Unlock the Power of TikTok Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Presence | Adfluencer (2024)

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When did TikTok become a popular platform for marketing strategies? website for lawyers Agency Nuremberg German UGC creator Agency Nuremberg Key features of TikTok that make it attractive for marketers How businesses have utilized influencer marketing on TikTok Buy Linkedin Endorsem*nts event agency Agency Nuremberg Examples of successful TikTok marketing campaigns 1. Chipotle’s #GuacDance Challenge 2. Guess’ #InMyDenim Campaign Linkbuilding agency Agency Nuremberg Buy Youtube Comments 3. Gymshark’s Influencer Collaborations Different types of ads available on TikTok In-feed Ads Online Reputation Management YouTube Ugc creation Agency Nuremberg Brand Takeovers Branded Hashtag Challenges TopView Ads Buy Email Marketing Services Facebook Ad campaigns Agency Nuremberg Effective ways to target audiences on TikTok 1. Utilize TikTok’s advertising options: Buy Linkedin Endorsem*nts event agency Agency Nuremberg 2. Collaborate with popular TikTok influencers: 3. Utilize trending hashtags and challenges: Buy Email Marketing Services Facebook Ad campaigns Agency Nuremberg Demographics more engaged with TikTok marketing 1. Gen Z and Millennials: Online Reputation Management YouTube Ugc creation Agency Nuremberg 2. Creative professionals and artists: Online Reputation Management YouTube Ugc creation Agency Nuremberg 3. Niche communities: Buy Email Marketing Services Facebook Ad campaigns Agency Nuremberg Best practices for creating engaging content on TikTok Utilize eye-catching visuals Incorporate popular music Linkbuilding agency Agency Nuremberg Buy Youtube Comments Create authentic and relatable content TikTok algorithm and optimizing reach for marketers Consistency in posting Buy Linkedin Endorsem*nts event agency Agency Nuremberg Engagement metrics matter Utilize TikTok trends Controversies and challenges associated with TikTok marketing strategies Linkbuilding agency Agency Nuremberg Buy Youtube Comments Data privacy concerns Brand safety risks Competition for attention website for lawyers Agency Nuremberg German UGC creator Agency Nuremberg The role of user-generated content in TikTok marketing strategies Increase authenticity and credibility Boost engagement and reach Buy Email Marketing Services Facebook Ad campaigns Agency Nuremberg Generate valuable insights Industries or niches that have seen success with TikTok marketing Fashion and beauty Linkbuilding agency Agency Nuremberg Buy Youtube Comments Fitness and wellness Food and beverage Unique features and tools available to businesses on the TikTok platform Buy Instagram Explore Tab Service Social Media Consulting Agency Nuremberg TikTok Ads Manager Branded effects and filters Influencer partnerships Linkbuilding agency Agency Nuremberg Buy Youtube Comments Analytics and data tracking for businesses using TikTok for marketing purposes TikTok Pro Account Pixel tracking website for lawyers Agency Nuremberg German UGC creator Agency Nuremberg Campaign reporting Tips and recommendations for implementing effective TikTok marketing strategies Linkbuilding agency Agency Nuremberg Buy Youtube Comments Buy Email Marketing Services Facebook Ad campaigns Agency Nuremberg FAQs

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    Anna Beker

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When did TikTok become a popular platform for marketing strategies?

As an UGC agency, we at Adfluencer have been closely following the rise of TikTok as a popular platform for marketing strategies. TikTok’s journey to becoming a marketing powerhouse started around 2018 when it merged with the app Musical.ly. This merger brought together a massive user base and created a platform that was not only entertaining but also had huge potential for businesses to reach younger audiences.
Since then, TikTok has exploded in popularity and has become a go-to platform for marketers looking to engage with Gen Z and millennial audiences. The app’s addictive nature and its ability to showcase creativity through short videos have made it an ideal space for brands to connect with their target market in unique and engaging ways.

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Key features of TikTok that make it attractive for marketers

TikTok offers several key features that make it particularly attractive for marketers:

  • User-generated content: TikTok thrives on user-generated content, allowing brands to tap into the creativity of their audience and leverage it for their marketing campaigns. This not only helps in building brand authenticity but also encourages user participation and engagement.
  • Viral potential: One of the most exciting aspects of TikTok is its viral potential. With the right content strategy, brands can quickly gain exposure and reach millions of users overnight. This makes it an excellent platform for creating buzz around new products or campaigns.
  • Influencer collaborations: TikTok is home to numerous influencers who have amassed large followings. Collaborating with these influencers allows brands to tap into their established fan base, gaining access to highly engaged audiences who trust the influencer’s recommendations.
  • Interactive features: TikTok offers a range of interactive features such as duets, challenges, and filters that encourage user participation. Brands can leverage these features to create interactive and engaging content that resonates with their target audience.

How businesses have utilized influencer marketing on TikTok

Influencer marketing has become a cornerstone of many successful TikTok marketing strategies. By partnering with popular influencers on the platform, businesses are able to tap into their established fan base and gain credibility with their target audience.
Businesses have utilized influencer marketing on TikTok in various ways:

  • Sponsored content: Brands collaborate with influencers to create sponsored content that promotes their products or services. This can be in the form of product reviews, tutorials, or simply showcasing the brand in a creative way within the influencer’s videos.
  • Influencer takeovers: Some brands allow influencers to take over their TikTok accounts for a day or during a specific campaign. This gives the influencer full control over the content and allows them to engage directly with the brand’s audience.
  • Challenges and trends: Brands often create branded challenges or participate in existing trends on TikTok, inviting influencers to join in and promote the challenge to their followers. This not only increases brand visibility but also encourages user-generated content around the challenge.

The key to successful influencer marketing on TikTok is finding influencers whose values align with your brand and who have an engaged following that matches your target audience. Authenticity is crucial on TikTok, so it’s important for brands to give influencers creative freedom while ensuring that their messaging aligns with their overall marketing goals.

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Examples of successful TikTok marketing campaigns

Let’s take a look at some examples of successful TikTok marketing campaigns that have made waves on the platform:

1. Chipotle’s #GuacDance Challenge

In 2019, Chipotle launched the #GuacDance challenge, encouraging users to show off their dance moves while promoting the brand’s guacamole. The challenge went viral, with millions of users participating and creating their own unique dance videos. This not only increased brand awareness but also led to a significant increase in sales of Chipotle’s guacamole.

2. Guess’ #InMyDenim Campaign

GUESS partnered with popular TikTok influencers to launch the #InMyDenim campaign, which encouraged users to showcase their favorite denim outfits. The campaign generated thousands of user-generated content pieces and significantly boosted brand engagement among Gen Z audiences.

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3. Gymshark’s Influencer Collaborations

Gymshark, a fitness apparel brand, has successfully utilized influencer collaborations on TikTok to promote their products and engage with their target audience. By partnering with fitness influencers who align with their brand values, Gymshark has been able to reach millions of users and drive sales through authentic and relatable content.

These examples demonstrate the power of TikTok as a platform for creative and engaging marketing campaigns that resonate with younger audiences. By leveraging TikTok’s unique features and collaborating with influencers, brands can create memorable experiences that drive Serviceh brand awareness and sales.

Different types of ads available on TikTok

In-feed Ads

In-feed ads are the most common type of advertising on TikTok. These ads appear in users’ “For You” feed and blend seamlessly with organic content. They typically last up to 15 seconds and can include various call-to-action buttons such as website clicks or app downloads. In-feed ads allow businesses to reach a wide audience and engage them in a short, attention-grabbing format.

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Brand Takeovers

Brand takeovers are full-screen ads that appear when users open the TikTok app. These ads usually consist of images, GIFs, or videos and can link to external landing pages or hashtag challenges. Brand takeovers provide an immediate impact by capturing users’ attention right from the start.

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Branded Hashtag Challenges

Branded hashtag challenges encourage users to create and share content related to a specific brand or campaign. Businesses can create their own branded hashtags and challenge users to participate by creating videos using the hashtag. This type of ad promotes user-generated content and increases brand visibility among TikTok’s vast user base.

TopView Ads

TopView ads are similar to brand takeovers but have a longer duration. They are displayed as the first video when users open the TikTok app, providing maximum exposure for brands. TopView ads often feature high-quality videos with captivating storytelling elements to leave a lasting impression on viewers.

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– In-feed Ads
– Brand Takeovers
– Branded Hashtag Challenges
– TopView Ads

Each type of ad offers unique opportunities for businesses to connect with their target audience on TikTok. By utilizing a combination of these ad formats, marketers can effectively promote their products or services while leveraging the platform’s engaging nature.

Effective ways to target audiences on TikTok

1. Utilize TikTok’s advertising options:

One effective way to target audiences on TikTok is by utilizing the platform’s advertising options. TikTok offers various advertising formats, including in-feed ads, brand takeovers, and branded hashtag challenges. These options allow businesses to reach their target audience through targeted placements and sponsored content.

2. Collaborate with popular TikTok influencers:

Another effective way to target audiences on TikTok is by collaborating with popular influencers on the platform. Influencers have a large following and can help businesses reach their target audience through sponsored content or product placements. By partnering with influencers who align with your brand values and target demographic, you can effectively engage with your desired audience.


For instance, if you are a fitness apparel brand targeting young adults interested in health and wellness, collaborating with fitness influencers on TikTok can help you reach your desired audience effectively.

3. Utilize trending hashtags and challenges:

TikTok is known for its viral trends and challenges, which often involve specific hashtags. By incorporating popular hashtags and participating in trending challenges relevant to your industry or niche, you can increase your visibility and attract your target audience’s attention. This strategy allows you to tap into the existing engagement surrounding these trends and connect with potential customers.

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If you are a beauty brand, participating in a makeup challenge using relevant hashtags like #beautyhacks or #makeuptutorials can help you reach beauty enthusiasts who are more likely to be interested in your products.

Overall, targeting audiences on TikTok requires a combination of strategic advertising placements, influencer collaborations, and leveraging viral trends to maximize reach and engagement within your desired demographic.

Demographics more engaged with TikTok marketing

1. Gen Z and Millennials:

Gen Z and Millennials are the primary demographics that are highly engaged with TikTok marketing. These younger generations are known for their affinity towards social media platforms and their willingness to engage with entertaining and authentic content. They actively participate in challenges, follow influencers, and share content on TikTok, making them a valuable target audience for businesses.

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A clothing brand targeting young adults can leverage TikTok’s popularity among Gen Z and Millennials to showcase their latest fashion trends through creative videos, influencer collaborations, and engaging hashtag challenges.

2. Creative professionals and artists:

TikTok has also gained popularity among creative professionals and artists who use the platform to showcase their talents, share behind-the-scenes content, or gain exposure for their work. This demographic is often interested in unique and visually appealing content, making TikTok an ideal platform to engage with them.


An art supply store can create captivating time-lapse videos of artists using their products or collaborate with popular artists on TikTok to showcase the versatility of their supplies. This approach can attract creative professionals looking for new tools or inspiration.

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3. Niche communities:

TikTok allows users to explore various niches through hashtags, creating opportunities for businesses to target specific communities within the platform. Whether it’s fitness enthusiasts, food lovers, pet owners, or gamers, there are niche communities on TikTok that actively engage with content related to their interests.

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A pet food brand can create funny and heartwarming videos featuring pets enjoying their products while using hashtags like #petlovers or #furbabies to connect with the niche community of pet owners on TikTok.

By understanding which demographics are more engaged with TikTok marketing, businesses can tailor their content and strategies to effectively reach and engage with their target audience.

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Best practices for creating engaging content on TikTok

Creating engaging content on TikTok requires understanding the platform’s unique style and audience preferences. One of the best practices is to keep videos short and concise, as TikTok’s format favors quick, attention-grabbing content. Additionally, using trending hashtags and challenges can help increase visibility and engagement with the TikTok community.

Utilize eye-catching visuals

To capture users’ attention, it is essential to create visually appealing content. This can be achieved through creative camera angles, colorful backgrounds, or using special effects available on the platform.

Incorporate popular music

Music plays a significant role in TikTok videos, so incorporating popular songs or catchy tunes can make your content more relatable and enjoyable for viewers. Take advantage of TikTok’s extensive library of licensed music to enhance your videos.

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Create authentic and relatable content

TikTok users appreciate authenticity, so it is crucial to create content that feels genuine and relatable. Showcasing real people, behind-the-scenes moments, or sharing personal stories can help establish a connection with your audience.

TikTok algorithm and optimizing reach for marketers

The TikTok algorithm plays a vital role in determining which content reaches users’ feeds. Understanding how the algorithm works can help marketers optimize their reach and maximize engagement:

Consistency in posting

Regularly posting high-quality content increases your chances of being favored by the algorithm. Aim for consistency by developing a content calendar and sticking to a regular posting schedule.

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Engagement metrics matter

The algorithm considers various engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and watch time. Encourage users to engage with your content by asking questions, creating interactive challenges, or responding to comments.

Utilize TikTok trends

TikTok’s algorithm heavily favors trending content. Stay up-to-date with the latest challenges and trends on the platform and incorporate them into your marketing strategy. This can help increase the visibility of your content and attract a wider audience.

Controversies and challenges associated with TikTok marketing strategies

TikTok marketing strategies have faced their fair share of controversies and challenges:

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Data privacy concerns

TikTok has faced scrutiny regarding data privacy practices due to its Chinese ownership. Marketers need to be aware of these concerns and ensure they are following best practices for protecting user data and maintaining transparency.

Brand safety risks

As with any social media platform, there is a risk of inappropriate or offensive content appearing alongside brand advertisem*nts. Marketers should carefully monitor their ads’ placements and consider using TikTok’s brand safety tools to mitigate these risks.

Competition for attention

With millions of creators vying for attention on TikTok, marketers face intense competition in capturing users’ interest. It is essential to create unique and compelling content that stands out from the crowd.

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The role of user-generated content in TikTok marketing strategies

User-generated content (UGC) plays a significant role in TikTok marketing strategies:

Increase authenticity and credibility

UGC allows brands to showcase real customers using their products or participating in their campaigns. This helps build trust among potential customers as they see genuine experiences shared by real people.

Boost engagement and reach

Encouraging users to create and share their own content related to your brand or campaign can significantly increase engagement and expand your reach. UGC often receives higher levels of interaction, as viewers are more likely to connect with content created by their peers.

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Generate valuable insights

Analyzing UGC can provide valuable insights into consumer preferences, trends, and feedback. Brands can leverage this information to refine their marketing strategies, develop new products, or improve customer experiences.

Industries or niches that have seen success with TikTok marketing

TikTok marketing has proven successful across various industries and niches:

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Fashion and beauty

The fashion and beauty industry has thrived on TikTok due to the platform’s visual nature. Influencers showcasing makeup tutorials, outfit inspirations, or fashion hauls have gained significant followings and successfully promoted brands within this space.

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Fitness and wellness

TikTok provides a platform for fitness enthusiasts to share workout routines, healthy recipes, and motivational content. Fitness challenges and transformations have become popular on the platform, attracting a dedicated community focused on health and wellness.

Food and beverage

Food-related content is highly engaging on TikTok. Recipes, cooking hacks, restaurant reviews, or food challenges have gained immense popularity. Brands in the food and beverage industry can leverage this trend by creating mouth-watering content that resonates with users’ love for food.

Unique features and tools available to businesses on the TikTok platform

TikTok offers unique features and tools specifically designed for businesses:

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TikTok Ads Manager

The Ads Manager allows businesses to create and manage their advertising campaigns on TikTok. It provides detailed targeting options, ad formats, and performance tracking to help optimize marketing efforts.

Branded effects and filters

Businesses can collaborate with TikTok to create branded effects and filters that users can apply to their videos. This allows brands to enhance brand visibility, encourage user-generated content, and promote viral challenges.

Influencer partnerships

TikTok offers opportunities for businesses to collaborate with popular influencers or content creators. Partnering with influencers can help increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, and leverage the influencer’s creativity to develop engaging content.

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Analytics and data tracking for businesses using TikTok for marketing purposes

TikTok provides analytics and data tracking features to help businesses measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts:

TikTok Pro Account

By switching to a Pro Account, businesses gain access to in-depth analytics about their TikTok profile’s performance. This includes metrics such as video views, follower growth, audience demographics, and engagement rates.

Pixel tracking

TikTok’s pixel tracking feature allows businesses to track conversions and measure the impact of their ads on website visits or app installations. This helps optimize ad campaigns based on real-time data insights.

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Campaign reporting

TikTok’s Ads Manager provides comprehensive campaign reporting tools that allow businesses to analyze key performance indicators (KPIs), such as impressions, click-through rates (CTR), engagement rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

Tips and recommendations for implementing effective TikTok marketing strategies

  • Understand your target audience:

    Before diving into TikTok marketing, research and understand the demographics and preferences of your target audience on the platform. This will help tailor your content to resonate with them.

  • Stay updated with trends:

    TikTok is constantly evolving, with new challenges, hashtags, and trends emerging regularly. Stay up-to-date with these trends and incorporate them into your content strategy to stay relevant and engage with the TikTok community.

  • Collaborate with influencers:

    Influencers play a significant role in driving engagement on TikTok. Identify relevant influencers within your industry and collaborate with them to amplify your brand’s reach and credibility.

  • Create shareable content:

    Aim to create content that users would want to share with their friends or participate in themselves. Engaging storytelling, humor, or surprise elements can make your content more shareable, increasing its potential reach.

  • Engage with the community:

    Actively engage with other TikTok users by liking, commenting, and sharing their content. Building relationships within the TikTok community can help increase visibility for your own brand.

In conclusion, TikTok marketing strategies can be a game-changer for your brand’s success in the digital world. With its massive user base and engaging content, TikTok offers unique opportunities to connect with your target audience and boost your online presence. If you want to take advantage of this platform’s potential, why not check out our services? We’re here to help you navigate the exciting world of TikTok marketing and create compelling campaigns that will make your brand stand out. Let’s unleash the power of TikTok together!


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  • Unlock the Power of TikTok Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Presence | Adfluencer (42)

    Anna Beker

    Influencer Marketing Expertin bei Adfluencer. Mag Tennis, Brettspiele und TikTok.

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Unlock the Power of TikTok Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Presence | Adfluencer (2024)


What is the power of TikTok marketing? ›

TikTok has created an engaging ad experience that gives users full control. As a result, brands reach users more effectively than in other video ad environments—and in a shorter span of time.

Why TikTok is the best marketing strategy? ›

Overall, TikTok is a great one-stop shop for creating and consuming quick 10 to 60-second videos. TikTok is a unique marketing channel, creating viral potential that has never been there before. Use TikTok to show off product tutorials and use cases, join challenges, jump on trends, make your audience laugh and more.

What is the strategy behind TikTok? ›

Business Model of TikTok

As TikTok is a platform that is based on an attention model, it primarily makes money through advertising. TikTok challenges are accompanied by compelling music tracks via effect filters and powered by AI algorithms that have the ability to optimize both content and recommendation.

How does TikTok help promote business? ›

You can also use TikTok to increase traffic to your website, app store, or e-commerce site. In-feed ads allow you to add links to your videos and drive interested users to your website. TikTok also helps with brand recall and recognition.

Why is TikTok so powerful? ›

Because of its highly personalized nature, and ability to deliver bite-sized information in video clips, users are increasingly gravitating towards TikTok to learn, discover, and even shop. In fact, 40% of Gen Z are using TikTok for search over Google.

Why is it good to promote on TikTok? ›

First launched in 2021, TikTok Promote is an in-app advertising feature that allows users to quickly boost their content and turn their organic videos into ads. Users can leverage the feature to get more views on TikTok, website visits, followers, messages or profile views.

What are the benefits of TikTok advertising? ›

TikTok advertisem*nts are highly effective in driving people to your page, offering a number of different ad types. Statistics show that users tend to interact more on TikTok (6%) as compared to Instagram (1.41%). Plus, half of the viewers are likely to make a purchase post-viewing live videos.

Is TikTok marketing successful? ›

TikTok has been successful in attracting the younger generation of users as other platforms like Facebook and Instagram continue to age. TikTok ads are a great approach to attract the younger generations, which might be essential to your company's long-term success.

Is TikTok marketing worth it? ›

TikTok ads offer a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with a vast and highly engaged audience, particularly among Gen Z and Millennial demographics. Leveraging TikTok's dynamic platform, businesses can increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and boost sales through creative and engaging ad campaigns.

How does TikTok persuade you? ›

As a marketing tool, TikTok has proven itself to have the capacity to sway public opinion massively through the use of influencers touting “staple products,” wearing certain items of clothing, or even creating makeup looks in viral videos.

What is TikTok's main goal? ›

TikTok is the leading destination for short-form mobile video. Our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. TikTok's global headquarters are in Los Angeles and Singapore, and its offices include New York, London, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Dubai, Jakarta, Seoul, and Tokyo.

What is TikTok targeting strategy? ›

TikTok allows you to target users based on your specific interests. This involves selecting categories or topics relevant to the target audience. For example, if a brand is promoting sportswear, it can target users interested in sports, fitness or fashion.

Can one make money on TikTok? ›

How do creators make money on TikTok? The most successful TikTok users make money through a combination of revenue streams that can include sponsorships, fundraising drives, product sales, and accepting tips. TikTok users can also promote products through an affiliate link to get paid directly from brands.

What is the main purpose of TikTok? ›

What is TikTok? TikTok is a social media platform for creating, sharing and discovering short videos. The app is used by young people as an outlet to express themselves through singing, dancing, comedy, and lip-syncing, and allows users to create videos and share them across a community.

Why is TikTok advertising important? ›

Easier To Reach Target Audiences

TikTok advertisem*nts are highly effective in driving people to your page, offering a number of different ad types. Statistics show that users tend to interact more on TikTok (6%) as compared to Instagram (1.41%).

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.