to the galleries.”

Jeez… he was a nerd and that was Hyunjin's type. He bit his lip.

"I also write some poetry," he revealed. Something that only Seungmin and Félix knew but Jisung liked him.

“Could you be more perfect?” Hyunjin giggled, he had never liked being told he was perfect or being kept in that state of perfection where many wanted to put him, but in the end, they ended up being disappointed. But somehow, he liked that Jisung told him.

They finished their drinks.

“You want to dance?” Jisung asked and Hyunjin smiled.

They headed to the dance floor, Jisung grabbed him by the waist and pulled him close to his body. They danced a sensual and slow rhythm, sticking their bodies to the rhythm of the music. Jisung's hands were sensually venturing into indecent places without touching him. And Hyunjin felt so good in that man's arms. They danced for a long time. They danced until Hyunjin's feet hurt. They danced until Hyunjin was trapped between a wall and Jisung, with the man's crotch rubbing against his butt and Jisung's lips placing soft kisses on his neck.

—Mmm... —Hyunjin let out a small moan when Jisung's hand went under his shirt caressing his stomach. Lips placed soft kisses on the back of his neck and Hyunjin could feel his legs shaking. “Please do something,” Hyunjin moaned. Jisung giggled in her ear and kissed his ear. He bit his earlobe.

“I live near”

“Please,” Jisung pulled away and felt like ripping off a band-aid mercilessly. He took him by the hand and pulled him. Hyunjin followed him out.

His skin vibrated. His co*ck hurt. He needed release. He needed to be touched eagerly.

Outside, Jisung immediately stopped a taxi and they got in giving his address, the taxi driver immediately put it in the GPS. The taxi moved forward and Hyunjin couldn't resist Jisung, he grabbed his shirt and kissed him. They both moaned into the kiss, Jisung's hand grabbing his head to maneuver it and deepen the kiss. Jisung's lips were soft and tasted like alcohol and Hyunjin didn't care at all.

Jisung stopped kissing him to go to his neck and make a hickey on his throat. Hyunjin groaned, he needed to get there quickly, he couldn't hold on any longer.

He didn't know when he arrived until they stopped. Jisung made him let go, paid the taxi driver and they got out of the car.

He felt helpless not being able to touch Jisung until he reached the floor and Jisung's apartment. But he managed it, only to fill Jisung's mouth again when they entered. She kissed him hungrily as if she had never kissed him before. Jisung lifted your thighs and made you wrap them around his waist. Hyunjin delighted in the man's strength and the thin waist he had.

He led him into the bedroom and Jisung threw him onto the bed to begin undressing. When he took off his shirt, Hyunjin began to drool, admiring the delicious abs and tiny waist that man had.

"You're like a dream," he moaned, making Jisung laugh. He began to take off his clothes as well, leaving both of them in their underwear. Jisung climbed on top of him, kissing him passionately. Making him moan with mere kisses. The lips went back to his neck, leaving soft kisses while his hands ran all over him.

Jisung's hand pulled down his boxers and began to stroke him slowly causing Hyunjin to shiver.

Jisung had to let go of him for a moment to look for something in his night bag and Hyunjin heard the lid of a lubricant. Soon, Jisung's fingers were caressing his hole looking for entry. He lifted Hyunjin's legs and placed them on his shoulders and Hyunjin said that dance classes would help in its flexibility. Two fingers entered with complete ease, making Jisung moan.

"You're so loose," he moaned. Hyunjin smiled at him.

“I had an intention” Jisung smiled and dug his fingers into his prostate making him squirm.

“You are such a shameless whor*.”

Three fingers flooded into him and Hyunjin groaned, clenching the pillow around his head.

“You have such a big co*ck,” Jisung moaned, his tongue licking the glans causing Hyunjin to moan. “It's a shame it's so useless, it's obvious that you're a pillow princess." Hyunjin moaned again.

Jisung took out his fingers and put on the condom. It didn't take long for him to put his co*ck in Hyunjin's hole and begin to penetrate him hard.

Hyunjin wrapped his legs around Jisung's neck and moaned loudly, clutching the pillow while that delicious co*ck continued to dig into his prostate.

“Ah! Hmm!” Hyunjin moaned. Jisung's hands squeezed his hips and Hyunjin hoped he would leave marks.

Jisung kept spouting dirty words in between his moans and Hyunjin could only moan and moan. Feeling the delicious pleasure it was to be f*cked. Jisung went lower, bending Hyunjin in half to go deeper causing Hyunjin to roll his eyes.

The co*ck delved into his prostate with delight, causing Hyunjin to feel closer to his pleasure point.

He admitted that older men knew perfectly well how to f*ck him. Jisung's teeth dug into his neck causing him to whimper in pleasure. He wrapped his fingers in the man's soft hair as he devoured his mouth. Jisung kissed him like a hungry man, biting his lips to make them swollen.

Hyunjin didn't feel when he cum but when the pleasure was flooding him completely.

He whimpered as Jisung came out.

"But you haven't..." His words were halted when Jisung turned around and lifted his butt. He soon entered back in, causing Hyunjin to scream at the sensitivity and clench the pillow.

Jisung was going deeper this way. Squeezing his hips and driving his co*ck with a speed that only a dancer could have. Hyunjin felt it all. He screamed, moaned, and cried from the overstimulation. But he loved it all.

He loved the way Jisung handled him in bed. The way his thick co*ck spread him open and made him feel full.

Hyunjin wanted to ride that co*ck to infinity. Jisung grunted louder each time and his movements were more disordered showing that he was about to cum.

Letting out a loud moan, Jisung came in the condom squeezing Hyunjin's hips.

Hyunjin groaned at the pain. He hoped it would leave a mark.

Jisung pulled out of him and Hyunjin went to get settled but Jisung stopped him.

“You're hard again,” Jisung said, caressing Hyunjin's testicl*s with his finger, then moving up to the sensitive hole.

“It doesn't matter, I Ah!” What Hyunjin was saying was interrupted when he felt Jisung's tongue in his hole. He buried his face in the pillow as Jisung's mouth began to lick him and his tongue to f*ck him. The fingers went in and began to f*ck his sensitive prostate making him moan loudly.

It was the first time someone sought Hyunjin's pleasure. Some men only sought their pleasure, they came and left Hyunjin whole.

Jisung no. Jisung is going to make him cum for the second time tonight.

And so he did. Hyunjin came with a cry of pleasure, with fingers and tongue.

The fingers came out of his hole and Jisung maneuvered him to lie down. Hyunjin watched his luscious back walk to what seemed to be the bathroom. He closed his eyes and didn't realize Jisung had come back until he felt a wet cloth on his belly, cleaning it.

That was another thing Hyunjin had never received from other hookups, aftercare.

"You don't have to go," Jisung said, coming back out. When he came back in, he was already wearing boxers. “Sleep here and you can leave tomorrow.”

That was something Hyunjin didn't do. But he felt so tired from two incredible org*sms that he didn't reply. He put on his boxers and curled up on the bed. Jisung lay down next to her with a smile and brushed away a strand of her hair. His thumb caressed Hyunjin's lower lip.

“Have they told you that you are the most beautiful being in existence?” Hyunjin giggled. They had told him a lot, but somehow he loved what Jisung told him.

"Good night," Hyunjin said. Jisung smiled at him.

“Good night.”


There was a delicious smell that woke him up. Hyunjin was alone in bed. He stood up and stretched. He grabbed Jisung's t-shirt that was lying on the floor and put it on to go out to check where that delicious smell was coming from. The apartment was so incredible that it surprised Hyunjin that it could be paid for on a teacher's salary. Being a rapper was paying off for him.

Jisung was in his pajama pants and shirtless making breakfast. Hyunjin contemplated him. For an older man, he was in very good shape.

“How old are you?” asked making him jump.

“Hyunjin! I didn't hear you wake up," Jisung exclaimed, letting out a nervous chuckle. Hyunjin leaned on the bar, ogling Jisung with his gaze.

“How old are you?” he repeated the question. Jisung blushed a little.

“Thirty-seven. And you?”

“Twenty-five,” Jisung gave a nervous chuckle.

“I don't usually bring young boys.”

"I'm used to older people," Hyunjin smiled at him.

There was a comfortable silence that no one wanted to break because Hyunjin loved watching Jisung cook, seeing him puff out those beautiful cheeks in concentration.

He wanted to bite it.

“Breakfast is ready!” he exclaimed. Hyunjin continued to stare at the delicious abs.



They f*cked in the kitchen and then on the couch.

Then Hyunjin sucked him in the bathroom.

It was without a doubt the best f*ck he had had in years.


Hyunjin regretted not asking for Jisung's number when he had two unsatisfactory encounters afterward. One was where the man came so fast that he could barely get his co*ck in and another where he didn't even get up and was somewhat violent with Hyunjin as if it were his fault.

The holidays were over and it was time to go back to university.

Seungmin was waiting for him at the door of the creative writing room. They entered and found their places next to Felix.

“I don't understand why you made us sign up for this,” Seungmin moaned to Felix.

"You needed an elective," Felix said, applying some lip gloss. “This is one of the best. Plus, it will help Hyunjin more with his poems.”

"I don't need someone to teach me how to write my poems," Hyunjin said, making a small drawing on his agenda. He was so distracted that he didn't notice when the teacher came in until he spoke.

“It is an honor to always meet new faces in my student body. '' Hyunjin was paralyzed when he heard the voice. He looked up and felt his body fall into an abyss as Jisung's beautiful heartfelt smile was offered to everyone.

No no no no no.


Jisung looked up and looked at Hyunjin. He also paled.

I want to kill myself.

Hyunjin had f*cked his teacher.


The class passed pleasantly. Despite the prying glances, Jisung was giving him while explaining his class. Hyunjin was trying not to look at him but you were supposed to pay attention to your teacher. But every time he saw him, he only remembered how good it felt to be f*cked by him and how much Hyunjin wanted to do it again.

He bit his lip watching the muscles in Jisung's arms move under his shirt. How he wanted to f*ck him again.

“Mr. Hwang?” Jisung's voice made him snap out of his trance.

“Yeah?” he looked at him. Jisung's burning gaze penetrated his soul.

“What is the indicated structure for creating poetry?”

You asked me about that because I told you so. Though Hyunjin smiled at him.

He was ready to hunt that man down.


After class, Seungmin and Felix planned to meet Jeongin, who was in a junior semester and go to a coffee shop.

"I have to do some things that Mr. Lee asked me to do," Hyunjin excused himself.

Mr. Lee Minho was Hyunjin's dance teacher and Felix's cousin. He was Hyunjin's favorite teacher and he gave him assignments sometimes that were no surprise to his friends and it was the perfect excuse since Felix didn't ask him anything. He spoke little about his cousin despite being, in his words, his favorite.

“Minho hyung leaves you errands while he goes to f*ck his husband,” Felix said, pouting.

"When you have your husband, you will also leave assignments for your students," Seungmin said.

"If I had Mr. Bang as a husband I would also spend f*cking with him," said Hyunjin. They laughed and said goodbye to their friends. He went back to college.

At the university, there was a blackboard with the professors' names and their office numbers. Hyunjin wondered why he never saw Jisung's name there.

He found Jisung's office and headed towards it hoping the man would be there.

He knocked on the door and heard Jisung allow entry.

Hyunjin didn't know what he was going to do, he just wanted to see Jisung shake. Any way.

He entered and closed the door behind him. Jisung looked so adorable with the glasses on the bridge of his nose busy on his computer.

“Hey, Professor Han…” Hyunjin could see the way Jisung paled and looked at him. Scared squirrel eyes taunting Hyunjin to swallow happiness.

“Mr. Hwang… What are you doing here?” He seemed very nervous and Hyunjin loved that. He approached slowly and rested his hands on the desk.

"I wanted to see my favorite teacher." Jisung's ears turned red.

“Today was your first class with me, I can't be your favorite.”

“Big co*ck, good hip management, and aftercare. You're my favorite.” Jisung raised an eyebrow.

“Have you f*cked several teachers? I didn't think you were such a slu*t." Hyunjin giggled.

"You're the first," he smiled at him. He opened his shirt a little, letting it fall over one shoulder. “I still remember your hickeys and bites on my neck. I pressed them to feel the exquisite pain” Jisung bit his lip and then shook his head.

“If I had known that you were studying here I…”

“Wouldn't you have done anything?” Hyunjin smiled at him “Don't you think it's hotter now that this… Is prohibited?”

“Hyunjin…” Jisung looked at him, there was something in his eyes that made Hyunjin's hair stand up, he bit his lip, turned the desk around, and knelt at the foot of Jisung's chair “What?”

"I want to suck your co*ck," Hyunjin moaned, immediately going to take off Jisung's pants. Jisung took his hands.

“We can not!” Hyunjin looked at him making him a pout

“Please, Professor Han.” Hyunjin knew the effect this had on older men. They loved when a young boy was eager to suck their co*cks. Jisung's will faltered. He released Hyunjin's hands and raised his hand to stroke his head.

“Make it quick” Hyunjin smiled at him, removed the button, and lowered the slider. Jisung's co*ck was still soft but Hyunjin immediately put it in his mouth to make it hard. And he could feel it harden in his mouth. And Hyunjin felt so good letting his mouth fill with co*ck.

He took it out to suck just the tip and put it back in his mouth. Hyunjin admitted that one of his favorite activities in sex was sucking co*ck. He loved watching men squirm in pleasure and he loved having his mouth f*cked.

Everything was so good, Jisung was letting out short, soft moans until the door to Jisung's office rang.

“Mr. Han?” someone called outside.

“sh*t!” Jisung whispered, pulling Hyunjin off his co*ck and pushing him under the desk. “Hide there,” the door rang again. Jisung's fingers tangled trying to get his co*ck in when Hyunjin stopped him.

"I'll keep it warm for you," and he rolled Jisung's chair over to him, putting his co*ck in his mouth.

The door rang again.

Jisung attached his headphones to his laptop to pretend he couldn't hear because he was listening to music. He placed the headphones around his neck.

"Come in," he said with a slightly trembling voice. The door opened and another teacher entered. Hyunjin kept the co*ck in his mouth, he loved feeling the heaviness of the member in his mouth stretching his lips.

Jisung sounded nervous as he spoke to the other teacher, from what Hyunjin heard, it was Professor Seo. Something crossed Hyunjin's mind and he smiled inwardly, sucked the co*ck by taking it out of his mouth and then sucking on the head.

“Ahhh,” Jisung moaned, hitting the table with his fist.

“Did something happen, Jisung?” Changbin asked. Jisung giggled.

“It's no big deal. Just a cramp in my leg that gave me.”

“I told you not to surpass yesterday at the gym.

“I could not avoid it. Then, see you later. I can't now, I have to finish some... business.”

"It's okay," Changbin said. "Minho and Chan want us to have dinner at their house, maybe to celebrate the adoption of the third cat." Jisung giggled but was muffled when Hyunjin flattened his tongue against the slit, tasting the precum.

“See you,” Jisung said goodbye. After the door sounded shut, Hyunjin put the co*ck back in his mouth and started sucking properly. Jisung moaned slowly, but after a moment he rolled his chair back and roughly pulled Hyunjin out from under the desk. "You're a threat," he growled. Hyunjin let out a laugh.

Jisung maneuvered him around and leaned him on the desk. He didn't wait for anything to pull down his pants and boxers.

“I'm not ready,” Hyunjin moaned as he felt Jisung's thumb caress his hole.

“In the same way we don't have time” Jisung spread Hyunjin's buttocks and put his co*ck in the middle and began to rub against each other. Hyunjin leaned against the desk accepting being used as a toy. He moaned as Jisung's erratic hips moved hard until he felt the man cum hard on his back.

Hyunjin thought he would make him get dressed, but Jisung turned him around, got on his knees, and sucked his co*ck until he was Hyunjin came shaking and whimpering.

As Hyunjin recovered, Jisung turned him around and leaned him back on the desk. Hyunjin thought he would do something, but the man just cleaned the cum on Hyunjin's back. Then he bent down and bit a buttock.

"I'll invite you to dinner," he said. Hyunjin giggled.

“You're talking to my ass.”

“I'm talking to the owner of the ass” Hyunjin laughed again.


“Tomorrow at my house.”



“Let me see if I understand,” Seungmin said standing at the door of his room. “You met this man in a bar, you f*cked and now that you met him again, he asked you out?”

"You could say so," said Hyunjin, trying on the fifth pair of pants. He was looking for one that would enhance his ass to the point that Jisung wanted to eat it.

"You're not usually like this," Felix said, looking for a shirt for Hyunjin. “You usually don't get attached to your flirts.”

“I don't attach.”

“You will go to his house.”

“To f*ck. But nothing. I go to his house because I know we will end up f*cking and he has a nice co*ck.”

“How old is he?” asked Seungmin with a raised eyebrow.

“Does it matter?”

“Are you messing with older men again, Hyunjin? Is he married? Remember what happened with Taehyung” Hyunjin smiled.

“It wasn't my fault, I tend to attract older men. He is thirty-seven years old.”

"It's twelve years, Hyunjin," Felix said.

"I'm an adult, I know what I'm getting into." He took the shirt from Felix's hands and put it on. Then he looked at his phone, at the message that Jisung had left with the license plate of the Uber he had ordered for him. “My Uber has arrived,” he told his friends and blew them kisses. “I love you”

And he left.


Jisung had put his all into this dinner. It was noticeable.

When Jisung opened the door, Hyunjin thought he was seeing an angel. He couldn't believe how adorable someone could look. And at the same time… so sexy.

"Good night," Jisung greeted and Hyunjin blushed when he saw him nervous. He entered.

“Good night.”

“You can take off your shoes,” Jisung pointed out. “Dinner is ready.”

“Yummy” They walked to the living room and sat down while Jisung went to get dinner. He watched him pour the wine skillfully, as only experienced men could do. He bit his lip.

They ate and talked about everything a little. From Hyunjin's college work to Jisung's teaching job. Until out of nowhere, when they ran out of topic of conversation, Jisung spoke:

—What kind of things do you like in bed? —Jisung asked, a little nervous. Hyunjin raised an eyebrow and just smiled at him.

“Roughness,” Hyunjin said. “I like to be treated hard.”

“I noticed that” Hyunjin giggled and drank some wine.

“Of course, I have my limits. I like overstimulation, biting, hickeys, and being choked, but I don't like being hit.”

“Interesting. What do you have against vanilla sex?” Jisung said laughing. Hyunjin laughed too.

“I've never been f*cked slow. Men like to f*ck me fast like… a toy.”

“You are more than that” Hyunjin gave him a sad smile.

"I'm used to it." He wiped his mouth with the napkin. Hyunjin looked up to see the candles burning illuminate Jisung's eyes.

Hyunjin gloated before the ardor of that look.


Just as Hyunjin expected, they ended up f*cking.

Jisung's hand was tangled in Hyunjin's hair while his face was buried in the pillow. The bed squeaked and hit against the wall and Hyunjin moaned louder and louder.

He was f*cking him so deliciously well. His eyes rolled back into his head at every thrust of that incredible co*ck.

Again he came with a scream and a tremor running through his entire body making him collapse on the bed. But Jisung still held him up by f*cking him hard.

Hyunjin didn't want to stop.


He was about to cum for the third time when the overstimulation reached the point of making him cry. Hyunjin loved this pain. He loved crying during sex. He felt like that was the limit of making him feel good.

He had his legs wrapped around Jisung's neck. The man's hands wiped away his tears.

“Tell me, are you f*cking other men?” Jisung asked.

Oh, the possessiveness. That gave Hyunjin so much pleasure. He nodded and Jisung quickened his pace, causing another whimper from Hyunjin. Jisung grabbed his chin tightly.

"Not anymore," he growled. “Now you are mine. You're not going to f*ck other men anymore." Hyunjin smiled at him and stuck his tongue out at him.

"Make me," Jisung growled, let go, and grabbed his hips tightly, beginning to impale himself harder, causing Hyunjin to scream with pleasure.

“Only I am going to f*ck you from today. Only I am going to kiss you. Only I am going to spoil you. You're going to be my baby. My baby. Only mine, do you understand?” Hyunjin cried, his head was full of cotton.

“Yours. Only yours.”


Sleep was overtaking Hyunjin when he felt Jisung's arm around him and his nose nuzzling into his neck.

“I meant it,” Jisung murmured. “I just want you to f*ck with me” that made Hyunjin tremble. They had never asked for such exclusivity.

“I've never been asked this,” Hyunjin said, caressing Jisung's hand that was on his chest. "I'm not used to f*cking the same man more than once." Jisung giggled.

“How could they not want to see you again? You're a dream,” that made Hyunjin blush. “It's not even just the sex. You are amazing and very intelligent.” Hyunjin felt his face get hot.

“I'm just pretty,” Hyunjin said. “A pretty face, a pretty ass, just… I serve to be a sexual object.”

Jisung snuggled closer, tucking his legs between Hyunjin's, and kissed his head.

“You are much more than that, Hwang Hyunjin.”


“Where do you live?” Jisung asked before putting a spoonful of rice into his mouth. Hyunjin looked at him a little shy. He couldn't forget his words from the night before.

“On campus. With two friends.”

“Those who were next to you in the living room? Kim Seungmin and Lee Felix?” Hyunjin nodded “I've known Felix since he was a teenager.”


“Minho is my best friend and his cousin.”

“I know. He is one of my favorite teachers.”

And they remained silent. Jisung reached out and brushed a strand of hair from Hyunjin's face, then caressed his cheek and Hyunjin sighed, resting his cheek against the caress.

"You are truly the most beautiful being I have ever seen in my life," he whispered. That made Hyunjin's hair stand up and made his breath hitch in his throat.

The way Jisung said those words to him was so soft and sincere that it tied his soul.

“How grateful I am to know you.”



What do you think about feminization?

That question made Hyunjin choke on the piece of chicken he had eaten.

Seungmin and Felix looked at him strangely.


Feminization? What type?


Lingerie, female nicknames. Does it bother you?


Do you like girls?


I like you.

Hyunjin felt himself blush. He didn't realize the look his friends were giving each other.


But I like femininity. If you don't like it, no problem.


I've never actually tried it. I would like to try it.

Hyunjin bit his lip. He was afraid he had made a mistake.

—Are you still talking to that man?” asked Seungmin. Hyunjin looked at him and turned off his phone screen.

"Yes," he answered. Seungmin and Felix looked at each other.

“Hyunjin, I don't think this is a good idea,” Seungmin said.

"It's just fun," he replied.

“This doesn't seem fun,” said Felix. “I don't want it to happen like with Tae…”

“He doesn't have a wife,” Hyunjin interrupted, stabbing his fork into his chicken. “He lives alone, we f*ck at his house.”

“You don't know if it has two places” Hyunjin let out a laugh, shaking his head.

"I don't think so," Felix sighed and reached for Hyunjin's hand.

“We just don't want your heart to be broken” Hyunjin removed his hand.

“I'll be fine.”

I didn't believe it.


“Are you gay or bisexual?” Hyunjin asked Jisung. The man looked at him through the mirror. Half of his face is still dirty with shaving foam.

"Bisexual," he responded. Hyunjin nodded and took the sleeve of Jisung's shirt he was wearing between his fingers.

“You don't have a wife, do you?” Jisung giggled.

“Not really.”


“Why the question, baby?” Hyunjin blushed at the nickname. For the past two weeks, Jisung had been calling him that nickname.

“Nothing,” he looked at Jisung and cringed a little at the questioning look.

“You say that for a reason” Hyunjin bit his lip. Was it safe to take out all his heart and fears to Jisung? He nodded towards the room. Jisung nodded, pointing to his face. “I will finish and accompany you.”

Hyunjin returned to Jisung's room and lay down on his bed. He looked at the figure on the man's back. He delighted in his broad, muscular shoulders and slim waist. He was so scared of all the feelings that were starting to come at him.

Hyunjin didn't want to think that he was falling in love with Jisung. But the man was amazing to him, he was a great artist and he loved listening to Hyunjin. The sex was amazing, Hyunjin had never had so many org*sms in a row until he met Jisung. And also… it was beautiful. Jisung was so beautiful, he had such pretty eyes, such a pretty mouth, and such gorgeous cheeks.

“I'm back, baby,” Jisung said, lying down next to her. Hyunjin leaned into his chest, loving how small Jisung made him feel.

“When I was twenty, I met a man fifteen years older than me,” Hyunjin began. “He was a true gentleman, he was attentive, and he f*cked very well. He was the first one I gave my heart to. And I... he took me to motels, he didn't take me out to restaurants, we didn't go out during the day... one day a woman appeared at the door of my parent's house. The woman hit me as soon as she saw me. She called me every name possible because I had slept with her husband.”

“I felt humiliated. Everyone on the street heard her, everyone on the street saw her tell me all that. My parents punished me, and my heart broke. I didn't leave my room for a week.”

Jisung made Hyunjin look at him, he didn't realize he was crying. Jisung wiped away his tears.

"God... these are not sexy tears," Hyunjin said.

"No, my baby," Jisung said, kissing his cheek. “You have the right to cry, darling.”

That was new.

He liked it.

Jisung kissed his face. His entire face until he reached his lips. It was such a soft kiss, Hyunjin had not been treated with such softness in years.

“I swear I won't break your heart, Hwang Hyunjin. I swear.”

Hyunjin believed him.


When he opened the door, he found Seungmin and Felix in the living room staring at him.

“Something happened?” he asked.

"A package arrived for you," said Felix.

“From your boyfriend,” Seungmin said. Hyunjin blushed and reached forward to take it.

“He's not my boyfriend.”

That this idiot didn't put his name in there. I kill him.

He took his package and headed to his room with his friends behind him.

"We want to see what it is," said Felix, jumping up and down. Hyunjin was nervous, he didn't know what Jisung could have sent him.

He put the box on the bed and sighed.

He took the note.

"See you Saturday"

That was the only thing the note said. He set it aside and opened the package.

His breath caught in his throat as he opened it. Felix and Seungmin also inhaled.

Hyunjin touched the soft pink lace and pulled out the bra.

“¿He bought you lingerie?” Felix exclaimed, “Oh God, what a dream that man was.”

"I didn't know you liked lingerie," Seungmin said, taking the panties from the box.

"I'm trying new things," Hyunjin said, leaving the bra and taking the pink choker. It had the word framed“princess”.

"My God, what a good f*ck you're going to have this Saturday," said Félix. Hyunjin believed it too.


Félix did his makeup because he said it had to complement the outfit.

Even though Hyunjin had argued that it would be ruined, Felix had told him that it was better because men loved mess.

The lingerie was beautiful and fit him very well. It was men's lingerie because the panties fit his co*ck perfectly.

Now he was in just his lingerie in Jisung's bathroom, a little nervous to go out. It was the first time he did this, he didn't know how to act. Should he act like a girl? Did Jisung expect that?

How was he supposed to act like a girl?

"Jinnie?" Jisung asked in the room. Hyunjin sighed and opened the door.

He noticed when the breath left Jisung's lungs and the man's burning gaze fixed on him.

Jisung was still in classic pants and a shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

“God, baby,” Jisung moaned. “You're a beauty,” Hyunjin blushed. “Come closer,” Wiggling his hips, he approached. Jisung put his hands on Hyunjin's waist, caressing the skin and putting his fingers between the straps of her panties. “You are so beautiful, princess. My beautiful girl.”

Hyunjin thought he would feel uncomfortable. He thought he wouldn't like it. But Jisung telling him all those soft and sweet words made him feel so comfortable.

He didn't think it would make him feel so comfortable.

Jisung's hands were so soft touching him like Hyunjin was going to break and he had never been touched so gently. And I loved him.

He loved this too much.


They f*cked on Jisung's balcony, with the city of Seoul lighting up the night.

They f*cked without a condom for the first time, Jisung had proposed and they had both taken tests. Jisung said that he wanted to feel Hyunjin's warmth properly and Hyunjin cried with pleasure listening to Jisung in his ear.

“I'm going to make you so pregnant,” Jisung moaned, caressing Hyunjin's stomach. “I'm going to fill you with my babies that you won't be able to walk because I'm going to leave you so swollen.”

And Hyunjin could only repeat “yes” because Jisung's co*ck had him speechless. Jisung continued f*cking him and bit his neck. He sucked on the bite and Hyunjin knew it would be the prettiest mark he had ever had. He loved that Jisung marked him, he felt like he was all his.

“My princess,” Jisung moaned, cumming inside Hyunjin, his sem*n staining everything inside him. “My life.”

Hyunjin wanted to cry.


Jisung's fingers were gentle on his face. Those fingers caressed his face, traveled to his chest and they caressed his pecs. Hyunjin just looked at him. He couldn't believe that it had been over a month since he had done something with this wonderful man.

He didn't regret anything.

“I have something for you,” Jisung said, sitting on the bed and looking for something on his nightstand. Hyunjin sat up too, the sheet only covering from his waist down.

Jisung pulled out a small gift which Hyunjin took.

“No need,” Hyunjin said and Jisung just smiled.

“For me it is. Open it.”

Hyunjin removed the paper and opened his eyes when he saw the mark on the box. He drowned. Had Jisung bought him jewelry?”

He opened the box, a little shakily, and found a pair of beautiful earrings.

"They're beautiful," Hyunjin said, taking them between his fingers. Jisung smiled and kissed his temple.

“I thought of you when I saw them.”

“You don't have to do this, Jisung.”

“I want to do it. I have to spoil my baby." Hyunjin smiled at him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

God. He didn't deserve this incredible man.



Do you have something to do this weekend?


No. The exams are over so I don't have to worry about anything.


My family is having a meeting. Do you want to come?


Are you inviting me to meet your family?



Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at how strange everything felt. It's not that he didn't like the idea, but he had never been invited to meet the family.


What should I use?


It's a barbecue and a pool.




When Jisung's car stopped at the door of his building on campus, Hyunjin wanted to die.

“Did he come for you?” Felix asked looking out the window “Great, so I can meet him.”

"Please don't come down," Felix looked at him with a raised eyebrow.



“Is he a drug dealer? Can't I know your identity? No wonder Pandora earrings.”

“No, and yes.”

“Why?” Felix pouted and squeezed Hyunjin's chest. It was so hard to say no to Felix when he made that face. Hyunjin closed the slide of his backpack where he carried spare clothes. He had put on a pair of shorts and a pink T-shirt that Seungmin had given him.

"Just... I'll introduce them to you when I'm ready." He put on his backpack and left the room, leaving Félix intrigued.

Hyunjin went down the two floors and arrived at Jisung's car where he opened the door, entered, and closed it abruptly.

“Good morning?” Jisung greeted. Hyunjin looked at him, frowning.

“My God, what are you doing here?”

“Looking for you?”

“You're crazy? What if they recognize you?”

“It's okay, no one will.”

"Just drive," he said, crossing his arms. He went the entire route without speaking to him until they stopped at a large house. Jisung's hand squeezed your thigh and then his nose brushed against your cheek.

"I'm sorry..." the man murmured. “I didn't think you would get angry Let me go look for you,” Hyunjin pouted.

"It's not that I'm angry," he replied. “I just don't want to get you in trouble. Teachers aren't supposed to be with students.” Jisung chuckled.

"I was just thinking about you that I forgot," he kissed his cheek. Hyunjin felt like his hand was burning. Jisung made him so excited at the wrong times. He was grateful that the windows of Jisung's car were tinted.

He pushed Jisung away and took off his belt.

“What happened?” Jisung asked until Hyunjin's hands went to open his pants “What? Baby!”

“Will be fast.”

“We're in the car!” Hyunjin gave him a crooked smile, stroking his co*ck over his pants.

“Have you never f*cked in the car?”

“I have never f*cked in front of my parents' house.”

“We're not going to f*ck. I just want to suck you.”

"Oh God," Jisung said, taking Hyunjin's hair between his fingers. “One day you're going to be the death of me.”


Hyunjin managed to look like he hadn't given Jisung a blowj*b in the car and they walked into the house.

He was immediately approached by Jisung's parents who greeted their son.

“So you're Hyunjin,” Jisung's mother said. Hyunjin blushed, waving. “Oh, Jisung has told us great things about you.”

He looked at the man to see him blushing.

They heard small steps and a childish scream.

“Ji!” a small feminine voice rang out and soon there was a small body in Jisung's arms. Hyunjin paled. He hadn't asked Jisung if he had children.

“My doll!” Jisung exclaimed, hugging the girl who couldn't be older than five. When he let her hug him, he looked at Hyunjin. “Suyeon, this is Hyunjin. Hyunjin, this is my niece Suyeon.”

Hyunjin felt his soul leave his body with relief. Hyunjin smiled at him.

“Is he your boyfriend, Uncle Jisung?” asked the girl. Jisung giggled.

“Yeah, baby. Is my boyfriend.”

Boyfriend? They had never talked about it. Could they be said that way? Well, they had been f*cking for two months already. And Jisung also invited him to dinner at his house and many times they did more than just f*ck.

But... it had never come to that. What are boyfriends supposed to do? Do you go out on dates? But Jisung and him not they could let them see them together at the university. Hyunjin didn't want Jisung to get in trouble.

He felt soft lips on his cheek.

“Let's go, baby. I'll introduce you to the rest of my family.”

Hyunjin smiled at him and took his hand.



Hyunjin was on the edge of the pool, with only his legs in, watching Suyeon when a voice made him shiver.

“Hyunjin? Hwang Hyunjin?” said the voice. Hyunjin looked with fear at Professor Lee coming towards him strangely. Behind him was Professor Bang, also looking at him strangely.

“Professor Lee, Professor Bang,” he greeted them.

“What are you doing here?”


“He's my Uncle Jisung's boyfriend!” Suyeon exclaimed. He could see when Minho and Chan turned pale.

"Baby, I brought you something to drink," Jisung said, arriving with a drink, he noticed his friends and greeted them, "Chan! Minho! Hello.”

“Jisung, what did you do?” Chan said. Jisung looked at him strangely.

“I don't understand.”

“You know we can't be with the students. What are you doing dating one?'' Those words made Hyunjin's heart ache.

“I know but…”

“Less not if you teach them, Jisung,” Minho said. “They will think you are abusing your power. You're crazy?” Jisung remained silent, Hyunjin's heart hurt so much.

He stood up and stood in front of Jisung.

"It's my fault," he said. “He did nothing. We met outside of the university. But when he found out it was my teacher he tried to walk away and I looked for him. I'm an adult, I know what the consequences are. I know how to make my own decisions.”


“It's okay,” Jisung said, faking a smile. “I'll be inside, I think they're calling me.”

And he walked away. Hyunjin growled and glared at Chan and Minho.

"I like him," he admitted. “He likes me. At no time did he try to blackmail me into having sex. It was all my decision.”

"We know," Minho said. “We only worry about what they will say about him.”

“No one has to know, in a few months I will finish university” Chan and Minho looked at each other. Hyunjin sighed and turned around. “I'm going to look for it.”


He had to ask Jisung's parents where they could believe he was and they pointed out that it was in the guest room, where they would be staying that night.

Hyunjin went to the room and found Jisung with his head in his hands.

"Hey," he greeted. Jisung shook his head.

"I'm so sorry..." he was crying. “I'm so sorry, Hyunjin.”

“Hey,” Hyunjin said, approaching him and crouching down. Made him take his hands off his head and raise his face. He gently wiped away her tears. “Breathe, darling. Nothing happened.”

“I'm a pervert, for God's sake.”

“You are not. Jisung, all the decisions have been made by me. You haven't manipulated me in anything." Jisung shook his head. “Jisung, I'm serious. I like you. I like you a lot and everything I have done with you is because I want to. Not because you made me,” Jisung looked at him, his big squirrel eyes bright with tears.

“Oh really?”

“Oh really. You don't manipulate. Sometimes it seems like I manipulate you." Jisung chuckled. Hyunjin finished wiping his tears and kissed him on the lips.

It was such a soft kiss that Hyunjin felt himself shiver. Jisung pulled him towards him and made him sit on his lap. He tangled his fingers in Jisung's hair, maneuvering his head to deepen the kiss.

Hyunjin was fascinated when Jisung did that. He liked to let Jisung take all the control. Hyunjin was not there to control. He was simply there for another man to control and for him to simply enjoy.

Jisung's other hand grabbed his leg and squeezed his thigh. The kiss was so passionate that they didn't realize they had company until someone cleared their throat.

They separated.

Minho and Chan were at the door. Jisung didn't let go, he just let his hand squeeze his waist.

"We wanted to apologize," Chan said. “We only care about you.”

“It's okay, don't worry,” Jisung replied. “I understand the circ*mstances and maybe being in love didn't help but…”

He didn't hear the rest of what he said because Hyunjin was paralyzed by the word Jisung used.

In love.

In love.

Was Jisung in love? Why did his heart beat so much when he heard it? Shouldn't he be scared? Is Hyunjin in love too?

“Baby,” Jisung called. Hyunjin looked at him. “Let's go down, my parents are calling us.”

Hyunjin nodded, and before releasing Jisung he gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

Yes, he was in love too.


Hyunjin couldn't sleep. He was lying on his side watching Jisung's face.

Somehow, I always like the older men. He didn't know if it was the experience, he didn't know if it was the years.

But the previous times it was just f*cking. They were just adventures.

But with Jisung there was something from the first moment.

His fingers hesitated before smoothing out the wrinkles at the corners of Jisung's eyes. Then caress his boyfriend's pretty lips.


Hyunjin hadn't heard that word in years.

Hyunjin was more than just a pretty face to Jisung. It was more than a sexy body. It was more than just a f*ck hole.

And he knew that. He noticed it.

He planted a soft kiss on Jisung's lips causing the man to smile and squeeze his arm on Hyunjin's waist pulling him closer to him.

Hyunjin leaned on his chest and closed his eyes feeling the beautiful beat of Jisung's heart.


Hyunjin hadn't finished putting his bag on the couch when he was approached by Felix and Seungmin.

"I need you to explain to me about you dating Professor Han," Felix said with his arms crossed.

Hyunjin paled.


“My dear cousin wrote to me asking me why I hadn't told him that you were f*cking Professor Han.”

"Hyunjin," Seungmin said, "this is too much. Does he...?"

“Why is everyone acting like Jisung is the bad guy?” Hyunjin exclaimed. “He didn't manipulate me, he didn't force me to be with him for good grades. He is nice to me, he is kind and tender. And he's in love with me.” Hyunjin felt his eyes fill with tears. “I'm sick of everyone thinking I'm so weak, I'm sick of everyone thinking so badly of him.”

“And how do you plan to be together?” Seungmin asked.

“Are you forgetting that we finish university in three months? We can be so peaceful together after this. Everything's fine.”

Everything was fine.

He hated that they wanted to break his happiness.


They were lying in bed when Jisung wanted to show him the new song he had written.

"I wrote it thinking of you," Jisung said, kissing his temple. Hyunjin looked at the title “Volcano” and smiled.

Jisung's voice was so precious. Hyunjin loved listening to him sing. He loved the passion the man put into his music. Jisung had previously played on the piano he had in the other room. He had sung to him in the mornings, hugging him around the waist. He had sung sweet words to him after f*cking, when he came inside him, and Hyunjin cried with pleasure.

Hyunjin reveled in Jisung's soft, beautiful voice. He delighted in the beautiful lyrics and all the feeling it told him.

And that was the crucial point when the words came out of Jisung's mouth after the song ended.

"I love you," he whispered. Hyunjin wanted to cry.


Hyunjin didn't have any experience with vanilla sex.

Never in his entire life had he been f*cked slowly and lovingly.

Not like Jisung was doing now. Kissing every part of him, f*cking him so slow and loving, filling his face with so many kisses, with their hands intertwined.

Jisung's co*ck filled him, and the slow rhythm he set was tortuous but at the same time so incredible. It felt so good.

Hyunjin kissed Jisung's lips, his tears flooding his face.

"I love you," he whispered. “Oh God, I love you so much.”


When Hyunjin graduated, he kissed Jisung after the ceremony. They were in public but he didn't care.

Several of his companions saw it, but he didn't care.

Jisung had brought him flowers, but he didn't care.

He didn't care at all.

Just Jisung.

Seoul baby - SilvinLewisDragneel - Stray Kids (Band) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.