JJ and Kiara (2024)

JJ and Kiara are dating and members of the close-knit friend group, The Pogues, from the beginning of the show. They are both loyal, protective and long to live life to the fullest - they share the same dream of eventually leaving the Outer Banks to go travelling. It is implied from the first season that JJ has an attraction towards Kiara, and they have a flirtatious relationship. By the end of the second season, Kiara begins to realise her feelings for JJ after they discuss their shared future plans. In the third season, they grow closer during their time on Poguelandia, and although class differences place a strain on their relationship, they eventually confess their feelings for each other and kiss.


  • 1 History
  • 2 Throughout The Series
    • 2.1 Season 1
    • 2.2 Season 2
    • 2.3 Season 3
  • 4 Timeline
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 References


Before starting a romantic relationship, JJ and Kiara were friends since before the Pilot. They bonded over their shared aspiration to live life to the fullest and eventually leave the Outer Banks to travel the world, as well as their loyal and protective nature. Kiara feels great sympathy towards JJ's situation with his abusive father.

It is implied that before dating, JJ once attempted to initiate a romantic relationship between him and Kiara in the past, but received the impression that she wasn't interested. It didn't deter him from frequently flirting with her.

Throughout The Series[]

Season 1[]

JJ and Kiara are first seen as best friends who are members of The Pogues. Their interactions are fun, light-hearted and flirtatious - they dance together on the HMS Pogue, though when JJ dances into her chest, she playfully swats him away. She also places her pink sunglasses on him at a party.

JJ is noted as having a thing for Kiara, along with the other boys. When talking to John B, JJ describes her as a "super hot rich hippie chick slumming it with us". However, he knows that their relationship is only friendly, due his past advances being denied. JJ encourages John B to try things with Kiara, but seems to be happy when John B admits that Kiara only wants to be friends. Kiara asks John B if he told JJ about their kiss, to which John B said he had to as part of the Pogues' rules. John B asks her why she wanted to know, but Kie can't provide a legitimate reason.

At the Midsummers' party, when Rafe remarks that Kiara "looks pretty hot for a Pogue" JJ doesn't hesitate to try and attack Rafe, despite having been removed from the room moments earlier by security. As he is being dragged out of the party, Kiara loudly claims that she was the one who invited JJ, in an attempt to prevent him being kicked out. JJ encourages Kie to ditch the party with the Pogues and spins her around in his arms as they leave.

When Kiara refuses to work with Sarah Cameron and tells John B to choose between the two girls, JJ is certain to tell John B that he should pick Kie. He refers to the choice as a "no brainer" and that they "can't do this without Kie." He later helps trick Sarah and Kiara into sharing a boat together for the night in order to reconcile their differences.

Kiara is at first frustrated at JJ's choice to buy a hot tub with the money he stole, but she instantly comforts him when he reveals the bruises on his abdomen given to him by his father and starts to break down. She reassures him that she knows he just wants to do the right thing.

When Kie and Pope start to fight on the HMS Pogue, JJ tries to stop Pope from saying anything hurtful towards her. He eventually steps in between them when they start to fight, and forces Pope to walk away from Kie.

Kie and JJ embark on a solo mission to retrieve the Phantom. She offers to go inside JJ's house with him so that he doesn't have to face his dad alone, but he declines. They then pack food for John B and Sarah's escape together. When Barry and Rafe Cameron attack them in the boat shed, Kie attempts to pull Rafe off JJ even though it results in her getting strangled.

After saying goodbye to John B, JJ watches Kiara kiss Pope and looks visibly disheartened. He announces that he hates to ruin the moment but the three of them have to leave.

Season 2[]

In season two, JJ and Kiara are first seen when they create the “P4L” tree for John B with Pope.

On the first day of school, JJ has already started drinking when he, Kie, and Pope arrive. Kiara tells him to chill our and reminds him that they have to stick together, before pulling him along with her and Pope. During class, they receive a selfie of John B and Sarah in Nassau and JJ pulls Kiara into a hug.

While Pope is planting a smartphone in Gavin's car, JJ interrogates Kie about how her relationship with Pope is going and asks her how he compares to John B. Later, as they chase after Ward and Gavin, JJ opens the car door for her. He attempts to cover her mouth as she yells at Ward and they later argue when Kiara steps on his hand and blames him for the broken camera. JJ asks why Kiara always takes Pope's side but never his.

JJ and Pope discuss Kiara while she searches for the gun, and JJ encourages Pope to think properly about their relationship and gives him advice on how to impress her. They later save Kiara from drowning in the flooded sewer.

At the mechanic, Kiara opens up to JJ about her problems with her parents and her frustration that they plan to send her to boarding school because of her delinquent behaviour. She believes it's too late to change who she is, and JJ comforts her by saying that it "ain't all that bad". That night, he sees Kie kiss Pope on the cheek and turns away, hiding his downturned face in his cap.

Kie and JJ are forced to head back to her house after the Twinkie gets stuck and starts to drown in order to steal her Dad's truck. JJ is confronted by his Dad who asks for his son's help leaving the island. Kiara originally refuses to help Luke, but JJ holds her and explains that it won't take long and he needs her help, meaning she does give in. When her and Luke are left alone in the car, she asks him if he knows what a terrible father he is and if he has any idea how special his son is. She elbows him aggressively after he compares her to her mother. JJ later confronts Luke about it at the dock, claiming that his Dad ruins everything he has. Kiara walks JJ back with their arms around each other.

JJ and Kiara work together aboard the Coastal Venture, and Kie frequently has to break up bickering between JJ and the others. When trapped in a shipping container together, JJ talks about going on a surf trip once he receives the money from the gold. Kie comments that his plan sounds perfect and asks if she could come with him, to which he agrees. Later, they work together to lock the crew members aboard and find the cross.

Trying to escape the boat, they fight a crew member with a machete. In an attempt to protect Kiara, JJ jumps in the way of the machete and is knocked unconscious as he falls off the ship into the water. Kie knocks the man out and then immediately jumps into the water after JJ, trying to hold him afloat. She desperately tells him to stay with her, and apologizes for not being able to save him, implying that she believes they will both die there together.

Once upon the rescue boat when the others arrive, Kie is only focused on waking JJ up, even as the engine stalls and Rafe is shooting at them. When he does wake up, she says "hi" and JJ answers with "sup", before she playfully swats him on the head and then pulls him in for a hug.

Realising that they are stranded on Poguelandia, JJ reaches out his hand to help Kiara get up and agrees with her that they will go "full Pogue".

Season 3[]

In Season 3 , JJ and Kiara have been stranded on the island with the other Pogues for over a month, and during this time they have grown a lot closer to each other. JJ shares that he doesn't want to leave the island because he has everything he needs and Kiara compares it to the surf trip that they talked about previously. When Jimmy Portis comes to rescue the Pogues with his plane, both Kiara and JJ are reluctant to leave the island.

In the aftermath of the plane crash, Kiara is kidnapped by Carlos Singh, who is interested in the treasure of El Dorado. During this time, JJ is incredibly anxious and concocts many plans with the hopes of saving her, including offering himself up as a hostage. He considers any other discoveries irrelevant to the main goal of rescuing Kie. When she finally escapes, she organises to meet up with the Pogues again, and her and JJ reunite with a passionate hug. He tells her that he is glad she's safe, and she admits that she thought she would never see him again, before he reassures her again and they keep hugging.

On the boat journey home, Kiara tells JJ that whatever happens, they will handle it together like they always do. The two of them almost kiss, but Pope interrupts them. When talking to Pope, JJ doesn't deny that he and Kiara have got feelings for each other, but Pope tells JJ to do what he wants and he won't stop them.

Back in the Outer Banks, Kiara tries to talk to JJ about what is happening between them and they almost kiss again, until JJ questions what they're doing. He becomes distressed, telling her that they could never be together because of their class differences - he considers himself too much of a loser who has nothing to offer her, and so she shouldn't care. Despite Kie trying to reassure him that she does care about him, he tells her it is simply easy for her to say that because she's a Kook, before leaving abruptly on his motorcycle.

Later, when they meet up again at the Chateau, Kiara explains that she understands why he freaks out when people get close to him because she sympathises with his traumatic background. However, she doesn't accept him saying that she doesn't care about him, because it's not at all true. The two of them agree to forget everything that's happened between them, and call a truce to remain friends, even though it's obvious their feelings still remain.

Kiara's Dad, Mike Carrera, accuses JJ of leading his daughter astray, and insults JJ by calling him a liar and a thief, just like his father. In response, JJ steals Mike's money clip. Later, when Kiara and JJ are working together in Wilmington, she sees that he has stolen the money and accuses JJ of giving her parents ammunition to use against him.

During the police chase that follows, JJ deliberately makes an effort to get Kie to safety before he attempts more risky tactics on his motorcycle. He ends up in a dangerous accident, and Kiara becomes distraught at the idea that he could possibly be dead. When she realises he is alive, she insists that he never does that again.

After Mike has discovered JJ stole from him, he tells Kiara that she isn't allowed to see him again, to which Kiara agrees, although she is conflicted.

JJ originally tries to hide from her when him and John B gatecrash her parents' wedding anniversary party, but he eventually asks her to come join them on their rescue mission for Big John in South America. Kie tells him that she can't do that right now, and the only thing she has really wanted this whole time is simply to talk to him. As they start to argue, Kiara tells him that she loves him, but JJ reacts in disbelief and tells her that it wouldn't work between them.

When hanging out at the Chateau with the Pogues, JJ watches Kie playing ukulele and encourages her. Eventually, he tries to apologise for stealing from her dad, but they are interrupted by the Chateau being set on fire. Kiara does later ask him what he would've said to her if he got the chance, and JJ promises that he will tell her if she boards the plane to South America with them.

When Kiara doesn't show up for their plane, JJ insists on taking the Twinkie from John B to pick her up. Upon arriving at her house, JJ realises that Kie's parents have sent her to Kitty Hawk, and he accuses them of being Kooks. He later negotiates with Barracuda Mike that if he helps him and Kie get to South America, JJ will let him have a share of the gold.

At Kitty Hawk, JJ lies and says that he is Kiara's cousin delivering news about her dead cat as part of his escape plan. Kiara leaves him a message telling him which cabin to find her in. JJ breaks into said cabin, and before they escape together, admits that he is sorry. Kie simply responds by saying that she loves him, and this time JJ confesses that he loves her too. They kiss while the other girls at the camp clap and cheer.

They use a plane supplied by Barracuda Mike to get to El Dorado and reunite with their friends. They have tears in their eyes and wide smiles as they high five and holds hands on their way out.

In El Dorado, JJ frequently reassures Kiara that they will find their friends, and that even if they don't, they will be able to enjoy a vacation together.

They seem to still be together after the 18 month time jump.


Kiara: I love you. JJ: I love you too.

Kiara: What is wrong with you? Are you really acting like you don't care? I mean seriously, acting like I don't care. Like, I love you dude! JJ: What? Kie, great, thanks. No, look. It's not gonna work.

Kiara to JJ: You know, whatever happens we're gonna handle it together. Like we always do.

JJ: So glad you're safe!

Kiara: Oh my god. I didn't think I'd see you ever again!

JJ: Yeah, but I'm here now.

Kiara (talking to JJ about the surf trip): Sounds perfect. Got room for one more?

Kie to John B: Do you remember... when you kissed me? [..] Did you tell JJ?

JJ about Kie: Dude, of course, I'm hitting on her. She's a super hot, rich, hippie chick slumming with us. [..] I know that door's locked 'cause I've tried it.

JJ to John B (about Kie): It's a no brainer, you're picking Kie. [..] We can't do this without Kie and you know it.

Kiara to JJ (about bringing the gun): Oh wow thank you that's really convincing I love that JJ.

Kiara to Luke (about JJ): "Do you have any idea how special your son is, like even a clue?"

Kie to JJ (about going into his house): Do you want me to come? 'Cause I'll come.



  • JJ is the only guy Kiara said "I love you" to.
  • Kiara is the only girl JJ said " I love you" to.
  • They have both saved each other's lives more than once.
  • Kiara frequently calls JJ by the nickname 'Jayj'.



JJ and Kiara (2024)


Did JJ and Kiara sleep together? ›

In season 2 their relationship went to a new level after they slept together in episode 4, "Homecoming", but Kie eventually decided to keep things platonic. Simmering since the pilot episode, JJ and Kie had obvious chemistry, but they initially were not a good fit.

When did JJ start liking Kie? ›

During season 1, JJ hinted at his feelings when he told John B (Chase Stokes) he tried to explore a romance with Kiara.

What episode does JJ and Kiara say I love you? ›

JJ and Kiara Kiss in 'Outer Banks' Season 3JJ (Rudy Pankow) and Kiara (Madison Bailey) kiss (and say 'I love you') in the penultimate episode of 'Outer Banks' Season 3.

Does something happen between JJ and Kiara? ›

In the third season, they grow closer during their time on Poguelandia, and although class differences place a strain on their relationship, they eventually confess their feelings for each other and kiss.

Does Sarah cheat on John B? ›

Season 3 tests John B and Sarah's love for one another more than ever before, and Sarah eventually cheats on John B during a whirlwind night spent with her ex-boyfriend, Topper. "I was so scared about this storyline because I felt that inherently wasn't in Sarah's nature," Cline said.

Will Kiara and JJ be together in season 3? ›

JJ Maybank (Rudy Pankow) and Kiara Carrera (Madison Bailey) finally took their relationship to the next level during season 3 of Outer Banks.

Is Kiara a kook? ›

Kiara may look and act like a Pogue, but her family is actually from the wealthier side of the island. However, Kiara and her family are down to earth, and live a much more practical lifestyle than many of their fellow Kooks. Kiara can often be found hanging out with the other Pogues: John B, JJ, and Pope.

What does Kiara call JJ? ›

Character Discussion. Say what you want about Jiara, but I honestly think Kiara's nickname for JJ is kinda cute. She seems to almost always call him "Jage" now (Not sure how you would spell it, the wiki has it listed as JayJ) instead of JJ or J.

Did Kiara ever like John B? ›

Kiara flirts with John B and kisses him on the cheek at one point. Later on in the season he kisses her, thinking she likes him, but she doesn't kiss him back and turns him down. Kiara sometimes works at her father's restaurant, but most days is out on the boat or hanging out with The Pogues.

Do Pope and Cleo kiss? ›

When she quits the “No Love Club” and kisses Pope in the finale, she feels like all the trust they've built from the ground up is worth the risk of heartbreak for the first time in a long time.

Do Reid and JJ ever kiss? ›

Witness the electrifying chemistry between Spencer Reid and JJ as they share a passionate kiss. Explore the emotional depth of their relationship in this unforgettable scene.

What is JJ's real name? ›

Rudy Pankow (/ˈpɑːnkoʊ/) is an American film and television actor. He is most known for his role as JJ Maybank on the Netflix teen drama series Outer Banks. Ketchikan, Alaska, U.S.

Does Pope like Kie? ›

The romance was short-lived as they decided to remain friends. Near the end of the first season, Pope and Kie started to develop feelings for one another. After losing a scholarship and the Royal Merchant gold, Pope was drowning in his sorrows, which led him to confess his love for Kie.

Who does Pope date in Outer Banks? ›

Outer Banks season 3 reveals much more about Cleo (Carlacia Grant) as she joins the Pogues, and confirmation of her age becomes even more important thanks to her relationship with Pope (Jonathan Daviss).

Who did JJ sleep with? ›

Married At First Sight star JJ Slater has confirmed he did sleep with co-star Ella Morgan, despite initial denials. The 30-year-old fashion business owner was initially married to Bianca Petronzi, 29, on the hit E4 show.

Did Pope and Kiara have a thing? ›

They are supportive of each other, with Pope being extremely thoughtful when it comes to Kiara and her well-being. Even though Pope was in love with her, Kiara gave him a chance but she ended things because she only saw him as nothing but a friend and didn't feel the same for him.

Did JJ like Kiara in season 2? ›

Despite being with Pope for Season 2, it was clear that JJ and Kiara had a strong connection. Kiara seemed to be the only one always there for him through all of his struggles. They even joked about running away together if they were to get the treasure.

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