The Last Olympian - Luke v.s Percy-Who deserves Annabeth? Showing 1-50 of 61 (2024)

KaylaAug 02, 2014 04:52PM0 votes

I actually don't know. Luke was like Annabeth's only family. He was the reason she lived to meet Percy. He took her in when she had nowhere to go. However, he did go wrong, but he straightened in the very end, and he saved the world in doing so. Percy on the other hand came in later, but he saved her life countless times, and he charmed her in the end. He even gave up immortality for her. So I have no idea.


deleted memberSep 03, 2019 12:16PM0 votes

Is it bad that I ship Lukabeth? Or that I cried my heart out when Luke died? Or that whenever I think of Annabeth, four words come to mind: Family, Luke, you promised. Or that I hope that someday, that Luke, Percy, and Annabeth will get to hang out in Elysium? Because I do.
I remember reading The Last Olympian for the first time, and "Did you ever love me?" and "You were like a brother to me, Luke, but I didn't love you." I remember thinking about the Oracle, and "lose a love to worse than death," and firmly concluding no, the Oracle couldn't have been wrong. I decided that Annabeth said what she said because it was the kindest thing to say in the momentā€”that, as Luke lay dying, hearing, "Of course I loved you," would've only been senseless agony.

So yes I prefer Lukabeth even if Percabeth is more deserving.


deleted memberApr 05, 2012 11:13PM0 votes

Look, it's not a matter of "who deserves Annabeth." It's about Annabeth and who she chooses, not who she deserves. Ultimately, she chooses Percy. At one time she would've chosen Luke, but she chose Percy in the end.


EmmaDec 23, 2015 12:14PM0 votes

Percy ALL the way they are cute together and he falls into Tarturaus for her


JusteceApr 04, 2012 09:42PM0 votes

Percy. No question. He gave up immortaly for Annabeth and all Luke did was betray her.


JackMar 28, 2012 07:47PM0 votes

Definitely not Luke. Let's put it that way.

One moment of lucidity before death doesn't reconcile all your previous wrongdoings. Besides, Luke was more of a brother than a boyfriend to Annabeth.


willOct 02, 2019 02:25PM0 votes

I just realized this discussion is from like 7 years ago oops


RaivynOct 28, 2018 12:56PM0 votes

In the beginning of the series Annabeth is 12 while Luke is 19 so the thought of them being together is really gross and illegal. Not to mention all the times Luke has hurt Annabeth and put her in danger. Just because he used to care for her and gets KIND OF redeemed right before he died doesn't mean everything he's done is erased. Percy on the other hand is her age, has done nothing but have her back, respect her, and protect her. She's done the same for him. They're not perfect but there's really no arguing against their relationship in my opinion.


Angelina(last editedFeb 07, 2019 12:45PM)Feb 07, 2019 12:45PM0 votes

Percy no doubt, I don't even have to think about it. They're first meeting was so cute when Annabeth told Percy he was drooling in his sleepšŸ˜. Percy + Annabeth = PercabethšŸ’•


CalvinMay 12, 2012 10:12AM0 votes



RaeSep 07, 2018 06:31PM0 votes

I think Percy definitely deserves Annabeth more than Luke. I mean, she's not my favorite character or anything, but I just mean who is a worthier man in genral. Luke may have been nice and kind, yeah, but he was weak. He got tired of being ignored so like a brat he threw a fit. When the war came and the odds were in the titan's favor, he was there all the way, rather than fighting for what is right. He betrayed his friends, he tried to destroy his old camp. He knew lot's of the demigods there. He knew for a lot of them, it was home. It used to be his home. He was just to scared to be defeated, and too proud to admit that in the end, he was petty. Not to mention, he knew Annabeth liked him, but never said a word. He could have at least said he wasn't interested or something instead of giving her false hope and stringing her out. He isn't as dense as Percy is and has no excuse. Percy is strong. He always fought for what was right. He risked his life just to make himself into a weapon to destroy Kronos, he did that for camp, and for Annabeth. He is loyal to a fault, and isn't afraid to stretch the rules for what he feels is right. Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their friends are even worse than trash. Percy and Luke are on the opposite ends of the spectrum here. In the end, before Luke died, he asked Annabeth if she ever loved him. She said no, she chose to love Percy. In conclusion, Percy deserves Annabeth more than Luke, and Annabeth prefers Percy over Luke, so Percabeth is set in stone. But I still don't really like Annabeth for ignoring Percy half the time for her books or laptop.


AwesomeAug 08, 2012 01:28PM0 votes

I think that percy deserves annabeth


Nya Tomlinson-Horan-Malik-Payne-StylesMay 13, 2012 12:44PM0 votes

Percy is the better person out of the two. Although, I can see why Annabeth might have feelings for Luke. But he isn't the right guy for her.


BobJul 30, 2018 04:23AM0 votes

luke and annabeth are a perfect couple. how dare perseus jackson barge in on their harmony


ErinMay 12, 2012 01:42PM0 votes

percy. luke is a creep.


deleted memberMay 27, 2012 05:46PM0 votes

Percy. WLuke turned evil and thereby gave up his rights to Annabeth.


AnoushaMay 03, 2019 04:50AM0 votes

I am a big perabeth fan but... i don't think i would have minded if Annabeth would have ended up with Luke. He did help her as a child and everybody deserves a second chance so i think both are fine for her in different ways. Nut Rick Riordian chose PERCABETH!!! it is.


allycatblueMay 13, 2012 05:19AM0 votes

I think she loved them both but Luke killed her friends and almost her just to throw off his father
Percy never understood annabeth that well when it came to her childhood and pushed too hard to find stuff out
But Percy didn't hurt her like Luke did


AlexandraAug 06, 2012 02:19PM0 votes

Percy and Annabeth all the way.Luke is dead and even if he wasn't hed still be too unstable to trust.


04AlisaCApr 05, 2012 07:23PM0 votes

Percy, why would anyone choose different?!


TrevorJul 30, 2014 04:35PM0 votes

PERCABETH ALL THE WAY!!!! In the end Annabeth admits she never really loved Luke anyways.


deleted memberMar 29, 2012 01:05PM0 votes

Percy, definiately. They have been through so much together and Percy would never betray Annabeth becuase he understands her and they trust each other with their secrets. Also, theyv'e grown together in a way that Annabeth and Luke never did, being too young. Percy and Annabeth were able to get to know each other as friends, and then experience their feelings growing, knowing that they could always rely on each other, something that Annabeth needed, especially when facing up to Luke's betrayal.


TrevorJul 30, 2014 04:35PM0 votes

PERCABETH ALL THE WAY!!!! In the end Annabeth admits she never really loved Luke anyways.


AidynMay 19, 2012 09:00AM0 votes

ok if i could totally rewirte this story, percy would prob stay on that epic island with calico and anabeth and luke would end up together, and take down the titans together because luke would see the bright side and blah, and live happily ever after
in till rick there releases his reprise seires (with the roman gods and blah)


SebastianAug 03, 2012 11:43AM0 votes

End of conversation.


HannahAug 03, 2014 10:13AM0 votes

Luke deserved Annabeth. But since he is dead and she has moved on Percy is her one true love. Though i don't think she'll ever forget Luke.


See Also
Fatal Flaw

MaritzaApr 05, 2012 09:32PM0 votes

Personaly i would chose luke. firstly he has known her longer and he was only mean to her because he was mad at his dad(i understand his dad problems) also becuase i think Percy should have ended up with Rachle


KathyMay 12, 2012 04:47AM0 votes

percy! luke and annabeth just don't go.


allycatblueMay 13, 2012 05:22AM0 votes

And I'm pretty sure the topic of this disscusion is
Luck or Percy who DISERVES annabeth


King JTApr 03, 2012 02:54PM0 votes

Percy because she didn't betray Annabeth like Luke did.


deleted memberMay 27, 2012 08:44PM0 votes



chinamiAug 09, 2012 09:59AM0 votes

Percy. i don't like Luke that much


EmmaMay 27, 2012 09:00PM0 votes



Proathlete16May 19, 2012 10:43AM0 votes

I kind of think she deserves Percy, but she also kind of deserves Luke because of how he took her in on the street. In the end though, I think she does deserve Percy though...


Amy(last editedJan 19, 2016 01:10AM)Jan 19, 2016 01:10AM0 votes

Percy got Annabeth at the end so,likewise he deserved her. But I liked Luke as well. He never knowingly hurt Annabeth.He was just following Kronos-the-creep.Pity!


EmmaMay 27, 2012 09:01PM0 votes

anyway luke died so whatever


SarahSep 07, 2018 08:51PM0 votes

Why was this question even posed? Percy obviously. He gave up becoming a god and immortality just to be with her. What did Luke do again?


StellaSep 27, 2019 05:12PM0 votes

Percy for sure. Luke was like a brother to her, and then he destroyed his chance even though he is one of the most tragic villains I have ever read.


LukeMay 27, 2012 02:50AM0 votes

Luke and Annabeth seems better than Percy and Annabeth (main characters always seem to into them selves but Percy's okay)But I think Lukes better than Percy but not necessarily better for Annabeth


FizaAug 03, 2014 10:19AM0 votes

Percy because he gave up immortality for her and also he didn't almost destroy nearly everything/one annabeth loved.


deleted member(last editedDec 29, 2015 01:02AM)Dec 29, 2015 01:00AM0 votes

Ah ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. This is a joke right? Please tell me this is a joke and not a serious question. This better be a joke.

(In the case that someone takes this seriously, and happens to answer wrong, I.WILL.KILL.YOU.)
I don't think I need to answer this question, my name and profile description kinda gives it away.

I am not reading the comments because I do not want to risk seeing the unfortunate comment I fear is on here. My eyes don't deserve that.


AntonJul 17, 2015 12:15PM0 votes

Luke is seven years older than Annabeth. Luke may have been a brother to Annabeth, but he definitely should not have been her boyfriend. That's like a 14 year old asking a 7 year old kid out.


MaddiJan 02, 2016 09:01PM0 votes



AreebaMay 27, 2012 02:33PM0 votes

LUKE! Annabeth loved Luke for a lot longer and then after he could finally return it in the end but died waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa as for Percy........... HIM AND ANNABETH GREW ONTO EACH OTHER IN the absense of luke and he gave her love back that LuKE did not give before besides he is too old for her but percy is the same age


RichardMay 29, 2012 09:10AM0 votes

Percy and annabeth


Aurora(last editedDec 23, 2015 01:34PM)Dec 23, 2015 01:18PM0 votes

I think Annabeth always loved Luke like an older brother, and he seemed to think of her as a sister. Also, Luke had emotional baggage, and he might have allowed Kronos to use him to destroy the world. So yeah, no to Luke. Besides, look at how much Percy sacrificed for her? Yes, for the rest of the world to, but primarily for Annabeth. He gave up his immortality, risked death from her mom and fell with her into Tartarus instead of just letting her go alone. Plus, I believe they make a great team. Neither of them would have survived tartarus without the other. So completely Percy and Annabeth!!!!

These are my own opinions, please no hate. If my facts are wrong my apologies.


IsabelleApr 05, 2012 09:53AM0 votes

Percy, Luke was mean to her!


Ms.Aug 03, 2012 04:42PM0 votes

Percy or Luke?

I'm joking.
I choose Percy.


JiannaAug 08, 2018 02:48PM0 votes

Percy is a great match for Annabeth. Luke on the other hand betrayed her. He started the war between the gods and the titans, without him kronos would have never risen and tried to take over the world. Luke was more of a brother to Annabeth anyway. She said in the last book of the series that she never loved him in a romantic way. Percy has been there for her ever since the start of the first book. It never really felt like she had a romantic connection to Luke. All though it was obviously stated by the author that Annabeth felt like Luke was her family, being the reader i never really saw a lot of romantic feelings coming from her about Luke. Sure she loved him and all, but i feel like it was more like a brother than a romantic way. Percy was always a little confused at what Annabeth felt. I feel like he never knew if she was gonna punch him or kiss him, though the kisses between them were super rare. I never heard of her kissing Luke but she kissed Percy so its a little obvious who her choice was. Plus Luke is dead so Percy wins by default cause you cant date a dead person(though i wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to).


LemnoodleOct 04, 2019 10:48PM0 votes

omg are u seriously kidding me???? do people actually ship Lukabeth? wow.
Luke was just a stupid idiot, who did, I admit, protect her and help her reach camp half blood but after that he didn't care for her. All those 'you, me, Thalia could be family together' sh*t seemed fake to me. annabeth and Luke weren't even close at all honestly.
Percy was muchhh better, personality wise too because he was genuine and also because they were closer together. he cared for her wayyy more than Luke did. didn't he give away immortality for her? almost died 60 million times to save her? I don't recall Luke doing that for her. eh.
Percy all the wayyyy


The Last Olympian -  Luke v.s Percy-Who deserves Annabeth? Showing 1-50 of 61 (2024)
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