Frequently Asked Questions About Our Genuine Dresden Stollen (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Genuine Dresden Stollen (1)

Caring For Your Stollen FAQs

  • How long will my stollen last?

    Our family recipe was crafted before the existence of refrigerators. The ingredients in our stollen have been time-tested to ensure a long shelf life. If stored in a cool and dry place such as a bread box or drawer, your stollen will last for months. We use no artificial preservatives.

  • Do I need to refrigerate or freeze my stollen?

    No, generally you do not need to refrigerate or freeze your stollen. If you will not be eating the bread for a few months, you may want to store it in the freezer. Otherwise, storing your stollen at room temperature in a bread box or drawer will allow it to last for months.

  • Can I toast or microwave my stollen before eating it?

    Certainly. Many people prefer to warm individual slices of stollen in the toaster or microwave before eating.

  • What are the brown spots in the sugar coating on top of my stollen?

    Our raisins and citron are marinated overnight before being baked in our bread. After baking the fruit continues to release juices which moisten and flavor the stollen. If some of the fruit is close to the topping, these juices may make the sugar brown. They are perfectly edible and do not mean your stollen has gone bad.

    If your stollen has become discolored and you wish to improve the appearance, simply sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top before serving.

Ordering FAQs

  • What size should I order?

    If you eat a little stollen, order a one or two pounder; if you eat a lot of stollen, order a larger one. A good size for a hostess gift is a one pounder. If you are looking to send stollen as a gift to an individual or a couple, order a one or two pounder; if you're sending a stollen to a family for the holidays, order a three, four, or five pounder. View our "sizes and prices" for more information.

  • Why do I have to order by November 15th?

    We bake all of our stollen in November so they have time to mature before we deliver them. During this time the flavor of the fruit will soak into the bread and make the stollen more moist and delicious.

    We will bake our last stollen for the 2020 holiday season on the weekend of November 21st and 22nd. Only those orders placed before then are guaranteed to be reserved for specific customers. There will be some stollen available on a first-come, first-serve basis for orders placed after November 15th.

  • Why do you only sell stollen during the holidays?

    Stollen is traditionally eaten and exchanged during the holidays in Germany. We carry on this tradition by offering our stollen during this time of the year only.

  • What are your shipping costs?

    Our shipping costs are automatically calculated by UPS during the checkout process. They are based on the total weight of stollen being shipped to a particular address. All U.S. shipments are sent via UPS Ground


    Please contact us if you have questions about these costs.

  • What are your usual shipping dates to ensure my stollen arrives by Christmas?

    We generally ship our stollen to arrive approximately December 15th. If you would prefer an earlier or later delivery date, please note that on your order. We are happy to abide by your wishes.

  • Do you ship internationally?

    Unfortunately, we are no longer shipping internationally. In the past we sent stollen all over the world, but international shipments have become unreliable and expensive. We will reconsider this decision in the future if this changes.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Our Genuine Dresden Stollen (2)

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Genuine Dresden Stollen (3)

We have stollen loaves available in four sizes

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Genuine Dresden Stollen (4)

Who are the Maron Family Bakers?

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All rights reserved.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Genuine Dresden Stollen (2024)


Should stollen be refrigerated? ›

No, generally you do not need to refrigerate or freeze your stollen. If you will not be eating the bread for a few months, you may want to store it in the freezer. Otherwise, storing your stollen at room temperature in a bread box or drawer will allow it to last for months.

What are some interesting facts about stollen? ›

As a Christmas bread, stollen was baked for the first time at the Council of Trent in 1545, and was made with flour, yeast, oil and water. The Advent season was a time of fasting, and bakers were not allowed to use butter, only oil, and the cake was tasteless and hard.

How long can you freeze stollen? ›

Keep in a cold dry place, in a tin/container where it's covered but can breathe. Or fully bake the stollen and freeze, well wrapped in foil, for up to 1 month. The spice mix will keep in a sealed container for 3 months.

What is the shelf life of stollen bread? ›

Minimum shelf life from purchase:

Dresdner Christstollen ® – Raisin Stollen: at least 16 weeks. Almond stollen: at least 6 weeks.

What is the best way to eat stollen? ›

Serve sliced with good coffee, spreading on butter if it seems too dry. It can't be toasted, but a very light microwaving, so it is just warmed, can be very rewarding because the spices are energised to share their fragrances.

How to keep stollen moist? ›

Make sure to cover your bread in plastic food wrap to ensure it stays moist. On the other hand, if you want to keep your Stollen for longer than that, for example a year then it is safe to freeze. Our Stollen is made with only fresh ingredients and does not contain any preservatives.

Why is stollen so expensive? ›

Expensive ingredients like almonds, nuts, raisins, orange peel, essence of rose and rum were imported. Because the coronation occurred during the Christmas season, the bakers shaped the loaves to resemble a baby in swaddling clothes in respect for the Christ Child. Ask any baker: Stollen is a labor of love.

What does stollen mean in German? ›

Stollen, or Christstollen, is a baked Christmas loaf made from a heavy yeast dough mixed with a lot of butter, dried fruit and almonds.

How do Germans eat stollen? ›

Like you'd expect, you eat a Stollen in slices, often with your coffee or Christmas punch. Some people put butter and jam on it. As with just about every baked product in this part of the world, you find different varieties in Vienna.

Which supermarket sells the best stollen? ›

  • Morrisons The Best Stollen Slices. Morrisons The Best Stollen Slices cost £3.50 for six, weighing 225g, which works out to 58p each. ...
  • Aldi Marzipan Stollen Bites. ...
  • Lidl Stollen Bites with Marzipan and Rum. ...
  • Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Stollen Slices. ...
  • M&S Food Collection Stollen Slices. ...
  • Tesco Finest Stollen Slices.
Nov 20, 2023

Why is my stollen dry? ›

Stollen can often be dry and tasteless. The key in my recipe is to soak the fruit at least 24 hours before you want to make it. I would advocate even longer; 5-7 days if you can because the longer the better.

Can stollen last 10 months? ›

Stollen will last up to a year if you keep it frozen, but we recommend eating it within 6 months for best flavor.

Do you need to refrigerate stollen? ›

Storing the Stollen

The best way to store stollen is in a cool dark place like a bread box or pantry. Kept this way, our stollen will stay fresh throughout the holiday season.

What is the difference between panettone and stollen? ›

Panettone typically contains candied orange peel and raisins; traditional stollen had candied lemon peel and dried cherries as well. The extra fruit and sometimes even a layer of marzipan, plus added milk and flour, contribute to the compact shape of classic stollen versus the loftier panettone.

How do the Germans eat stollen? ›

Like you'd expect, you eat a Stollen in slices, often with your coffee or Christmas punch. Some people put butter and jam on it. As with just about every baked product in this part of the world, you find different varieties in Vienna.

Does stollen go stale? ›

Stollen will last up to a year if you keep it frozen, but we recommend eating it within 6 months for best flavor. At room temperature (under cool and dry conditions) stollen will last for weeks, but refrigeration will extend it's life substantially.

Is stollen served warm or cold? ›

Stollen is traditionally eaten at room temperature, with slices served either right away or very soon after being cut, but it's not rare to have it slightly warmed as well. In recent years it has become more and more common to have the slices toasted or microwaved before serving the bread.

Why is stollen bread so expensive? ›

Expensive ingredients like almonds, nuts, raisins, orange peel, essence of rose and rum were imported. Because the coronation occurred during the Christmas season, the bakers shaped the loaves to resemble a baby in swaddling clothes in respect for the Christ Child. Ask any baker: Stollen is a labor of love.

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