5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (2024)

This is the tastiest supermarket stollen, as judged by The Good Housekeeping Institute


5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (1)Tested by

Senior Food and Drink Tester

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5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (2)

Stollen makes a great alternative sweet treat to Christmas cake or panettone. The traditional German Christmas bread has a similar flavour profile, consisting of candied vine fruit and nuts, but it tends to be less dense than the festive fruitcake, and not as tall or light as its Italian counterpart.

The Good Housekeeping Institute has rounded-up the best shop-bought versions for 2023, so you can stock up safe in the knowledge you’re buying the best ahead of the big day.

Best stollen 2023

How we test stollen

The GHI presented a panel of experts and consumers with nine supermarket stollen in a bid to find the tastiest ones for 2023.

Each one was tasted blind to avoid brand bias and served as suggested. They were looking for well-balanced bakes with classic festive flavours, including soft, buttery sponge, nutty marzipan and dried fruit.

These were the ones that came out on top.


Best stollen

Waitrose Our Ultimate Stollen

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (8)

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (9)

Score: 77/100

Described as the perfect blend of brioche bread and cake, our winning stollen is packed with citrus peel, raisins and a generous slab of marzipan. Toasted almonds add a savoury contrast to the sweet vine fruit, which stops it tasting too sweet.


Joint runner-up stollen

ASDA Extra Special Spiced Rum & Brown Butter Flavour Stollen Wreath

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (10)

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (11)

Score: 76/100

Instead of the traditional loaf, ASDA has created a suitably festive wreath that's enfused with spiced rum. However, the classic flavours are still present, with a good ratio of nutty almond paste, sweet, dried vine fruit, creamy marzipan and toasted flaked almonds to finish.


Joint runner-up stollen and best budget

Aldi Specially Selected Luxury Stollen Loaf

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (12)

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (13)

Score: 76/100

Aldi’s sweet bake is heavy on the citrus peel, with the cinnamon and nutmeg spice fading into the background on the palate. The even dusting of icing sugar is a nice finishing touch.

Available 31st October 2023

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Tesco Finest Cherry & Almond Stollen

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (14)

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (15)

Score: 74/100

Tesco’s slight twist on the traditional recipe includes an abundance of sweet, juicy cherries, which complement the almonds well. Testers loved the squidgy sponge and enjoyed the light touch of cinnamon and nutmeg too. A top choice for amaretto fans — why not serve a glass alongside?


M&S Collection Stollen Loaf

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (16)

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (17)

Score: 70/100

Like Tesco’s entry (above), this festive loaf contains glacé cherries, almonds and marzipan for a hint of amaretto flavour. Some found the bread slightly dry, but the marzipan itself was rich and creamy, and the generous dusting of icing sugar creates a lasting visual impression.

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (18)

Tested byMaga Flores-Trevino

Senior Food and Drink Tester

Maga Flores-Trevino is our Senior Food and Drink Tester and has a real love for food innovation, specialising in new and upcoming vegan and vegetarian products as well as baked goods. Previously, she worked as a Food and Reviews Writer at BBC Good Food and olive magazines, testing and writing about hundreds of new products. She also covered taste tests, food and drink awards, restaurant reviews and food business and charity interviews. Before that, she was studying French and Italian at the University of Oxford. Her career in the industry started as a food team member at various hospitality events, volunteering in the kitchen at Homeless Oxfordshire and as a writer and editor of the food and drink section at The Oxford Student newspaper.

5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023 (2024)


5 of the best supermarket stollen for Christmas 2023? ›

Dresdner Stollen

A traditional German fruit bread from Dresden, known for its high-quality ingredients and distinctive shape.

What is the most popular stollen? ›

Dresdner Stollen

A traditional German fruit bread from Dresden, known for its high-quality ingredients and distinctive shape.

Does Trader Joe's sell stollen bread? ›

While not in stores just yet, these crisps are inspired by a German Christmas bread called stollen, which Trader Joe's also carries in stores during the holiday season.

How long does store bought stollen last? ›

What's the shelf life of the stollen? The shelf life of raisin stollen is 12 weeks, at 12-15°C (60-65°F) and 60-70% relative atmospheric humidity.

Which supermarket sells the best stollen? ›

  • Morrisons The Best Stollen Slices. Morrisons The Best Stollen Slices cost £3.50 for six, weighing 225g, which works out to 58p each. ...
  • Aldi Marzipan Stollen Bites. ...
  • Lidl Stollen Bites with Marzipan and Rum. ...
  • Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Stollen Slices. ...
  • M&S Food Collection Stollen Slices. ...
  • Tesco Finest Stollen Slices.
Nov 20, 2023

What do Germans eat with stollen? ›

Like you'd expect, you eat a Stollen in slices, often with your coffee or Christmas punch. Some people put butter and jam on it. As with just about every baked product in this part of the world, you find different varieties in Vienna.

Does Entenmann's make stollen? ›

Entenmann's Fruit Stollen is a seasonal favorite and a classic holiday tradition that has been loved and enjoyed for generations. The dense sweet cake and moist fruity texture makes for the perfect way to celebrate the holidays. Get yours today and leave it to Entenmann's to make your season bright!

Why is stollen so expensive? ›

Expensive ingredients like almonds, nuts, raisins, orange peel, essence of rose and rum were imported. Because the coronation occurred during the Christmas season, the bakers shaped the loaves to resemble a baby in swaddling clothes in respect for the Christ Child. Ask any baker: Stollen is a labor of love.

Is panettone the same as stollen? ›

Although their different shapes and textures suggest otherwise, panettone (tall and light) and stollen (long and dense) are made from a basic butter- and sugar-enriched yeast dough. Panettone typically contains candied orange peel and raisins; traditional stollen had candied lemon peel and dried cherries as well.

Does stollen bread need to be refrigerated? ›

No, generally you do not need to refrigerate or freeze your stollen. If you will not be eating the bread for a few months, you may want to store it in the freezer. Otherwise, storing your stollen at room temperature in a bread box or drawer will allow it to last for months.

What does stollen bread mean in German? ›

Stollen (German: [ˈʃtɔlən] or German: [ʃtɔln]) is a fruit bread of nuts, spices, and dried or candied fruit, coated with powdered sugar or icing sugar and often containing marzipan.

Is stollen eaten warm or cold? ›

Stollen is traditionally eaten at room temperature, with slices served either right away or very soon after being cut, but it's not rare to have it slightly warmed as well. In recent years it has become more and more common to have the slices toasted or microwaved before serving the bread.

Where is Aldi stollen made? ›

Stollen imported (but not stolen) from Germany. That was funny, and you know it. Ok, enough dad jokes. Aldi is nearly famous for their seasonal holiday stollen, so I was obligated to buy a loaf.

Should I toast stollen? ›

My new favorite way to enjoy Stollen is to slice it fairly thinly and then toast it under the broiler. I especially like Stollen with Marzipan and toasting this kind of Stollen softens the almond paste so it's creamy and warm. The toasting also brings out the nutty flavor and punches up the dried fruits.

Why is stollen bread so expensive? ›

Expensive ingredients like almonds, nuts, raisins, orange peel, essence of rose and rum were imported. Because the coronation occurred during the Christmas season, the bakers shaped the loaves to resemble a baby in swaddling clothes in respect for the Christ Child. Ask any baker: Stollen is a labor of love.

What city is famous for stollen? ›

Welcome to the Stollen Capital Dresden

With events that are much more than just enjoying the pastry, Dresden's stollen bakers and pastry makers successfully manage to create an adventure out of the craft and the tradition and thereby preserve it.

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